The large trunks sat untouched in the attic for years, gathering dust in a dark corner. Sometimes one of my boys or their cousins would ask if they could rummage inside them on a rainy day. And although my mom was usually a pushover for her grandkids’ requests, the answer about opening the trunks was always the same: No. She didn’t have an interest in being reminded of her painful childhood.
Recently my brothers opened those trunks and found a treasure trove of old photos and other mementos dating back over 100 years. Among our favorite finds were dozens of pictures of our mom’s mother—the grandmother we never had. She contracted tuberculosis when my mom was six and eventually moved to a sanitarium in hopes of recovering there. Because TB is airborne, my grandmother couldn’t hug my mom or even hold her on her lap. They had to remain on opposites sides of the room during her brief, infrequent visits home. Three years later, my grandmother died in the sanitarium at age 32, leaving behind a grieving, young husband and a nine-year-old daughter. For my mom, the trunks were filled with reminders of what could have been.

With the newly discovered photos, we pieced together parts of our grandmother’s life we’d never known. There were pictures of her on high school sports teams, clowning around with friends, on a trip to see relatives in Europe, and on dates with my grandpa at the Jersey shore. This woman who had always been such a mystery came to life for us. She seemed funny, energetic, fashionable, and just a bit mischievous. We were surprised and delighted to discover the many interests we shared with her—sports, travel, friends, and the beach, to name a few.
The generations that go before us pass down their genetic code, but they also lay foundations and patterns in our lives, both good and bad. We often follow in the footsteps of those who have preceded us, whether we mean to or not. We see this regularly in the Bible, where God’s people follow familiar paths from one generation to the next.
Take, Abraham, for example. Before becoming the father of the Israelites, the Lord called him to leave his home and travel to a different land. He was 75 when he obeyed God by taking his wife, nephew, servants, and belongings to make a new start in the land of Canaan (described in Genesis 12).
In the opening session of Finding God Faithful: A Study on the Life of Joseph, author and teacher Kelly Minter paints a picture of Abraham’s life. She describes his faithfulness to the Lord that laid the foundation for his great grandson, Joseph, who is the topic of her study. Minter highlights five key aspects of Abraham’s life that proved to be true in Joseph’s life as well. Abraham’s and Joseph’s obedience led to an outpouring of blessing for their descendants and for the entire world, including us.
Here are the key points from Kelly Minter’s first video teaching:
1) When God sets you apart it’s an invitation to relationship with Him.
The call of Abram in Genesis 12:3 showed that God intended to use Him to bless the entire world: “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” This is the beginning of the good news stated in Galatians 3:8-9: “Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: ‘All nations will be blessed through you.’ So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.”
2) Being set apart will always be in keeping with God’s grand plan of redemption. Joseph was set apart for the blessing of others. Blessing moves through us to bless others.
3) When God sets you apart for a task, He shoulders the responsibility for its outcome. When we respond with obedience, there’s no limit to what He can do.
4) Being set apart is initiated by God but carried out through our obedience.
5) Neither your history nor heritage has to be unblemished for God to set you apart.
Joseph’s story is one of redemption filled with practical wisdom. Through the lens of his life we’ll examine how to deal with difficult family issues and mend broken relationships. We’ll learn how to choose forgiveness and respond with wisdom amidst unexpected challenges and disappointments. Joseph will show us how to give mercy and kindness to the undeserving. And he’ll reveal how a good God and suffering can co-exist.
I’m excited to learn how these truths played out in Joseph’s life and to see how I can apply them in mine as well. Join me on this journey and let God’s faithfulness breathe new hope into whatever you’re facing.
Abraham established a foundation of faith that we’re still benefiting from today. Let Pat Barrett’s song “Build My Life” remind you of the importance of building your life on the solid ground of Jesus’ love.
Kelly Minter, Finding God Faithful: A Study on the Life of Joseph, Lifeway Press, 2019.