Looking Back on 2022, Looking Ahead to 2023

We’ve turned the page on the calendar to kick off 2023. Before anticipating the year ahead, it’s worthwhile to reflect on the year behind. Here are a few questions I like to ask myself: What stands out from the past twelve months? What shaped your character, faith, and worldview? Where did you see God at work? How did you grow? Looking ahead, where will you focus your time and energy in the coming year? To get you started, I’ll share my answers below. 

What stands out as you look back on the past year?

As I closed out 2021, here’s what I wrote in my year-end blog post: “I want to pray consistently for renewal among believers so that they long for God’s presence, kingdom, and righteousness more than anything else. I also want to pray for the hearts of people who have been deceived by the enemy and have believed lies about the Lord. Corporate renewal begins with personal renewal, so I’d like to be more focused on God’s presence in my life. I’m considering trying a new spiritual discipline like fasting to help my prayers be more targeted and intentional.”

What stands out to me is the way God answered those prayers in 2022. He prompted me to invite two other women to pray with me regularly throughout the year. He blessed me with several young women to mentor who were eager to grow in their faith and Bible knowledge. The Lord also led me to ask a wise woman to mentor me. I also gave fasting a try and found that it helped me to focus my prayers. My hunger pangs caused me to feel like I was laboring alongside the Lord as I prayed for situations that I had no power to change on my own.

What shaped your character, faith, and worldview?

The things we read, watch, listen to and experience all affect our mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational health. So, I try to be intentional about what I allow into my mind. Here are few inputs that have impacted me positively in the last year:

Studying the Bible: I’ve always been a big fan of doing workbook Bible studies and did several in 2022 that were excellent. But what made the past year noteworthy was opening the Bible and unpacking its truth without a workbook. Studying First Peter and Jude with a young woman I mentored gave us the chance to absorb a few verses at a time. Reading and discussing Scripture together helped us to see where we were on track and where we needed to re-focus our prayers and attention. I’ve also loved studying the gospel of John with four high school girls. Delving into such a meaty book and examining one chapter each week has been faith building for all of us. 

Events: I had the privilege of attending IF:Gathering in Dallas with a group of friends last spring. My favorite message was Sadie Robertson Huff’s “The Truth vs. My Truth.” If you haven’t seen it, check it out here.  The teaching and worship there were truly inspiring, and I’ve loved continuing to learn through Jennie Allen’s Made for This podcast. It’s full of practical and biblical insights that realign me with God’s Word.

I also had the privilege of going on two trips as a leader with our high school youth group—a mission trip to Mexico and a houseboat trip at Lake Shasta. Seeing the Holy Spirit move in both of those places was the clearest answer to my prayers to see spiritual renewal in the lives of others. 

Participating in these events reminded me that there’s no substitute for showing up in person. It’s one of the best ways to let God work in and through us.

Books: Live No Lies by John Mark Comer was a highlight of 2022 for me. Understanding the enemies of our souls and how to move forward in walking with Jesus was challenging and thought-provoking. This book is so relevant and timely, I can’t recommend it highly enough. 

The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard is a Christian classic that I finally read at the recommendation of my son. Willard’s writing is dense, and his ideas are deep. It took all summer to read it. I’m still processing his assertion that being a Christian isn’t synonymous with being a true disciple of Jesus. I’m also mulling over this quote: “And what does ‘dwelling,’ or ‘continuing,’ in his word mean? It means to center your life upon…his good news about The Kingdom Among Us, about who is really well off and who is not, and about true goodness of heart and how it expresses itself in action. We will fill our souls with the written Gospels. We will devote our attention to their teachings, in private study and inquiry as well as public instruction. And, negatively, we will refuse to devote our mental space and energy to the fruitless, even stupefying and degrading, stuff that constantly clamors for our attention. We will attend to it only enough to avoid it.” (The Divine Conspiracy, p. 296).

Podcasts: Live No Lies with John Mark Comer. Listening to these enhanced and extended what Comer discusses in his book as he interviews various experts he referenced in writing. 

Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast with Pete Scazzero. We’re all leaders in different arenas- whether it’s at home, work, church, or volunteering. This podcast provides practical and realistic tools to navigate life, faith, and relationships with health and biblical wisdom. 

Now, consider what shaped your character and worldview this year. To borrow Dallas Willard’s words– are there fruitless things clamoring for your attention right now? What will you add or eliminate for 2023 so that the Holy Spirit can shape you more?

Where did you see God at work? How did you grow personally or spiritually?

I’ve grown by focusing my prayers on aligning with God’s will. Jesus says in John’s gospel: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:12-14, NIV) I’m learning that praying in Jesus’ name means seeking God’s glory and will to be done, not mine.

I’ve seen God at work in places where I can’t try harder, I can only trust Him more. I’ve prayed for new opportunities to meet people who don’t know the Lord and I’ve begun to see that answered. I’m also thankful God has placed strong believers around individuals I love so that they can be spurred on in their faith. This has been a significant answer to prayer.

Where will you focus your energy in 2023?

I want to pray for God to use my circumstances to refine me, to expand His kingdom, and to bring Him glory. I hope to resist the tendency to pray for circumstances to unfold as I think they should.  I’m also praying the Lord will increase my capacity to see where He is at work and inviting me to join Him. As my awareness grows, I pray God will use my time, resources, and gifts to pour into others and point them toward Him. And this year I’m also praying I will experience God’s joy in increasing measure.

Before you wade into the waters of 2023, take some time to reflect on where you’ve been. It will help you set a course for the year ahead with God’s wisdom to guide you. Whatever highs and lows we’ll face, we can trust that God is there with us. Let the song “God is In This Story” remind you of that today. Click here to listen.

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