Wrapping Up Acts

We’ve been camped out in the book of Acts for quite a while (7 months and 19 previous posts, to be exact.) This pivotal narrative has revealed the fulfillment of prophecy from the Old Testament. It has also provided crucial context for understanding the astounding changes in Jesus’ disciples and the rapid expansion of the gospel. Really, Acts is the bridge between the first four books of the New Testament and the twenty-two that come after it.

Some of you reading this have been part of the Focused Living Bible study that has studied diligently and met weekly to delve into Scripture using Acts: The Gospel Goes Out Parts 1 & 2 by the Village Church. Along with our small group discussions, we’ve also had twelve gifted teachers lead us through the twenty-eight chapters of this incredible book. So, as we wrap up, I’ve included a brief compilation of my notes along with a link to each teaching (the notes really don’t do the teachings justice). As you read (and watch), you’ll notice some powerful repeating themes. My hope and prayer is that the head knowledge you’ve gained studying Acts becomes heart knowledge you’re living on a daily basis.

Acts Introduction:  Pattie Cox

  • You need the backstory to write your story. 
  • General themes in Acts: the Gospel, opposition and persecution, history of the early church, the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit is the person who fuels your story.
  • Anything is possible empowered by the Holy Spirit.

To watch Pattie’s teaching click here.

Acts 1: “The Ascension” Heather Congo

  • We need to wait AND walk as Jesus’ witnesses.
  • Stand on the proof of Jesus.
  • Lean into the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray continually and in community.

To watch Heather’s teaching click here.

Acts 2: “Pentecost” Amethyst Thomas

  • Bold faith saves lives.
  • When you are confused, ask questions (don’t criticize).
  • When you are confused about the Holy Spirit, turn to the Holy Scriptures 
  • Who will you pray about boldly sharing your faith with?
  • What if someone had not shared the Gospel with you?

To watch Amethyst’s teaching click here.

Acts 3:1-4:31 “A Healing, a Sermon, and a Prison” Vanessa Lepisi

  • Faith says it’s possible, but hope says it’s possible for me.
  • Don’t walk past a hurting world and pretend you’re helpless when you have the Helper living inside you!
  • The Spirit stirs in you and then empowers you to speak words of life!

To watch Vanessa’s teaching click here.

Acts 4:32-5:42 “Church Formation” Marybeth McCullum

Pleasing people may have value for a moment but pleasing God has value for eternity.

Temporary Value: Eternal Value:
Being generous to receive praise from othersBeing generous for the glory of God
Focusing on your personal agendaFocusing on God’s agenda
Deceiving others with hypocrisyDemonstrating integrity & honesty
Hollow gestures for showSpirit-led actions to bless others


  • Where is your fear of discomfort holding you back from growing spiritually and encountering the Lord in new ways?
  • If we’re intent on pleasing people more than obeying God, we’re missing out on all the ways God may want to use us to bring more of His kingdom to earth.

To watch Marybeth’s teaching click here.

Acts 6:1-8:3 “Stephen” Lisa Van Randwyk

  • One faithful believer can have profound impact through a faithful God.
  • Stephen’s story shows the impact of one life, one voice, and one tragedy.
  • God’s resumé is a story of faithfulness from generation to generation.
  • You have a story of God’s faithfulness in your life; a story with telling!
  • Don’t underestimate the impact of what the Spirit can do through you!
Pattern of GodPattern of Man
Promise KeeperDisobedient
Covenant MakerIdolatrous
RescuerWorships Self
Giver of Wisdom and FavorForgetful

To watch Lisa’s teaching click here.

Acts 8:4-40  “Simon and Philip” Pattie Cox

  • The Gospel goes out in invitation and warning; be “Gospel Invitation” people!
  • God uses ordinary people like you and me.
  • All are invited to Jesus, not to an organization or a program.
  • The Gospel goes out in words and deeds and results in joy.
  • We can have unity even in diversity—“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”
  • The Gospel goes out in warning: Don’t be amazed by the wrong invitation or fooled by those who misuse it.
  • God is the great pursuer, those previously excluded (Gentiles) are now welcomed.
  • God uses obedient believers to explain the Gospel to seeking souls.

To watch Pattie’s teaching click here.

Acts 9:1-31 “Saul’s Conversion” Tracey Shepherd

We are God’s instruments, chosen to play a part in His masterpiece. 

Chosen Instruments:
Surrender to Jesus as The Way
Obey the ways of Jesus
Rise and Go
Play a part in opening the eyes of others
Come alongside other chosen instruments realizing they have one part to play in God’s greater masterpiece.

To watch Tracey’s teaching click here.

Acts 9:32-11:18 “Peter’s Ministry” Lindsay Hanover

  • The Gospel is for everyone. God does not show favoritism. And neither should we.
  • When we hear the Lord’s voice, are we quick to obey?
  • What are the areas in your life that need changing or softening?
  • When faced with criticism do we let the Holy Spirit defend us?
  • Are you open and willing to go where God is calling you, even if it’s out of your comfort zone?

To watch Lindsay’s teaching click here.

Acts 11:19-12:25 “Expansion and Opposition” Kelly Holbrook

God has the final say:
in the gospel spreading despite persecution
in the church’s hearts by giving them hope
over earthly kings 
in the faith of the church
over sin

“The chapter opens with James dead, Peter in prison and Herod triumphing. It closes with Herod dead, Peter free and the word of God triumphing. Such is the power of God to overthrow human plans and to establish his own in their place.” -John Stott

To watch Kelly’s teaching click here.

