Let it Unfold

It’s been almost a year since God answered an angsty prayer by speaking to me in a dream. I’d found myself in a familiar situation—coordinating logistics for my family’s schedule and feeling frustrated that everyone wasn’t in sync. A tense conversation with one of my kids hadn’t ended well and I’d gone to bed discouraged. After tossing and turning for several hours, I fell into a fitful sleep while my brain continued to process a solution to our stalemate. 

My son’s lack of willingness to adjust to my plan was going to cost time and money as well as causing great inconvenience. Before falling asleep, I’d been weighing the different approaches I could use to get him to see the situation from my perspective. Exhausted, I eventually drifted off to sleep when, just before waking, calming words in a dream filled me with peace. I don’t think I heard the Lord audibly, but His message was clear: “Let it unfold.”

Pulling back the covers in the dawn light, I chose to trust God’s gentle voice as I anticipated the day ahead. Instead of trying to convince my son to get on board with my logistically “superior” plan, I held off and opted to let events unfold without intervening. A few months later, when the plans came to fruition, I understood what the Lord had been doing. The plan that, in my mind, had seemed illogical and inconvenient actually turned out to be God’s provision—a needed respite in an unexpected season of intensity in our family.

I view time as a precious commodity and see efficiency as the key to prevent wasting it. There’s nothing I love more than a well-crafted plan that works out exactly as I expect. But in the past year, the Lord has reminded me again and again of that phrase He gave me last summer: “Let it unfold.” When I’m tempted to speak up and step in to fix, suggest, or point out a better way to do something, I’m learning to pause and pray first. In my attempts to help others or improve situations, my proactivity can short-circuit the learning process for someone else. Worse still, it can squelch the Holy Spirit from moving or speaking.

We live in a fast-paced world and most of us don’t believe we have time to slow down and let things unfold, but that’s not the way of Jesus. When I’m tempted to rush or to force my plan on someone else, I’m reminded that Jesus was never in a hurry. He never rushed. Likewise, God never forces Himself or His plans on us. He waits patiently and delights when we choose to follow His ways instead of ours. I love how Jesus says this in The Message (a contemporary language paraphrase of the Bible): 

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Learning to “let it unfold” has been an exercise in restraint for the past year. But as I’ve held back and waited longer than I would have preferred, I’ve watched the Lord move and have witnessed His “unforced rhythms of grace” more times than I can count. Sometimes it’s with one of my adult kids, other times, it’s been with extended family, or people I serve with or lead in ministry. Letting things unfold has helped me avoid unneeded tension with others that often comes with unsolicited advice, unwelcome opinions, and forced decisions. The Lord has shed light on pride that leads me to see my way of doing things as “best.” He’s humbled me and helped me to recognize the beauty of letting others learn through experience instead of being subjected to my “helpful” suggestions. I’m still growing in patience but am seeing the positive results of trusting His timing instead of acting on my impulses. 

What about you? Are you ever tempted to intervene and fast track the learning process for someone else? Do you sometimes want to help others see the value of your perspectives or opinions whether they’re ready to listen or not? Are you quick to offer a suggestion or observation before inviting the Holy Spirit to intercede? Letting things unfold doesn’t mean doing nothing, but it does mean pausing to pray. Sometimes the Lord may prompt you to speak up or step in; at other times He’ll guide you to hold off and wait. Seeking His guidance enables you to be confident that you’re relying on God’s wisdom instead of your knee-jerk response.

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Strengthened with God’s Power

Recently I returned from a mission trip in Mexico. The week away from the normal comforts of home was both exhausting and inspiring. Our group adapted to riding on bumpy local buses to and from our worksites, doing manual labor without power tools, camping in tents, bathing with solar showers, and even using port-a-potties with a rather pungent aroma. But there was one comfort of home that most people couldn’t do without: cell phones. While they were used mostly for taking photos and communicating with family back home, they appeared to be the one convenience that was indispensable.

My first year on the trip, I was fortunate enough to be on a worksite with a foreman who had a truck and a phone charger. I never had to jockey for position at a power strip in camp during the few hours the generators were running. I remember scurrying to his truck one evening to plug in my phone. When I returned later, I was disappointed to discover that it hadn’t charged at all. A quick investigation revealed that the cord had been unplugged to make room for a different type of charger. I just hadn’t noticed in my haste. No matter how long my phone remained plugged into that cord, it was worthless without a power source.

And what is true for our all-important technology is even more essential in our spiritual lives. We simply can’t function well when we’re not consistently connected with our power source, God. Jesus describes this in John 15: ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, NIV) Maybe the twenty-first century version would sound like this: “I am the power source, you are the device. If you remain plugged into me, you will have the everything you need to fulfill my purposes; apart from me you can do nothing of spiritual significance.”

Paul writes a prayer about this very idea in the book of Colossians: “We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.” (Colossians 1:9b-12, NIV, italics added)

The prayers offered in this passage show the value and necessity of staying plugged into God. As we do that, we receive wisdom and understanding from the Spirit so that we bear fruit and grow, continually strengthened with His power so that we have endurance, patience, and joy.

As summer approaches, most of us look forward to a break from our regular routines. We anticipate the ease of a relaxing vacation at the beach, hiking mountain trails, or experiencing new cultures traveling abroad. Leisurely days with family, reading a book, or finally tackling projects on our to-do lists sound inviting after the rigors of the year.

