Dwelling with the Lord

Psalm 23 closes with some of the most reassuring words we could ever hear: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6, NIV)

Trying to imagine the house of the Lord may conjure ideas of an eternal life of leisure in the ultimate vacation spot. However, Jennifer Rothschild explains, “When we boil it down, to ‘dwell in the house of the LORD’ means to be in God’s presence.” (p. 194) She continues, “If you and I live each day like we are dwelling in the house of the Lord, rather than just longing for it and looking forward to it, we will experience the whole benefit of our Shepherd’s presence. Since purity and humility are required to enter into the house of the Lord, let’s live pure and humble lives so we don’t miss out on the fullness of being with our Shepherd and giving Him the worship He deserves.” (p. 197)

Living the way she describes invites God to use you to build His kingdom here on earth, just as Jesus describes in the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10, NIV) When we focus on expanding the Lord’s kingdom here, we discover purpose, passion, joy, and fulfillment. The hollow earthly things we’re tempted to cherish seem flimsy, insignificant, and useless by comparison. Walking closely with the Shepherd invites Him to do significant things through us, giving us the joy of seeing the ripple effects of His kingdom spreading throughout the earth. What we usually don’t consider is that it’s also preparation for our ultimate home on the new earth.

Does that last sentence surprise you? Perhaps you envision heaven being the place we’ll dwell with God forever, but Scripture tells us that isn’t our final destination. There will come a day when God’s kingdoms in heaven and earth will merge together and be re-made into something new. Take a look at John’s prophecy in Revelation:

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’” (Revelation 21:1-4, NIV)

We rarely talk or think about the end of time when the old things will pass away. But one day we’ll see the beauty of heaven and earth merged. The Lord will dwell with us and death, mourning, crying, and pain will no longer exist. 

Our choices today affect not only the present but also prepare us for the new earth that will last for eternity. Theologian NT Wright expands our understanding of this idea: “You are…accomplishing something that will become in due course part of God’s new world.  Every act of love, gratitude and kindness; every work of art or music inspired by the love of God and delight in the beauty of his creation…every act of care and nurture, of comfort and support, for one’s fellow human beings…and of course every prayer, all Spirit-led teaching, every deed that spreads the gospel, builds up the church, embraces and embodies holiness rather than corruption, and makes the name of Jesus honored in the world—all of this will find its way, through the resurrecting power of God, into the new creation that God will one day make…what we do in Christ and by the Spirit in the present is not wasted. It will last all the way into God’s new world.”  (page 208)

Let’s take that list and make it specific to our current season. Sheltering at home through the COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new opportunities to share God’s love and make investments that last for eternity. Although many of us with “non-essential” jobs feel powerless at home, there is still much we can do to advance God’s kingdom. Every uplifting post on social media, every driveway decorated with chalk, every handmade mask donated, every grocery delivered, every video chat connecting  loved ones, every donation made to help the sick or support medical professionals, every call or text to care for another, every request to God for patience during homeschool lessons, every prayer offered on behalf of the suffering and struggling— all of these display evidence of the Lord’s goodness and love. They expand our capacity to see and feel His presence and lay a foundation for our future home dwelling with God in eternity.

Rend Collective’s song “Build Your Kingdom Here” gives a taste of the joy and privilege it is to build the Lord’s Kingdom on earth. The lyrics take on new significance in light of the COVID-19 pandemic as the atmosphere of our world has made a huge shift. We are ripe to see God’s mighty hand heal our land and bring spiritual revival. Embrace the passion in this song and make it your prayer today.

N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church, Harper One, 2008.

Jennifer Rothschild, Psalm 23: The Shepherd with Me, Lifeway Press, 2018.

Through the Valley

Of all the headlines I’ve read related to COVID-19 in the last week, one stood out most: “The loneliness of death in the time of coronavirus.” The story described the agonizing final days of an elderly man’s life. Because he was infected with coronavirus, his daughter was barred from being by his side in the hospital. She lamented, “I couldn’t hold his hand when he took his last breath…I feel like he was alone.” The sense of anguish and lack of hope is heartbreaking.

The mood of that article stands in sharp contrast to what I studied in Psalm 23:4 this week: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (NKJV) This familiar verse reminds us we’re never alone—even when people we love can’t be there. Walking with the Lord means His presence protects and comforts us even as death looms near.

