Do you remember setting up your family’s manger scene at Christmas time? I still recall how much I loved arranging each character in the nativity. Baby Jesus was always placed in His rightful position in the center, nestled in the manger. Next, I would put the Christ child’s parents flanking Him protectively. Fanning out on either side of Mary and Joseph, I’d arrange the shepherds with a few sheep and the wisemen with their camels, all looking on with reverence and awe. Finally, several barnyard animals and an angel affixed to the roof of the stable would complete the joyful scene.
I never gave Mary much thought as an individual—she was just one of the players in an incredible, dramatic story. Years later, after I had children of my own, I had a deeper appreciation for her and all that she must have experienced. As I’ve studied the few passages where Mary appears in Scripture, my esteem for her has only grown. I’ve been amazed to realize what a wise, godly woman she was in spite of her tender age.
Consider, for example, Mary’s incredible knowledge of Scripture. During her pregnancy, a visit with her relative, Elizabeth, prompted her to sing a prayer of praise to the Lord that’s overflowing with quotes and allusions from the Old Testament. “Some scholars believe that Mary was so steeped in Scripture that the words just flowed from her.”1 Her song, called The Magnificat, begins by praising God and expressing gratitude at being chosen to bear the Messiah. Like many prayers we’ve studied, Mary focuses first on worship and adoration:
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.” (Luke 1:46-49, NIV)
Mary’s words echo praises to the Lord found in other portions of Scripture. Her prayer reveals her knowledge of words written by kings and prophets including David, Isaiah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah and Moses. It also reveals considerable knowledge of God’s character and the history of His Chosen People. Every verse correlates with other portions of Scripture.
We’ll never know on this side of heaven how Mary learned so much of the Old Testament at such a young age, but we can let her example inspire us to pursue God’s Word with passion and consistency. Maybe, like me, it was Mary’s mother who first taught her stories from Scripture. I can’t help but think of the dedication I wrote for my mom in the opening pages of Extraordinary Prayer. She was the first person to introduce me to Jesus and to show me the value of studying God’s Word. I still picture her poring over her enormous Bible at our kitchen table surrounded by papers and commentaries. It was her example that spurred me on to prioritize studying the Bible and teaching it to others.
My mom has been on my mind a lot lately. Last year around this time, I was spending every day with her as cancer delivered its final blows to her broken body. In her lucid moments, we talked about what awaited her in heaven. I remember her smile of anticipation at the thought of seeing Jesus face to face and of reuniting with my dad. Despite her pain, she exuded peace. My mom believed so firmly in the hope of the gospel she’d studied for years that there was no need for fear. Knowing Scripture guided her in life and reassured her as she prepared for death.
A few days after she passed away, I came across two passages that jumped off the pages of my Bible: “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4, NIV) I realized this was exactly what my mom had done for me. She taught me about God’s faithfulness and helped me find reassurance in His Word whenever I needed it.
The second passage both comforted and surprised me: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants. Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did;” (Psalm 116:15-16a, NIV) It felt personal and affirming–as if God was telling me to continue the passion for Scripture my mom had modeled to me. Her time on hospice occurred as I was making final edits to the manuscript for Extraordinary Prayer. So, it seemed fitting to add those passages to the dedication I’d already included in the front of the book. To me, they’re a reminder to continue sharing what I’m learning in Scripture with others so that they can find hope, joy, and peace.
God’s Word is living and active. (Hebrews 4:12) My mom knew this, which is why she could believe promises written several thousand years ago applied to her personally. She knew her salvation was secure because of Jesus. My mom didn’t lose heart as her body began to fail because her eyes were fixed on what is unseen and eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Mary also knew she could trust the Scriptures. This enabled her to take words from prophets and kings and apply them to her personal circumstances. Instead of being fearful about her pregnancy and all of the unknowns she faced, she rejoiced knowing God chose her to be part of fulfilling prophecies she’d heard all her life.
These examples remind me that knowing the Bible should change how we interpret personal events. When we trust the goodness of God’s character, hardships become spiritual growth opportunities. So, let’s continue to pursue studying Scripture and applying it to our lives, following in the footsteps of these godly examples and many others like them.
Listen to Jenn Johnson and Bethel Worship sing “Goodness of God” and imagine it from Mary’s perspective. Then, make the words your personal prayer today.
1. Marybeth McCullum, Extraordinary Prayer, page 175