What is unfortunate, however, is that for many of us a break from gathering for a large-group Bible study also equates with a break from our spiritual lives altogether. This is like hoping the charge on your phone will last throughout the summer without bothering to plug it in. It won’t.

So before you kick up your feet and revel in the newly opened spaces in your schedule, why not plan how you’ll stay connected to your power source during the break from your usual Bible study? Need some suggestions? Well, I’m glad you asked. Read all the way to the bottom before clicking on any of the links for more info. (Clicking on colored and underlined words will link you to more information about the specific titles or websites suggested below.)

  1. Choose a new devotional to read daily. Read and study the Scriptures referenced in it. Take the time to absorb and apply what it says.  Here are several I’d recommend:

2. Choose a book of the Bible and keep a journal. ESV Illuminated Scripture Journals work well for this. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, 1,2 & 3 John would all be great options. After each chapter, stop and answer these four questions:

  • What does this teach me about God
  • What does this teach me about myself?
  • What do I need to do as a result of reading this passage?
  • What character qualities do I see in God displayed in this passage? (Questions adapted from Finding I Am by Lysa TerKeurst)

3. Choose a Bible study to go through or finish a Bible study workbook that you didn’t complete during the year. Invite a few friends to do it with you and schedule times when you can meet during the summer to discuss what you’re learning. Text or e-mail each other in between meetings so you can spur each other on.  Here are several I’d recommend:

4. Read a book to gain deeper insight and biblical perspective from a trusted Christian author.  Here are a few I’d recommend:

5. Listen to podcasts filled with biblical truth, wisdom, and inspiration. Here are a few I’d recommend:

6. Subscribe to an online study or devotional from one of your favorite Christian authors. You can start by subscribing to this blog if you don’t already. I’ll be posting throughout the summer. Log onto my website www.marybethmccullum.com, look at the right side of the screen and you’ll see the heading “Subscribe to Blog Via E-mail.” Fill in your e-mail address and click the “subscribe” button. Be sure to confirm your subscription the first time you receive an e-mail from my website. 

Whatever ideas you decide to try, make it a priority to continue engaging your faith. My prayer is that you’ll stay plugged into Jesus and Scripture during the summer months with the same consistency that you charge your electronic devices. Happy summer!

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Your Kingdom Come

Almost every morning I start the day reading the Bible and praying. Typically, I end my time by asking the Lord to use me to bless others, to build His kingdom, and to bring Him glory. Some days it’s obvious when He’s answering this prayer, but it isn’t always convenient or comfortable. 

In the first chapter of the Bible study When You Praycontributing author Kelly Minter says, “Whether we pray to be noticed or don’t pray so we aren’t noticed, both have to do with fear of people instead of reverence for God.”She then asks us to consider settings where we might avoid prayer out of concern for what others think.

A recent memory came to mind when God answered my morning prayer with an unexpected prompting. It was one of those times when my heart started pounding because I knew what He wanted me to do, but I didn’t want to do it. I was enjoying a fun morning playing Pickle Ball with a large group of women. Some I knew well, but many were new to me. Some were followers of Jesus, others weren’t. I’d joined the group hoping to meet people and have opportunities to show God’s love, but hadn’t envisioned Him leading me to be quite so bold.

On this particular day, a woman I barely knew arrived late and sat waiting to play as others chatted around her. Although typically soft-spoken, she seemed more subdued than usual. As the group began to disperse she remained planted in her spot; even when another friend and I were the only ones left, she seemed in no rush to leave. Without a fourth person to play a game, we laid our paddles aside. But instead of saying goodbye, we asked if she was okay and then sat in the shade listening as she opened up about frustrations and struggles that were overwhelming her. 

Brushing away the tears from her cheeks, she apologized for being emotional and picked up her paddle to leave. Although she’d come to play Pickle Ball, it seemed clear what she really needed was support and encouragement. My heartbeat quickened as the Holy Spirit reminded me of my prayer that morning. After a few minutes of mental grappling, I couldn’t ignore the pounding of my heart any longer. The prompting of the Holy Spirit overrode my fear and, having no idea how she’d react, I heard myself saying, “This might sound weird, but can we pray for you before you leave?” To my surprise, she agreed without hesitation. Eying my friend who sat listening with me, I took another risk and asked, “Do you mind if we lay our hands on you?” Nodding yes, she bowed her head as we scooted in closer to rest our palms on her shoulders.

I don’t remember exactly what I prayed, but my fear about what she would think vanished. I asked God for His intervention with her specific circumstances, but I remember praying more that she would feel His peace, love, comfort, and presence.  After saying “amen” we chatted for a few more minutes with no trace of awkwardness or discomfort between us.  She thanked us and moved on with the day seeming lighter than she’d come.

A few weeks went by before I saw her again and had the chance to ask how she was doing. Between games I sought her out. With the background noise of women chatting and the ball popping against paddles, we stood on the sidelines as she recounted how each issue had resolved. Pausing mid-sentence, she interrupted herself and said, “Wow, now that I think about it, I guess your prayers were answered.” 