The rapid spread of cornonavirus has forced us to confront the reality that life is finite and we are not in control. However, the threat of death may not be your primary concern right now. Other fears could be lurking in your mind that seem more urgent. Are you worried about a vulnerable family member getting infected, losing your job, or laying off employees? Maybe you’re fretting over missing milestones like trips, graduations, births, or weddings. Perhaps the downward slide of the stock market is keeping you awake at night envisioning your retirement account shrinking. Or maybe you’re feeling anxious about being stuck in a pattern of social distancing with no end in sight. The angst related to the pandemic leaves no one untouched. 

While some of our concerns don’t seem like outright fear, Jennifer Rothschild explains, “Fear shows up in ways we don’t realize. Being overly controlling is fear in disguise. Anger is often fear in disguise. Isolating yourself is fear in disguise. Anxiety and worry are fear in disguise.” (p. 118) She also reminds us, however, that “we can’t always change the valley we’re in, but we can always change our attitudes, actions, and choices in that valley. When we walk through our valleys with our Shepherd, He uses the valleys to change us, to grow us, and to take us to a new and better place. God can use our temporary valleys to create everlasting good for and in us.” (p.116)

As we walk through valleys, our hearts soften to God’s transformative work when we claim His truth. Rothschild explains, “fear focuses on the shadows. Faith focuses on the Shepherd.” (p. 120) To put that idea into practice, I took a variety of verses about fear and personalized them:

God is with me wherever I go. When I am afraid, I will trust in him. I will remember He has called me by name and I am His. He did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline. He will strengthen me and uphold me with His righteous right hand. He will answer me when I seek Him and deliver me from all my fears. I will let God’s perfect love drive out my fear. (Compiled from Joshua 1:9, Psalm 56:3-4, Isaiah 43:1, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 34:4, 1 John 4:18)

Here’s the truth: “God gets personal when the valley gets dark.” (p. 124) As COVID-19 disrupts our normal routines and forces us to confront our fears, we have an opportunity to depend on God like never before. Being confined to home means many of our normal distractions have been removed. With our newfound free time, we may choose to numb ourselves by anesthetizing in front of screens, busying ourselves with household projects, or indulging in our favorite comfort foods. But we also have an amazing opportunity to draw near to the Lord without being in a rush. The pause button has been pushed on the whole world simultaneously. This means we have more opportunities to read, study, think, and pray. “Stillness increases our awareness of His presence…Ask the Lord to help you be still, to listen, and to quiet your heart.” (p. 126) Maybe it’s time to dust off that Bible study book you never finished or to start writing prayers in the journal that’s been sitting on your desk untouched. Go outside and admire the first blooms of spring or listen to music that draws your heart to Jesus. Perhaps God will reveal Himself as your awareness of Him grows in this season of stillness.

If you’re like me, you’re trying to make the most of this time and feeling impatient that there isn’t more you can do.  You’re ready for God to speak but haven’t sensed Him saying anything specific. Feeling restless, you’re craving productivity and purpose. Maybe you’re trying hard to force meaningful family time or searching tirelessly for moments of revelation and insight. Remember, “God is with you in your valley…don’t press to find the grand lesson or insight if one is not clear. Just rest in your Shepherd. Let Him carry you through. Receive His comfort and care.” (p. 126) Stop trying so hard and just be with Him. (I need to look in a mirror as I say that).

Remember that the Shepherd is with you in this challenging season. Don’t let fear consume you. Find your rest and refuge in Him. Take one day at a time rather than projecting into the future. Trust Him and let Him comfort and lead you. Help others to find hope and comfort by encouraging them to draw near to the Shepherd too. 

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” (Psalm 91:1-2, NIV)

The song “Fear No More” by Building 429 seems especially relevant in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Listen now and make it your proclamation against fear.

Jennifer Rothschild, Psalm 23: The Shepherd with Me, Lifeway Press, 2018, Week 4.

Julia Prodis Sulek, “The loneliness of death in the time of coronavirus”, East Bay Times, March 20, 2020, page 1.

