Staying Open to the Movement of God

Staying open to the movement of God means we must be attentive to the Lord and open to change. Being flexible and ready to deviate from our comfortable patterns and predictable routines becomes our “new normal.”

The opportunity was amazing, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. Saying “no” seemed like the only logical answer. I’d been a member of a writers group for a while when the leader invited me to write a blog for a local news website. Saying “yes” would mean writing regular posts for six weeks as our church studied a book called The Hole in Our Gospel by World Vision’s President, Rich Stearns. My assignment would involve reading the book, listening to the sermons, participating in weekly small group discussions and then writing my thoughts and reactions consistently. 
I saw a few roadblocks that would have made it easy to say “no.” First off, I’d never written a blog and didn’t have any idea what was involved. On top of that, I already had a plate full of responsibilities and couldn’t imagine how I’d have time to complete the weekly reading, let alone post my thoughts about it. Beyond those obvious reasons, my family was struggling through a disastrous home remodel. I was already feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin emotionally since we’d been living in our house during construction.
Despite all that, when I told my husband about the invitation to write the blog, he said, “How can you pass on that chance? Haven’t we been praying that you’d have more opportunities like this? Now you’re being invited to write about a Christian book for a secular news site that thousands of people read? Sounds like God is dropping the opportunity right in your lap.” 
Clearly, my husband was more open to the movement of God than I was at that moment. After listening to his wise words, I said “yes” and embarked on the adventure of writing my first series of blog posts. Little did I know that would usher in a new season in my life that would lead to writing many more blogs, a Bible study, and an unpublished book manuscript. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought when I said “yes” that I would later have the courage to launch my own website and to have God inspire me to write over 260 posts.
Author Nicki Koziarz explains, “Most of us believe God wants to do great things in and through us but moving toward these things is often difficult.” (p. 107) Staying open to the movement of God means we must be attentive to the Lord and open to change. Being flexible and ready to deviate from our comfortable patterns and predictable routines becomes our “new normal.” Following God’s prompting may involve being thrust into situations that are beyond us, forcing us to rely on His strength, wisdom and power. Although it seems scary, this is where exponential growth happens.
Ruth and Naomi’s story provides a perfect example of staying open to the movement of God. Ruth just so happened to find herself gleaning in the fields of Boaz, who showed her great kindness: “As she got up to glean, Boaz gave orders to his men, ‘Let her gather among the sheaves and don’t reprimand her. Even pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don’t rebuke her.’” (Ruth 2:15-16, NIV)
When she returned home to Naomi that night with an abundance of food, Naomi realized the hand of God at work through the kindness of Boaz: “’The Lord bless him!’ Naomi said to her daughter-in-law. ‘He has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead.’ She added, ‘That man is our close relative; he is one of our guardian-redeemers.’” (Ruth 2:20, NIV)
Naomi saw that Ruth’s gleaning in Boaz’ field was no coincidence. She recognized the providence of God: His care and guidance even in the smallest details. Naomi hadn’t sought out the help of her relative, but God had led Ruth to his field. This was only the beginning of seeing God’s hand move in their lives in mighty ways. Once He had their attention, they were ready to follow His lead.
What does it take to imitate their example and be open to the movement of God in our lives?
Be Teachable
For starters, we need to pay attention and ask God to show us where He’s moving.  We need to trust the Lord and invite Him to reveal what we need to learn, especially when plans aren’t unfolding according to our preferences. God often places opportunities before us that we miss because they don’t look the way we expect. If you find yourself in a situation that isn’t going the way you want, stop and ask God to show you what He wants you to learn from it. Tell Him you’re open to how He wants to move in your life through the situation.
Maintain Margin
Another way to be open to God’s movement is to maintain margin in your life. When your schedule is packed and your to do list is a mile long, it’s hard to be flexible and available to the Spirit’s prompting. Prayerfully consider where you invest your time. Don’t rush to fill every second with a scheduled activity. Instead, try starting your day with a simple prayer, “God show me who You want to bless through me today. Show me where You’re already at work and inviting me to join You.” 
Remember You’ve Been Equipped
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God prepares good works in advance for us to do. The Lord equips those He calls and gives us gifts to use to bless others and to further His kingdom. Ask Him to show you where He wants to use the gifts He’s given you. Invite Him to lead you to the good works He’s prepared in advance for you.
Be Flexible
Nicki Koziarz says, “I think one of the worst things we can do for ourselves in the process of becoming women who complete our God assignments is to stay stuck in the patterns that paralyze us. Change often seems to be a far off concept we can’t always wrap our actions around.” (p. 95). Being open to the movement of God means being flexible and agreeable to change. God rarely does things the same way twice. He often calls us to be stretched beyond our comfort zones so that we can discover new things He wants to do in and through us. If we’re not flexible and open to change, we’re closing ourselves off to the movement of God.
If you want to see God work in your life, just ask. Remain expectant, teachable and flexible so that you’re ready to respond when He reveals Himself to you.
Listen to Plumb’s song “Lord, I’m Ready Now” and make it your prayer today.

Interested in reading the blogs I wrote for the The Hole in Our Gospel?Check out the links below.–the-hole-in-our-gospel–the-hole-in-our-gospel-part-2–the-hole-in-our-gospel-part-3–the-hole-in-our-gospel-part-4–the-hole-in-our-gospel-part-5–the-hole-in-our-gospel-part-6

Nicki Koziarz, A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit, Lifeway Press, 2018.