I had asked God to use me that morning and He teed up an opportunity. Imagine what my new friend and I would’ve missed if I’d ignored the Spirit’s prompting instead of risking to pray for her. I wish I could say I’m always that bold, but I’d be lying. However each time I’ve responded to the Spirit’s gentle but insistent nudging, my faith has grown and someone else has been blessed in the process.

The Disciples’ Prayer (also known as the Lord’s Prayer) taught by Jesus starts with “Our Father in heaven, your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9b-10, CSB) I used to think the phrase “your kingdom come” was all about the future when Christ returns. I didn’t understand that every follower of Jesus has the opportunity to bring God’s kingdom to earth every day. Theologian Dallas Willard explains, “The kingdom of God is the range of his effective will: That is, it is the domain where what he prefers is actually what happens.”2

So, when we obey the promptings of the Spirit we’re carrying out His will–we’re bringing a little bit more of His kingdom to earth at that very moment. Shining His light into the darkness, we’re taking back territory from the enemy. That’s one of the many powerful ways prayer works.

I’ve been learning how to pray and practicing it for all of my adult life. Scripture gives us the keys to unlock understanding God’s will so that we can pray with boldness and confidence. When we’re aligned with His Spirit, we have access to His unlimited power. Tapping into that power requires us to try engaging God in new ways, stepping out of our comfort zones, and trusting Him. Prayer isn’t so much about asking the Lord to do what we want as it is about opening an ongoing dialogue with Him. As we draw near to Him and align our hearts with His, He speaks to us in a variety of ways. It may be through the Bible, circumstances, other people, His creation, silence, or song lyrics, to name a few. (You can learn more about this by reading How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig.)

Over the next few months we’ll delve into the deep wisdom of six teachers who will help us unpack prayers in the Bible that can transform the way we engage with God. During this season, consider choosing one practice to add to your daily rhythm that will expand your experience with prayer. Here are few ideas:

  • Commit to practicing the prayer prompts in When You Pray instead of skipping over them to save time or mental energy.
  • Start your day with a few minutes of silence and becoming attuned to God’s presence. Invite Him to speak to you throughout your day.
  • Start and/or end your day with a time of meditation on God’s Word and quiet prayer. If you’re not sure what to do, try using an app like Lectio 365 (created by Pete Greig– the author mentioned above).

I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store to grow us deeper in our walks with Him.

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  1. Kelly Minter, When You Pray, Lifeway Press 2023, 18.
  2. Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy, Harper Collins-Books, 399.

“In Between” Times

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” (Acts 13:2-3, ESV) Launching on the first missionary journey in the history of the Christian faith, Saul and Barnabas set out from the church in Antioch to spread the gospel to the ends of the known Roman empire in the first of three missionary journeys.

“It has been 12 years since Paul’s conversion (Acts 9), and his ministry begins at last. For 12 years he has been in the background, preparing for the work God had called him to.” Often, when we’re reading Scripture, we move from one event to the next without realizing how much time has elapsed between them. This is easy to do when in just one chapter (Acts 13) Saul and Barnabas strike an evil magician with temporary blindness, bring a powerful proconsul to faith in Jesus, share the gospel and see many believe in a synagogue in Antioch in Pisidia, and shake the dust off their feet as they’re persecuted and driven out of town.

Reading one amazing occurrence after another might tempt us to overlook the “in between” times. But those action-packed events were preceded by long, slow processes the Lord used to deepen Saul’s faith, lead him to spiritual maturity, and equip him to be God’s chosen instrument.

Seeing that twelve years elapsed between Saul’s conversion and his first missionary journey prompted me to consider what I was doing twelve years ago. Looking back, I see how the Lord used that time to prepare me for what’s happening in my life today. Combing through old photos, files on my computer, and Bible studies I’ve completed, I’m astounded to realize how much I’ve learned, experienced, and grown since then. Some pictures brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.

One photo captures my ten and twelve-year-old sons and my mom. With fresh crew cuts, they’re beaming as their grandmother holds an umbrella over them during a sudden cloudburst on a family trip to Washington D.C.

My sons aren’t old enough in the photo to have any trace of the teenage angst that we’d contend with later. My mom is healthy and vibrant with no signs of the physical decline that would plague her over the subsequent nine years. When that photo was taken, some of my most difficult experiences hadn’t happened yet. And while I didn’t enjoy the hard moments that would come to pass, I do see how God used them to teach me greater dependence upon Him. 

Twelve years ago, a Barnabas in my life gave me my first opportunity to write a blog. I almost said “no” because I was overwhelmed with a house remodel that was going terribly wrong. I didn’t know God would use that mess to expose some ugly aspects of my character He wanted to refine. Twelve years ago, I hadn’t yet attended a writer’s conference and had no idea that I’d be given the opportunity to write two Bible studies or be invited to serve as a leader in Women’s Ministries. I hadn’t started teaching women at church and wouldn’t have guessed I’d be leading the group of gifted speakers that I serve with today. Twelve years ago, I didn’t know a friend would ask me to lead a Bible study with her, inviting acquaintances from school and the sidelines of youth sports into her home to discover the truth of the gospel. I see now that the Lord used many different encouragers to draw out gifts and knowledge He’d placed in me to impact others.

So many rich, challenging, and rewarding experiences have come to pass in a little over a decade. I can see how God used each one to open my spiritual eyes and deepen my understanding of Him. It happened slowly, though, one step of obedience at a time.