Woe and Worship

With pursed lips and red face, my son struggled to shove the shoes on his tiny feet. At each attempt, his frustration mounted. Finally, I leaned down and offered to help, but my typically good natured two-year-old glared at me and shouted, “No! I do it myself!” So, I sat back and waited. After a few more minutes of struggling with the shoes, he threw himself facedown and began kicking the floor. Finally worn out, he dissolved in tears and held out his arms to me whimpering “I wanna hold you!” Pulling him close, I suppressed a chuckle at the quick reversal in his emotions– I’d gone from being his enemy to his ally in a matter of seconds. 

If we’re being honest, the range of emotions toddlers display is a window into all of us. Although we become more adept at masking extreme feelings as we mature, we still feel their power. It didn’t take long to see myself in my son’s behavior—or to realize that it’s often how I behave with God.

Reading through the book of Job shows that this has been true of human nature throughout the ages. Job bounces between lamenting about what God has allowed and worshiping Him with awe and wonder. Case in point: in chapter 23 he says, “Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning… God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me.” (Job 23:2 & 16)

But, just a few chapters later, he describes God’s might and power displayed in the skies and the seas and concludes by saying, “And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?” (Job 26:14, NIV) Bible teacher Lisa Harper explains, “Job’s turnabout is proof that human emotions can be an extremely fickle tour guide, therefore, they are not to be followed blindly.” (p. 88) 

Like Job, David also vacillates between extreme emotions throughout the Psalms. Consider these laments in Psalm 62: “How long will you assault me? Would all of you throw me down—this leaning wall, this tottering fence?  Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place; they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse.” You might be surprised to discover these complaints about his circumstances are immediately followed by praise: Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:3-8, NIV)

David’s words give the key ingredients for worshiping God even when hard situations throw us off kilter. They also build a framework for engaging the Lord when our hearts are weary and hope is wearing thin. Psalm 62 models how to lay our woes before God and invites us to worship Him when we’re shaken to the core. There are a few specific things it encourages us to do:

-Find Rest in Him: So often when we’re on unsteady ground we feel emotionally and spiritually depleted. Our empty tanks lead us to seek rest in things that distract us for a while, but ultimately leave us feeling unfulfilled. Maybe we anesthetize in front of a TV screen, lose ourselves in a good book, numb ourselves shopping online or scrolling through social media, or calm ourselves with a glass of wine. These things aren’t wrong, but they only soothe us temporarily. None of them will sustain us with the deep rest and reassurance our souls crave. And they won’t equip us with renewed strength or realigned perspective required to jump back into the fray. So, next time you’re feeling soul-weary, take refuge in time with the Lord first and let Him provide the deep rejuvenation you need. 

-Remain Steady on the Solid Rock: The world invites us to build our lives on a variety of foundations: wealth, power, education, social standing, and appearance, to name a few. Instead of seeing these things as gifts and tools given by God, we expect them to keep us steady and secure. And when they fail us, we’re shattered. Conversely, when we build our lives on the Lord, He provides a foundation that is steady no matter what storms blow through our lives. Remaining firmly planted on Him, we can withstand chaotic and uncertain times. When you’re feeling unsteady because something you hold dear is threatened, take heart in the Lord’s steadfast love and worship Him as the Solid Rock that truly endures.

-Find Hope in Him: Like our security, we often seek hope in worldly circumstances–the promise of a happy home, a healthy body, a robust financial portfolio, a fulfilling career, or a comfortable retirement. Sometimes we even view godly friendships and good marriages as our ultimate mainstays. But if our future hope rests in people or circumstances, then we’re treating temporary things like they’re of eternal significance. Conversely, the hope we find in the Lord sustains us through both good and bad seasons. It encompasses something far beyond anything our broken world offers. That’s a good reason to worship the Lord.

Before tragedy struck, Job had many of the worldly things we pursue for rest, security, and hope.  When he lost all of them, he knew he still had God. He was honest with the Lord about his woes but he also continued to worship Him.

The next time you’re feeling weary, unsteady, or hopeless, use David’s words in Psalm 62 to regain your confidence. Ask the Lord to help you find rest in Him. Thank Him for being your solid rock and firm foundation. Celebrate that your hope and security are grounded in Him. Even if your circumstances don’t change immediately, your perspective will.

Pat Barrett’s song “Better” reminds us the Lord is better than money, appearance, power, and approval. We may feel woeful when we lose these things, but when we focus on God’s character, we can begin to worship knowing we rest secure on His solid foundation. 

Lisa Harper, Job: A Story of Unlikely Joy, Lifeway Press, 2018.