Rooted and Established

At the tender age of six, I was starting first grade at a new school. My family was in the process of moving to a town an hour away, but our new home wasn’t ready yet. So, my four older siblings and I spent the first six weeks of the school year commuting with our dad to our new schools. Every morning I woke up in the dark feeling utter dread. A lump would form in my throat and I’d fight back tears when my mom kissed me goodbye. As our station wagon rumbled down the freeway, the anxious butterflies in my stomach intensified with every mile. I dreaded being away from the comfort and security of my mom’s presence and felt untethered and cast adrift in a sea of unfamiliar faces at my new school.

My tearful departures didn’t let up until one day when my mom leaned down to hug me and said, “Even though I can’t be there with you, Jesus can. Just remember that He’s there holding your hand, no matter what.” Her words were such a comfort to me that my tears began to ebb. Every day after that I’d plead, “Tell me again, mom. Tell me about Jesus holding my hand.” Armed with that reassuring knowledge, the angst I’d felt soon faded. 

I’m grateful my mom used that emotional season to point me to Jesus, knowing His presence would comfort me when hers couldn’t. In the midst of my struggles, she taught me to change my perspective so that I could grow stronger and learn to trust Jesus for myself. Like a tree held firmly by deep roots, I learned that attaching myself to Him kept me secure, no matter what challenges I encountered. (See Psalm 1:1-3 and Jeremiah 17:7-8 for other examples of this tree metaphor in Scripture.)

That story came to mind as I read Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3: “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19, NIV)

Here, Paul wraps up three chapters explaining our new identity as children of God and inclusion as fellow citizens with His chosen people. Now he prays we will grasp the magnitude of our new status and live like we believe it’s true. Being rooted and established in love means knowing who we are because we know WHOSE we are—beloved children of the King of Kings. Through the sacrifice of Christ, God did everything necessary to root us in Him; Paul prays that we would grasp this incredible truth with every fiber of our being.

The word “power” used in this translation is the Greek word “katalambano” which means: to take eagerly, seize, possess, apprehend, attain, comprehend, find, obtain, perceive.It “implies more than a mental understanding. It literally means ‘to take hold of something and make it one’s own.’ In order for the Ephesian Christians to truly understand the ‘love that surpasses knowledge,’ they needed to go beyond hearsay. This kind of comprehension is experiential. It requires us to take hold of a truth and define ourselves by it. Paul was encouraging them—and all saints everywhere—to meditate on what it means to be fully loved by God for the sake of Christ. He wanted them to grasp God’s love in all its fullness; to know … God’s love is all-encompassing, far exceeding our ability to comprehend. Its breadth and length and height and depth are staggering. It requires meditation, soul-searching, and honesty in order to draw near enough to God to comprehend His nature (James 4:8).”2

My “experiential knowledge” of God’s love began in first grade. The reassurance that Jesus was holding my hand gave me the comfort and security I longed to have. I’ve continued to build on my knowledge and experience since then– growing deeper roots in God’s love through prayer, studying Scripture, and practicing the way of Jesus.

How often do you marvel at the fullness of God’s love for you? How does knowing that He loves you beyond comprehension affect the way you view yourself and interact with others? Regardless of your answers, there’s always an opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience the Lord more fully. Consider spending time in prayer this week inviting God to expand your capacity to experience His love and to let it change your perspective.

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Inspired by Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes and Melissa Kruger, Lifeway Press, 2024.

1. Strong’s Concordance 2638 

2. Got Questions, “What Does It Mean to Comprehend the ‘Breadth, Length, Height, Depth’ in Ephesians 3:18?”

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