Expansion and Opposition

Moving at a steady clip through significant events, the book of Acts continues to show us our roots in the Christian faith. While it helps us to understand church history, it also spurs us on to follow in the footsteps of Spirit-filled believers who have gone before us. Let’s explore some key events that give context and inspiration for us today.

In Acts 10 we saw the Holy Spirit fall on Gentile believers in the household of Cornelius. This event affirmed that the gospel is for everyone. We first saw this with the Samaritans who believed in Christ and received the Spirit when Philip preached the gospel to them in Acts 8. It continued with the Ethiopian eunuch who met Philip as he was reading Isaiah 53 traveling in his chariot. Thus far, every person who has received the gospel has either had some Jewish heritage (Samaritans were partly Jewish) or has taken initiative to follow the Lord (the Ethiopian and Cornelius). In Acts 11:19, however, the believers go a step further by intentionally taking the gospel to uncircumcised Greeks—full Gentiles with no history or connection to Jewish beliefs or faith in the God of the Jews.1

Stephen’s martyrdom in Acts 8 sparks the scattering of Jesus’ followers and the spread of the gospel to Gentile lands. Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus venture to the cosmopolitan city of Antioch, the capital of Syria and the third-largest city in the Roman Empire after Rome and Alexandria. (Now part of modern-day Turkey).2 “And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord.” (Acts 11:21, ESV) This vibrant commercial center filled with “gross immorality and ritual prostitution as part of its temple worship”would become the base of operations for Paul’s missionary journeys. (Paul’s Hebrew name, Saul, is used in the first twelve chapters of Acts. Luke starts referring to Saul by his Roman name, Paul, in Acts 13:13.)

Antioch becomes the location of the first Gentile church and is the place followers of Jesus were first called “Christians.” It was common for the Greeks to give satirical nicknames to particular groups…it was all a fun word game and a verbally dismissive gesture. Then a new group cropped up in Antioch; since they were characterized by behavior and speech centered on Christ, the Greeks called them ‘Christians,’ or ‘those of the party of Christ’… Both the Bible and history suggest that the term Christian was probably meant as a mocking insult when it was first coined.”

Note that the expansion of the Christian faith and opposition to it were happening simultaneously. Followers of Jesus were so impassioned about sharing the gospel that they continued to spread it in a city bent on sin and filled with cynics and mockers of the faith. It doesn’t sound so different from today, does it? On top of this, the term “Christian” that had been used to make fun of Jesus followers showed that “people recognized Christians as a distinct group. The church was more and more being separated from Judaism.”5

Personal application: Before continuing, let’s stop and make this personal. How are Christians known today? What part are you playing in coloring the way non-believers view followers of Jesus?

Back in Jerusalem, news about large number Gentiles coming to faith in Antioch prompts the church leaders to send Barnabas there. “When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose, for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord.” (11:23-4, ESV) Likely seeking more help to teach and equip the growing number of new believers, Barnabas goes to Tarsus to retrieve Saul. Together, the two spend a year in Antioch teaching the new believers. 

Note that the church in Jerusalem sends Barnabas, a faithful and wise servant of Jesus. He, in turn, seeks reinforcements by bringing back Saul to help him when the numbers grow too large for him to manage on his own. 

Personal application: Let’s stop again and consider. Where can you be a Barnabas to someone who is a few steps behind you on the journey of faith? Who could use your wisdom, support, and encouragement? Or, are you in need of a partner to provide reinforcements for a ministry you’re serving? Is there a gifted and knowledgeable Saul that you could ask to serve alongside you?

Now let’s look at another portion of this action-packed chapter. While Barnabas and Saul nurture the growing church in Antioch, back in Jerusalem Herod curries favor with the Jews by using his power against followers of Jesus. (This is Herod Agrippa 1, the grandson of Herod the Great who was in power when Jesus was born.) Herod orders the execution of James, one of the original twelve disciples, and imprisons Peter, likely intending to put him to death next. Probably remembering Peter’s previous prison break at the hands of the Lord (Acts 5), Herod orders four soldiers to stand guard around the clock in six hour shifts.6  “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.” (Acts 12:5, NIV) 

Rather than losing hope after the death of James, the believers seek the Lord in prayer on behalf of Peter. And while they’re praying, the Lord moves powerfully—freeing Peter from prison despite his being chained to two soldiers and having two more guarding the cell. The Lord answers the believers’ prayers so quickly that they’re in disbelief when a servant girl tells them Peter is at the door, “They said to her, ‘You are out of your mind’…But Peter continued knocking, and when they opened, they saw him and were amazed.” (Acts 12:15a-16, ESV) Even in the act of praying, the believers struggle with unbelief. How reassuring to see that God amazes those who seek Him, even when they’re not anticipating a positive outcome.

Personal application: In the face of discouraging circumstances, do you fall into despair or fall on your knees and seek the Lord in prayer? Do you believe the Lord can work in seemingly impossible circumstances and wait expectantly for His answers? 

This action-packed chapter closes with a short description of the death of Herod Agrippa 1: “an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory…but the word of God increased and multiplied.” (Acts 12:23a-24, ESV) God’s justice prevails in His perfect (and often mysterious) timing. We can take heart and follow the example of Jesus followers in Acts who persevered in the face of opposition and saw the gospel continue to spread. In our polarized culture with increasing disdain for the Christian faith, this is an encouraging reminder. 

If you skimmed through the personal application questions, consider circling back now reading them again. Spend time praying through them and waiting to see what the Lord reveals.

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