Acts 13 “Paul and Barnabas” Temtem Armonious

  • The Good Kind of FOMO urges us not to miss out on enjoying the gift of the Holy Spirit and all He can do through us. (FOMO= “Fear of Missing Out.”)
  • In the presence of the real light, the fake light does not stand a chance. 
  • When in doubt, step back into the real light. (Ephesians 5:8)
  • When you step into the action, the Holy Spirit equips.
  • Don’t count your losses and missed opportunities just yet! The Holy Spirit prevails over human failure.
  • Be relatable to the world without conforming to the ways of the world. (1 Cor 9:20-23)
  • We too have a share in the gospel. Do you want it?
  • Transformation is the job of the Holy Spirit. Full joy comes when we are full of the Holy Spirit.

To watch Temtem’s teaching click here.

Acts 14- Acts 15:35 “The Jerusalem Council” Wendy Hagen

  • We are all made to worship something. What do you worship?
  • We are made to give and receive encouragement.
  • What do you go to for comfort instead of turning to God?
  • Idols aren’t always bad things, except when they become “ultimate.”
  • People aren’t meant to be worshiped.

To watch Wendy’s teaching click here.

Acts 15:36-16:40 “Paul’s Second Missionary Journey”  Vanessa Lepisi

  • Is opposition a sign we ought not to proceed?
  • When men divide, God multiplies.
  • Putting our egos aside puts Jesus on the pedestal and makes us willing servants of all.
  • A season of suffering may be a small price to pay for God’s greater glory. Suffering you’re enduring may not be about you at all! Keep enduring in faith and hold onto hope. God wastes nothing, not even our pain!
  • When faced with opposition consider your methods, giftings, and motivations to see if you’re aligned with God’s will.
How do you know WHEN to “become all things, to all people”? Ask yourself:
Is it ultimately MY choice & no one is forcing me?
Does it call into question my character or integrity before God?
Does it contradict the word of God?
Does it keep me safely inside my comfort zone?
Does it cause more unity than division or strife?

To watch Vanessa’s teaching click here.

Acts 17:1-18:21 “No Longer an Unknown God” Pattie Cox

  • Be women who turn the world upside down for Jesus.
  • Be women who KNOW Scripture, God’s Word.
  • Be women willing to DIALOGUE with people.
  • Be women whose spirit is provoked by seeing the culture from God’s eyes. 
  • Be women who can enter into the false stories of the culture and tell them the true story of Jesus.
  • Your suffering gives an opportunity to turn the world upside down.
  • Invite people into the community of believers.
  • Tell the world about your personal God.
  • Introduce the world to the presence and promises of God.
  • Be women who persevere and who are courageous despite suffering.

To watch Pattie’s teaching click here.

Acts 18:22-19:41 “Paul’s Third Missionary Journey” Heather Congo

  • What we believe matters. We must improve our accuracy, reason boldly, turn away from idols and to the one true God.
  • Who can help you toward greater accuracy?
  • How might you need to be open to correction?
  • What idols do you need to turn from?
  • How can we challenge ideas and industries that propagate evil while also maintaining a good standing in our society?

To watch Heather’s teaching click here.

Acts 20-21:36 “Paul in Jerusalem” Lisa Van Randwyk

  • Follow the Spirit’s current. Invite Him to partner with you every day.
  • The Spirit’s current sometimes leads in a surprising direction.
  • The Spirit’s current gives direction, encouragement, and warning.
  • The Spirit’s current keeps us steady in dangerous waters.
  • Currents diminish in intensity the deeper they go; as we’re grounded in the Word, we won’t be so easily thrown off by our culture.

To watch Lisa’s teaching click here.

Acts 21:37-23:35 “Accusation and Arrest” Dana Van Egdom

  • God is good, even when things don’t go according to plan.
  • God is always working on your behalf.
  • Live your life like you’ve been saved!
  • Stay connected to the TRUE vine. (John 15)
  • God is the good in our testimony!
  • God uses ALL of our story for His glory.
  • We can take courage because God is with us.

To watch Dana’s teaching click here.

Acts 24-26 “Appeal to Caesar” Kelly Holbrook

  • God doesn’t waste anything. He uses our gifts, experiences and circumstances to bring His glory.
  • Paul’s calm demeanor → earned an audience
  • Paul’s speaking abilities & knowledge → persuaded Roman officials
  • Paul’s circumstances → shared Jesus 
  • Paul’s citizenship → got him to Rome to preach the gospel
  • Paul’s story → testified to the truth that Jesus is Lord!
  • How do you respond to unfair or false accusations?
  • What gifts has God given you to glorify Him?
  • How has God used the story He’s written in your life to bring Him glory?

To watch Kelly’s teaching click here.

Acts 27:1-28-31 “Paul in Rome” Pattie Cox

  • The Gospel is progressing then and now.
  • Your faith in God can spill over to encourage others around you.
  • Trust God to do all the He has promised.
  • Make the most of every opportunity.
  • The Gospel is for everyone.
  • The Gospel always confronts people with a choice.
  • Persecution brought a greater harvest.
  • Ordinary people do extraordinary things by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • The story is to be continued in you – move it forward!
  • God has a zero margin of error, guaranteed 100% achievement rate. He cannot fail.

To watch Pattie’s teaching click here.

At the beginning of Acts Jesus told His disciples “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, ESV) Like His followers then, we are called to be witnesses to what He’s done in our lives now. We aren’t called to be attorneys arguing our case or judges making rulings– we are called to walk with Jesus and to tell others how that makes all the difference. Be inspired by all you’ve learned studying Acts and invite the Spirit to continue His work in and through your life daily.

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