The summer before I started high school, I got an edgy haircut and a vintage jean jacket at a thrift store in Berkeley. Dangling earrings and frosty “Zinc Pink” lipstick completed my look. It was all part of my master plan to reinvent myself as I launched into 9th grade. Another aspect of my new appearance included ditching shoes in favor of bare feet. My parents warned me of health and safety concerns, but it was to no avail. Over time, I developed thick callouses that desensitized me to sharp pebbles and rough surfaces.
Although I wanted to believe my feet were tough, they were still vulnerable to injury. I ignored that truth until I walked on scorching pavement one sweltering August afternoon. The tender burns were painful for weeks and the quarter-sized blood blisters remained on the balls of my feet for months. They served as a humbling reminder of my foolish choice to cast common sense aside for the sake of looking cool (in my own mind, at least).
Even though I wear shoes most of the time now, it’s still a challenge to prevent callouses from developing on my feet during the summer months. To keep them from becoming too thick, I buff my feet with a file in the shower a few times a week. If I wait too long, the callouses get tougher and harder to remove. (Apologies to squeamish readers who find this a bit too graphic.)
Strangely, I thought of that regular part of my hygiene routine as I read Ephesians recently: “With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him. They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.” (Ephesians 4:17-19, NLT)
In this passage, the word “Gentiles” refers to those who do not follow Jesus or value God’s ways. Their closed minds and hard hearts cause them to be desensitized to sexual sin and to engage in activities that dishonor God, moving them further away from Him. Similar to my feet, they develop thick callouses on their hearts that give them the illusion of invincibility. Believing they are experiencing ultimate freedom, they are actually enslaving themselves with an unquenchable thirst for pleasure that only increases as it’s given free rein in their lives. Like the burns on my bare feet, people pursuing sexual gratification outside of God’s clear boundaries don’t realize the pain they’re ultimately causing to themselves and others in their lives.

Believers’ attitudes and behaviors in the realm of sexuality look markedly different, however. Paul asserts: “But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” (Ephesians 4:20-23, NLT)
Paul reminds believers that we’re meant to live differently. The callouses that deaden us to sin have been removed from our hearts, lovingly buffed away by the grace of Christ. Our habits, behaviors and attitudes about sexual activity set us apart from the world because we have a “new nature.” Rather than taking our cues from social norms, personal feelings, or physical urges, we seek the wisdom of the Bible as our guide.
Of course, with the steady influence of the world all around us, it’s still easy for believers to fall into misguided views on this topic. When we ignore truth in Scripture and float with the current of popular culture, we’re bound to make compromises when it comes to our views on sex. Rather than being deceived or confused, let’s stand solidly on the wisdom of God’s Word that has remained unchanging for thousands of years. Let’s open our Bibles and allow God’s truth to buff away the callouses of the world that numb us to sensuality and lust. Let’s stop normalizing habits of mind and body that ultimately damage our souls and our relationships.
Maybe it’s time to consider where you’ve let the world influence you more than God’s Word. Are you willing to pray and invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and convict you of any changes you need to make? How about committing to seeking God’s wisdom instead of letting our culture be your guide? This isn’t about guilt or shame, but about eliminating the sin that’s hurting us and hindering our spiritual growth. It starts in our hearts and minds long before it’s expressed in our behavior.
God knows us and knows our struggles. He loves us and wants what’s best for us. Tasha Layton’s song “Look What You Done” provides a poignant reminder of God’s grace and power to change even the most deeply rooted sin in our lives. Click here to listen.
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This was such a great way to be reminded of the choices we make every day as believers – to be of the world or of the word.
Thanks, Kara! So glad it encouraged you.