As I was walking down memory lane, I found some notes I’d written tucked in an old Bible study book that I worked through with a friend one summer. I am amazed at the list of things I wanted to remember from it. Here are a few that stand out to me:

  • Anyone who takes the time to enter an intimate relationship with God can see Him do extraordinary things in his or her life.
  • God never asks people to dream up something to do for Him—He already has a plan.
  • God develops my character to match the assignment He has for me. This takes time!
  • Give yourself to an obedient love relationship with God. He will impact those around you. 
  • Blessing others is a byproduct of my obedience and experience with God.
  • When the Spirit speaks, I need to respond right away.
  • How I do something is as important to God as what I do.
  • The Holy Spirit prepares us for things to come.
  • God will let you know what He is doing in your life when and if you need to know.
  • When God gets ready for you to take a new step or direction in His activity, it will always be in sequence with what He has already been doing in your life. Every act of God builds on the past with a view toward the future.
  • God builds your character in an orderly fashion with a divine purpose in mind.2

Statements that resonated with me eleven years ago have jumped off the page and into my life since then– giving me firsthand experiences proving they are true. I’ve learned over and over that what we do with the “in between times” matters. Every moment we invest in studying Scripture, praying, worshipping, serving, discovering and using our spiritual gifts, and building Christian community lays a foundation for what the Lord has in store next.

Why not spend a few moments looking back at your spiritual history? How has the Lord prepared you for what He’s doing through you today? Whether you have an abundance of examples or only a few, right now is the perfect time to pray and invite the Spirit to deepen your faith and lead you to whatever He’s preparing you for next.

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1. Acts Part 2: The Gospel Goes Out, Kelsey Hency, Elizabeth Woodson, Nathan Campbell, Jenni Hamm, Krystal Brummitt, The Village Church 2020, 17.

2. Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King, Lifeway Press, 2007.

Against the Current

Part 1: Obeying God Rather Than Men

Gentle waves lapped at my ankles as I waded into the water clutching my boogie board. My two older brothers stood nearby cautioning me to let them test the conditions first. As a stubborn middle schooler, I was convinced this was a ploy to ditch me. They relented to prove me wrong and, with reluctance, beckoned me to join them. Within minutes we were caught in a powerful rip current, unable to paddle further out to the waves or to get back to the beach. Our only option was to swim toward a lava bed nearby. Within arms’ reach of our destination, a set of waves rolled in and heaved us onto the jagged shore. Gasping for air, I had no strength to fight the receding water pulling me back out. Had my brother not reached down and caught my wrist, I’m not sure I would have made it to safety. 

You probably know how difficult it is to swim counter to a strong current. Whether it’s literal or metaphorical, you understand how moving in opposition to an extreme force saps your strength and leaves you feeling helpless.

Maybe that’s why Peter and the other apostles inspire me so much in the book of Acts. Time and time again, they choose to paddle against the current of their culture for the sake of the gospel. One of the best examples is their reply to the Jewish elders who order them to cease preaching about Jesus. With boldness, they respond: “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29b, ESV) Their confident and unwavering stance sets the tone for all followers of Jesus to remain steadfast in obedience to God despite persecution, ridicule, and rejection.

So how do we know when God is calling us to swim against the current? This can be a bit confusing since in most cases, Scripture calls followers of Jesus to obey human authorities (Romans 13:1–21 Peter 2:13–14Titus 3:1Hebrews 13:17). We’re also urged to pray for those in power (1 Timothy 2:1–2Romans 13:6–7). However, there are situations when human law or current culture contradicts God’s clear commands in the Bible. In those instances, we need to align with the Lord, even when following people or laws with lower standards would be easier.

Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” Rather than defaulting to the path of least resistance in our culture, followers of Jesus need to seek understanding in challenging and confusing issues. John, who paddled against the current throughout Acts later wrote: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:15-17, ESV)

Like Peter and the other apostles in Acts 5, we need to know and apply God’s Word when the world pressures us to affirm what the Bible condemns. It’s vital that we learn about thorny issues that make us uncomfortable by exploring the Bible, praying, and seeking wisdom from the Spirit—especially when the godly response isn’t clear cut. Peter explains this when he writes: “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:15-17, ESV italics added for emphasis) 

Swimming against the current requires strength, wisdom and trustworthy companions. Consider where you may be prone to letting the current of our culture determine your views and responses. Ask the Lord to show you anywhere that you’re compromising with the world. Invite Him to give you greater understanding so you can align with His will. Then pray for the courage to take action on what He shows you. 

