Unzipping the tent, I poked my head into the opening searching for an empty spot to drop my bags. Inside, the teen girls lounging on sleeping bags smiled and introduced themselves, immediately putting me at ease. After a two year hiatus due to COVID, we were re-launching our church’s annual student mission trip to Mexico. With both of my sons now out of high school, it was my first time going solo. Feeling a little insecure, I wondered if the students would be excited about having an “older” leader like me. Their initial greeting on the first day quelled my fears and enabled me to dive in and get to know the girls throughout the week.
As we spent time talking about our faith each night after the campfire program, I was inspired to see how mature and genuine the girls were about their relationships with Jesus. Their eagerness to grow, serve, and learn was far beyond what I’d been like in high school. I wondered how I could spur on their desire for spiritual maturity after the trip, but was hesitant to add another commitment to my schedule.
A few months after we returned home, one of the girls reached out to me following an impactful experience on our church’s houseboat trip. Sitting with me in a coffee shop, she gushed about how her faith had come to life even more and wondered if I had ideas for how she could continue growing. Compelled by the Holy Spirit, words tumbled out of my mouth before I had time to think. I heard myself offering to meet with her regularly and suggesting we invite the other girls from our Mexico tent to join us. She accepted my offer without hesitation. When I reached out to the other girls, all three said “yes” immediately too. We had no idea how we’d sync up our busy schedules, but God showed us the way. Soon, the five of us began meeting from 7 to 8 every Friday morning.
For the past school year, we’ve staked out a quiet corner in a local bagel shop, pushed two small tables together and studied Scripture (We’ve covered all twenty-one chapters of the Gospel of John and are now knee deep in Ephesians). Each week I’ve written a short lesson to guide our discussion. Pouring into these young women and watching them grow in faith has been a highlight of the year for me. The Lord always seems to multiply my time to prepare for our mornings together. Never once has it felt like a burden or an obligation.
All four girls recently graduated from high school and will be moving away to attend college in the fall. We’ll continue meeting as much as possible this summer until it’s time for them to leave. I well up with gratitude and joy as I think of them and how God has shaped them this year. What would I have missed if I’d listened to my insecurity and skipped the Mexico trip? Or if I’d decided I didn’t have time to meet with them for Bible study this year? By responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit I’ve been equipped to carry out His plans.
One of my greatest joys has been cheering on the girls in the different places they’ve chosen to serve and explore their gifts this year. Each of them has made choices that have set them apart from their peers. They have lived worthy of the calling they’ve received (Ephesian 4:1). These young women are maturing spiritually as they discover and use the gifts God has given them. Unlike the majority of their peers, they are “no longer …infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.” (Ephesians 4:14, NIV).
One of the girls recently started a podcast that gives her a platform to explore different aspects of her walk with Jesus. I had the privilege of being interviewed by her recently and am excited to share our conversation. Her questions gave me a chance to look back and reflect on the different places the Lord has called me. I’ve realized that most of my spiritual growth has happened as He’s pushed me beyond what’s comfortable into situations where I had no choice but to rely on His leading and wisdom. I hope and pray listening to our conversation will prompt you to consider where God may be calling you to trust Him and to let Him use you in a new way.
And now, sit back and enjoy the Love People Podcast.
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I love how God continues to use you to impact the lives of young people, even after you stepped out of teaching high school.
Thanks, Crista! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to continue connecting with students. Thanks for reading!