Sitting across the chess board from my son, he explained the rules and basic strategies of the game. I’d grown up playing checkers but had never ventured into the more complicated world of chess. My son’s agile mind seemed more adept at managing the pieces and remembering the various rules for moving them. After he’d beat me, yet again, he explained his strategy: “See the future.” I realized he wasn’t playing one move at a time but mapping out multiple options and anticipating countermoves. He understood the importance of playing the long game.
Author and teacher Kelly Minter draws a comparison between chess, checkers, and our spiritual lives saying, “I am queen of the short game…On my bad days, I measure God’s favor toward me (or lack thereof) by whatever has gone right or wrong that day. When I do this, I forget that not only is God after the long game in my life—my personal sanctification, spiritual growth, blessing of others, heart growing to look more like Christ’s—He’s also after His long game. In other words, God cares deeply about our individual lives, and at the same time, He wants to use us in His far bigger story of redemption. We’re meant for something much larger than ourselves, but this is easy to forget in our instant gratification and selfie culture.” (p. 145)
The story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 is just one of many in the Bible that illustrates this. He shows amazing trust in God and a willingness to endure hardship for the Lord’s greater purposes. Consider Joseph’s explanation when he reveals his identity to his brothers who had sold him into slavery 22 years earlier: “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.” (Genesis 45:4-7, NIV)
Instead of being vengeful towards his brothers for selling him or angry at God for allowing him to endure such hardship, Joseph focuses on the good that resulted from his presence in Egypt. He sees that his oversight of the food storage and distribution not only saved Egyptian lives but would ultimately preserve his family line as well. Kelly Minter explains, “So far in our study we’ve been mostly looking at Joseph’s story from a checkerboard perspective—lots of reactionary and sometimes unrelated moves that don’t seem to be governed by a bigger plan. We’re finally at a point where we’re beginning to see God’s much bigger plan of redemption playing out, a plan marked by patience and forethought. We’re beginning to see that God, in and through all the little moves of His people in our story—some sacrificial, some selfish—is working out a great plan to turn the house of Jacob into the nation of Israel in the land of Egypt.
One might say all the players in Joseph’s story were playing checkers while God was playing chess. Except God isn’t playing a game with kings, queens, pawns, and knights. He’s writing a story of redemption that’s all about one King whose name is Jesus—the King who will rescue His people from their sins.” (p.149)
We know this ultimate truth about Jesus, but sometimes I wonder how many of us let it impact us daily. It’s commonplace lately to hear stories about lives filled with hurts and hardships. Many of us are grieving the loss of our pre-COVID lives. In the past year we’ve lost loved ones and livelihoods; we’ve grappled with depression and anxiety; we’ve struggled with loneliness and longed for community. We’re under pressure at work and at home. Marriages and families are crumbling. Some of us are suffering from physical ailments or caring for others with major medical problems. And to make matters worse, our nation continues to battle political strife and deep division.
With so many sad, hard, and negative things happening all around us, I wonder sometimes if we’re doing exactly what Kelly Minter describes: getting so mired in the details that we’re forgetting God’s bigger plans. Is it possible that these hardships we’re facing could be reminding us of our need for Him? Instead of magnifying the difficulties in our lives, perhaps we should try a different tactic by trusting God to use them for good. When we’re grieving unwelcome changes or staggering losses, let’s look for the new things He might be doing.
Think of the hardships Joseph endured that preserved his family line, which ultimately brought us Jesus, our Redeemer. Because of Him, we have hope in the midst of every struggle. We have purpose and fulfillment. Our foundation is secure. Jesus is the answer to all the world’s problems and to our personal ones as well. This isn’t just a nice “Christian” thing to say—it’s the truth. So, if you call Him your Savior and Lord, then live like you believe it. Let your faith in Him steady you in these trying times and then ask God how He wants to use you as part of His bigger plan. It’s time to put away the reactionary thinking of checkers and to trust in God’s strategy for His long term plans.
Even though the world feels like it’s falling apart, rest assured that Jesus is holding all things together:
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” (Hebrews 1:3a ESV)
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:15-17 ESV)
If you’ve been letting the troubles in your life or our world drag you down, maybe it’s time to change your focus. Let “There Was Jesus” by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton remind you that you already have exactly what you need.
Kelly Minter, Finding God Faithful: A Study on the Life of Joseph, Lifeway Press, 2019.