Part 2: Applying Truth Wisely

One word of caution: swimming against the current of the mainstream doesn’t automatically mean we’re aligned with Scripture. There are several mindsets that can lead us into faulty thinking–damaging our credibility as witnesses and hurting others. Here are several perspectives we’d be wise to avoid:

Falling into legalism. Webster’s Dictionary defines legalism as “strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code.” Relying primarily on opinions of one specific person, taking random Bible verses out of context, or automatically applying one principle to multiple situations veers us towards legalism. Legalism is a shortcut that limits deep thinking, overlooks prayer, fosters self-righteousness, and squelches spiritual discernment. These practices tend to make us harsh, judgmental, and insensitive. They lead us to focus on condemning others instead of discerning godly responses to them. We can avoid being legalistic by maintaining a teachable spirit, seeking wisdom in prayer, and examining Scripture thoroughly. Legalism often eliminates love and excuses bad behavior. Peter counters this saying: “The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:7-8, ESV)

Following false teachers. Believers must be knowledgeable about Scripture so they can recognize faulty teaching. There are many leaders and influencers who swim against the current in unbiblical ways. They mix a little bit of Scripture with a lot of worldly wisdom. False teachers use Christian language we recognize in ways that it was never intended. Often, they are funny, relatable, winsome, and compassionate. If you hear a wildly different interpretation of Scripture that seems to affirm ideas contrary to anything else you’ve learned, it’s time to do some research. Peter writes an entire chapter about this: “there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.” (2 Peter 2:1b-2, NIV)

Forgetting the real enemy. Swimming against the current sometimes fosters an “us versus them” mentality. It’s easy to slip into this mindset when we encounter people who think and act differently from us. Rather than drawing lines and becoming offended or condemning, we need to remember that people aren’t the true enemy, Satan is: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12, NIV) The apostle Paul gives clear wisdom for how to respond to those who differ from us: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”  (Romans 12:14-18, ESV)

Our culture today stands divided on many issues that are destroying families, ending friendships, and causing deep hurt. As followers of Jesus, our obedience to God matters more than anything else—but that shouldn’t be an excuse for poor behavior. We’ve received the power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of Jesus’ work in our lives. We’re called to a higher standard, so let’s swim against the current while avoiding these common pitfalls. Instead, let’s strive to reveal God’s love to a world that desperately needs hope that only the gospel can give.

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www.marybethmccullum.com: Against the Current

Praying Like Moses

Throughout their travels in the desert, the Israelites continually shift back and forth between praising God and whining about hardships. When they reach the base of Mt. Sinai, Moses climbs to the top of the mountain to meet with God. There, the Lord speaks to Moses and gives him laws for the people to follow.  Moses spends forty days on the mountain talking with God and during the time he’s gone, the people become restless. Under the leadership of Aaron, they follow the example of the Egyptians by making a golden statue of a calf and worshipping it. (They may have copied this practice from the Egyptians’ worship of a bull-god named Apis).1

Moses returns from Mt. Sinai after spending forty days in the presence of the LORD to find the Israelites running wild. They’ve already forgotten the miracles of the Red Sea and the manna. Instead, they’re worshiping a golden calf and spinning out of control in pagan revelry. Enraged, Moses throws down the two stone tablets on which God carved the Ten Commandments. During the mayhem that follows, Moses calls together the people who remain faithful to the LORD. All the members of the tribe of Levi respond and together with Moses, they kill 3000 people who are unfaithful to God.  At this point, Moses returns to the Lord on the mountain to make atonement for the sins of the rest of the people.

During his time on the mountain, Moses has an inspiring conversation with God. He makes requests of the Lord that show how much he’s grown in trust since their first encounter at the burning bush. Moses reveals deep faith and gives us a pattern we can follow in our own prayer lives. 

Teach Me Your Ways: Moses says to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.’” (Exodus 33:12b-13, NIV) Have you ever thought about making a request to God like this? Consider asking the Lord to teach you His ways by:

  • asking Him to increase your desire and ability to study His Word
  • asking God to show you how to incorporate His ways into your daily life
  • asking for courage or strength to implement any changes you sense He’s calling you to make so you can find favor with Him

Don’t Send Us Without You: During their conversation the Lord also tells Moses He will send an angel with the Israelites instead of going with them to the promised land. Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? ’” (Exodus 33:15-16a, NIV) Moses says he will not move forward without God’s presence. Is there an area in your life where you would be wise not to move forward without the Lord? For example: 

  • making a big decision that will impact you or your family significantly such as a job change, buying or remodeling a home, moving, choosing a college, or getting married.   
  • embarking on a ministry assignment such as leading, speaking, teaching, serving, giving, or going on a mission trip. 
  • having a hard conversation with someone about an important topic

Distinguish Me from All Other People: Moses asks the Lord: “What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:16b, NIV) As believers, we’re called to be set apart. We’re in the world but not of the world. Try asking God to distinguish you from others by:

  • using you as a light among you family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and strangers
  • praying you will stand out to the world in positive ways and will draw others to the Lord
  • giving you confidence to swim against the current of secular culture

Show Me Your Glory: Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” (Exodus 33:18, NIV) Consider asking God to show you His glory by:

  • inviting Him to reveal Himself to you so that you can know and understand Him more deeply
  • asking for spiritual understanding to see beyond immediate circumstances that are confusing, frustrating, or discouraging
  • helping you to see His glory through the things He’s created or given you (nature, good health, community, relationships, material resources, etc.)

The Lord grants Moses’ requests and then describes His character. He reveals Himself as loving, faithful, powerful and just: “And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’” (Exodus 34:6-7, NIV)

We have the gift of unrestricted access to our powerful and gracious God. Let’s follow Moses’ example and make the most of this incredible privilege.

Third Day’s song “Show Me Your Glory” sets Moses’ request of the Lord to music. Click here to listen and make it your prayer today.

Want to learn more about the Lord’s response to Moses in Exodus 34? Consider reading God Has a Name by John Mark Comer. Click here for more information.

Inspired by God of Freedom by Jen Wilkin, Lifeway Press 2022, Week 9.

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1. NIV Study Bible notes, Zondervan 2008 update, p. 135.

Carrying the Wilderness with You

Hiking was one of the main activities my family enjoyed when I was growing up. Sometimes my dad liked forging his own trails and taking us “overland.” He led the way with confidence, but the paths he chose rarely ended where we expected. I remember one afternoon when we trampled through knee-high, brittle grass trying to find our way back to the car. The sun dipped behind the hills as we trudged along, shivering in the waning light. As we reached the gravel parking lot complaining of aching feet and rumbling bellies, the first stars twinkled in the night sky. That’s probably the closest I’ve come to wandering in the wilderness in a literal sense.

Bible teacher Kristi McClelland explains: “We often think of a desert or wilderness as something we want to get out of. But the Jewish people view the desert as the place where the Lord often meets His people and speaks to them.”1 The Israelites experience this after leaving Egypt under Moses’ leadership. In the desert God shows them His character and demonstrates His care for them. The events they witness reveal the Lord’s power, presence, protection, and provision. A glance at the first four chapters of Exodus provides ample evidence:

-The Lord fights for them: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14)

-The Lord surrounds and protects them: “Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them.” (Exodus 14:19)

-The Lord makes a way for them: “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.” (Exodus 14:21-22)

-The Lord provides food for them: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’” (Exodus 16:11-12)

-The Lord provides water for them: “I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” (Exodus 17:6)

-The Lord protects them from enemies: “Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner. He said, ‘Because hands were lifted up against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.’” (Exodus 17:15-16)

The Israelites’ time in the wilderness gives them tangible, personal, and specific evidence of the Lord’s hand at work in their lives. No wonder Kristi McClelland says the Middle Eastern perspective asks: “How do I carry the wilderness with me?” and “How do I remember the word the Lord taught me in the wilderness?”2

Although I’ve had limited experience wandering in the actual wilderness, there have been many times when I’ve metaphorically found myself in the desert—times when I’ve felt lost, discouraged, and unsure how to proceed. Although they were difficult seasons, I look back on them with gratefulness because of how I encountered the Lord. That’s why Kristi McClelland’s words resonate with me: “In the desert—the wilderness—God meets you and teaches you unique lessons that these dry and barren places frame in a way no other place would. In the Middle Eastern culture, the wilderness is seen almost as a sacred place, a place of intimacy where God speaks a ‘word’ to you.”3  

In the desert of my freshman year of college, the Lord met me in my loneliness and taught me to pour out my heart to Him and He became my closest confidante. During the wilderness of discouragement and depression in young motherhood, God beckoned me to seek Him for comfort and He became my shelter in storms. More recently, I wandered in the desert after an intense season in my life came to a close. Leading up to it, I’d been stretched to the limit for over two years managing care for my mom as her health declined. When she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, four months of daily visits and constant monitoring of her medical needs consumed me. After my mom passed away, my sister and I spent six months sorting the contents of our family home and preparing to put it on the market. 

Although I’d been grieving all along, the magnitude of what I’d experienced fully caught up with me only after my mom’s house sold. Instead of being relieved, I felt untethered, adrift and unsure how to move forward. As I turned to the Lord for wisdom, He coaxed me to rest and grieve. He helped me to see that my constant productivity had shielded me from fully experiencing my grief. He impressed upon me the wisdom of Psalm 46:10: “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (NASB 1995) My time in the wilderness provided much-needed margin to process, pray, and find comfort in the Lord’s presence. Eventually it also allowed me space to hear from Him and discern what He was calling me to next.

Desert seasons feel disorienting and uncomfortable; we’re not sure which path to take or what our destination will be. We may not enjoy them, but they are incredible opportunities to grow in trusting the Lord. So, instead of asking “Why?” or “How long?” we’d be wise to invite God to teach us and reveal Himself to us. Seeking the Lord in the wilderness instead of rushing through it enables us to grow deeper in faith and equips us with tools we can use and share with others. I’ve seen the God’s power and felt His strength during wilderness seasons in ways I never would have experienced in times of ease and comfort. 

“The Lord drew Israel into the desert and spoke to her there. The place that seemed to only represent barrenness became one of restoration and redemption, of covenant pledge, of love everlasting…The Lord often speaks to His people in a special way in wilderness seasons.”4  Will you let Him do the same for you? 

Click here and be encouraged by Jeremy Camp’s song “Wilderness”

Do you know someone in a wilderness season who would be encouraged by this post? Consider forwarding it to them today.

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  • 1. Kristi McClelland, Jesus & Women: In the First Century and Now, Lifeway Press, 2019, 22.
  • 2. ibid, p. 23
  • 3. ibid, p. 22
  • 4. ibid, p. 26

God in Present Tense

Tending sheep alone in the desert, eighty-year-old Moses first encounters the Lord when he investigates a burning bush that remains intact despite the flames. A voice from the fire speaks to Moses and identifies Himself as the God of his forefathers. The Lord tells him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites from their 400 years of slavery. Obviously, Moses has a few reservations about what God asks him to do:

Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’  God also said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you. This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.’” (Exodus 3:13b-15, NIV) 

As a former English teacher, I tend to notice writing elements that others overlook—like verb tenses. Studying Exodus, I’ve been pondering God’s name and the fact that instead of calling Himself “I was” (past tense) or “I will be” (future tense), He refers to Himself in the present tense as “I AM.” In this same conversation, the Lord reassures Moses saying, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12) Over a thousand years after Moses, an angel appears to Joseph in a dream to tell him about Jesus’ birth. He says, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us).” (Matthew 1:23, NIV) God’s present tense name reminds us of His presence with us in every moment.

For the past few years, I’ve been choosing one word to pray for consistently from January to December. This year I sensed God inviting me to choose the word “presence.” Too often I miss how He is at work in the present because I’m distracted, distressed, or disengaged. So, I’ve been praying for a greater awareness of God’s presence in each day. Doing this slows me down and helps me to be more observant. Consciousness of God’s presence enables me to recognize His character displayed in creation, to notice answers to prayer, and to sense when He’s prompting me to take action. 

Reading Sarah Young’s devotional Jesus Calling has also inspired me to be more attuned to God’s presence daily. Using Scripture to inspire her words, she writes as if Jesus speaks directly to readers. Each day’s entry encourages us to marinate in God’s Word and to enjoy His presence. There are many benefits to doing this. I’ve included a few below along with quotes that I’ve highlighted in her book over the years.

Engaging God’s presence brings peace: “Refresh yourself in the Peace of My Presence…because I am your constant companion, there should be a lightness in your step that is observable to others. Do not be weighted down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am your burden bearer.” (January 3, inspired by Psalm 31:19-20 & John 16:33)

Engaging God’s presence brings perspective: “When My Presence is the focal point of your consciousness, all the pieces of your life fall into place. As you gaze at Me through the eyes of your heart, you can see the world around you from My perspective. The fact that I am with you makes every moment of your life meaningful.” (January 28, inspired by Matthew 28:20 & Psalm 139:1-4)

Engaging God’s presence keeps us from projecting our fears into the future: “I will get you safely through this day and all your days. But you can find me only in the present.” (February 3, inspired by Romans 8:31, 2 Corinthians 4:18 & Genesis 16:13-14)

Engaging God’s presence gives us guidance and clarity: “Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective…Seek me first and foremost, then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.” (March 8, inspired by 1 Chronicles 16:11, & Matthew 6:33)

In Exodus, Moses witnesses God’s presence in a burning bush that isn’t consumed by the flames. In the book of Acts, God’s presence appears again in the form of fire: “When the day of Pentecost came, [the disciples] were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1-4, NIV) It’s incredible to realize that the same Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples in the past lives within every person who follows Jesus in the present (see John 14:15-27).

Despite this amazing reality, I forget to marvel at God’s holy presence living within me. Instead, my interactions with the Lord become transactional; I go to Him not to enjoy His presence, but to ask for what I need or want. It’s convicting to recognize I often seek results more than relationship. If you can relate, click here and listen to the song “This is the Air I Breathe.” Let it inspire you to revel in God’s presence living within you at this very moment.

Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, Thomas Nelson, 2004.

Post inspired by Jen Wilkin’s God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1-18, Lifeway Press, 2021.

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Experiencing God in Creation

I remember the first time I heard the term “screen time.” My boys were little and a wise friend encouraged me to set specific limits on how many minutes they were spending in front of screens each day. Back then, it was mostly TV shows and computer games since smart phones, tablets, and social media hadn’t been invented yet. 

Since those days, the amount of time people spend on screens has increased exponentially. As much as I want to limit them in my life, it’s not unusual to find me glued to my computer, phone, or tablet as I’m writing, posting, texting, scrolling, reading, researching, listening, or watching.  Much of the content I focus on builds my faith and equips me to lead and serve. There’s an endless trove of resources online to learn about God and to grow spiritually, but it’s impossible for me to keep up. I could spend every day scanning new blog posts, video teachings, podcasts, articles, and book reviews and still have more to discover. And even though I’m usually learning about biblical topics from godly people, I find myself feeling on overload at times.

Trying to process the content I’m encountering overwhelms me when I try to ingest too much at once. When that happens, I know it’s time to power down and head outside where I can simply be with God. Nature opens a window to understanding God’s character by noticing all that He’s created. In fact, Scripture tells us we don’t need books or screens to learn about the Lord:

“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.” (Job 12:7, ESV) 

I took a hike in the foothills recently with my husband and purposely left my phone on the kitchen counter.  Needing a respite from the constant inputs of technology, it was a relief to be reminded of God’s goodness and to feel His presence in creation. As we plodded along a familiar trail, the array of sights, sounds, and smells reminded me of the Lord’s tremendous creativity. No matter how many times we hike the same path, there’s always something new and different to see because He’s constantly at work.

Enjoying a panoramic view at the top of a steep incline spoke of God’s grandeur and vastness. I was reminded that “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17, NIV)

Crouching beside the trail to study the intricacy of a white flower with delicate red accents revealed His attentiveness to detail. As we continued, the colors, shapes, and sizes in the array of flowers along the trail captivated me. (Although I hadn’t brought my phone, my husband had, enabling me to capture photos throughout our hike.)

As we walked along the trail, flowers in brilliant red, deep violet, golden yellow, and soft orange told me that the Lord values beauty and variety. I especially loved finding orange poppies that are unique to our state and yellow globe daffodils that are indigenous to the mountain near our house. They showed me each creation God makes is distinctive in some way.

Author and pastor David Paul Tripp sums it up saying: “The radical truth of the existence of God isn’t just preached to us on Sunday; it’s preached every day through the beauty of the sunset, the power of the storm, the inexhaustible wings of the hummingbird, the hugeness of the mountain, the whisper of the breeze, the smell of the sizzling steak, the beauty of the petal of a rose, and so on. The power and clarity of creation’s message leaves no human being with an excuse. You have to work to deny God’s existence because it is so readily visible everywhere you look.”*

Tripp’s comments refer to this passage from Romans: “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” (Romans 1:20, NLT)

How about heading outside this week to see what you can discover about God’s character by observing His creation? Click here and let Ellie Holcomb’s song “I Don’t Want to Miss It” inspire you to continue this practice throughout the summer.

*Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional, Crossway Books, 2014, May 12 entry.

Small Beginnings

Tearing out the sheet of binder paper, I wrote a bullet-pointed list of discussion questions based on a Bible passage I’d been studying. Each week I’d take my hand-written questions and photocopy them in my sorority’s study lounge, known as “The Pit” because of its location in the basement of our house. Climbing the steps to the expansive living room, I’d sit on the floor near the fireplace glancing regularly at my watch, waiting to see if anyone would come.

Inviting girls in my house to join a Bible study had been a stunning leap of faith for me as a sophomore in college. Before God had emboldened me, I’d always been someone that craved approval and validation from others. I liked fitting in, not creating a stir. This venture launched me way past the limits of my comfort zone. Not everyone cheered on my efforts. As you might imagine, Bible study veered beyond the typical activities for girls at my secular university. Some weeks ten of my sorority sisters would show up, others no one would come. 

I didn’t know that God was preparing me for many other opportunities to write, lead, teach, mentor, and serve. Looking back, I see how the Lord used that time to equip and prepare me to walk alongside others growing in faith. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of pouring into a variety of women at different seasons in my life. Usually it’s only a few, but over time this has added up to a lot of lives.

That’s what I thought of when I read this passage: “Do not despise these small beginnings for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10a, NLT)

So often when God prompts us to act, we expect big, splashy results immediately. When we don’t get them, we become discouraged and want to quit. Or, we get distracted and lose our focus, as the Jews re-building the temple did in the book of Haggai.

Jennifer Rothschild encourages us saying, “You may feel small, insignificant, thinking who you are or where you are is unimportant compared to the seemingly big significance of others’ lives and situations. But no one and nothing is really small and insignificant. The big impact of small things can be overlooked if we aren’t careful… God does know your name. He doesn’t overlook you just because somebody has a bigger problem, a bigger project, or a bigger personality. No matter how big the world is and no matter how small you may feel, God has called you to take courage and finish the work He has called you to…Let His voice be louder than the outside voice of opposition and that nagging inner voice that tries to convince you that you are too small for your call.”

Recently, I returned from IF:Gathering—a conference attended by thousands of women in person and online all over the world. Sitting in the audience with 4000 other women, I watched as one gifted speaker after another took the stage. Their teaching energized me and spurred on my faith. But, if I’m honest, there were moments that I also felt a little angsty and cynical. I’m not proud to admit that I slipped into comparison mode a few times. As soon as I did this, joy drained out of me. Listening to accomplished speakers with multiple published books and thousands of followers made my own efforts to impact others for Jesus seem small by comparison.  For a few moments I bounced between envy and self-doubt, until the Holy Spirit reminded me of truth. 

I couldn’t stay in a negative mindset for long when I remembered the good things God has done in and through me. The fact that friends had accepted my invitation to spend time and money flying 1500 miles to attend IF:Gathering was cause for celebration. My “small beginning” with my traveling companions started almost 9 years ago when I invited them to join a Bible study to explore the Christian faith. Seeing how much they’ve grown is a testament to the way God uses small beginnings to bring big results. But this takes time; typically we don’t get the instant gratification we crave when it comes to matters of faith.

I wonder if you can relate to my feelings. Are you ever tempted to dismiss or discount a work of the Lord in your life? Do you ever feel like the part you play isn’t big or important enough? Some small beginnings lead to big things that are large in size—like Jennie Allen’s vision to start IF:Gathering. But other small beginnings lead to things that are big in value—like journeying alongside a few people consistently and helping them to grow spiritually over time. Taking the step of faith to respond to God’s prompting matters more than the size of what He’s calling you to do.

Is there something you’ve begun that’s stalling right now? Do you need to re-engage with that small group Bible study you’ve stopped attending? Or, is it time to reach out again to that neighbor you’ve been meaning to invite for coffee? Do you sense God stirring in you to mentor someone? Or is it time to ask a more mature believer to mentor you? What about starting that Bible study with your neighbors that you’ve been talking about for years? Or is it time to say “yes” to that invitation into leadership that seems like a big stretch for you?

Let this song we sang at IF:Gathering inspire you. Click here to listen to “God of Revival” by Phil Wickham.

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  1. Jennifer Rothschild, Take Courage: A Study of Haggai, Lifeway Press 2020, 60-61.