Scrolling through news articles and social media posts, it’s easy to see that there are ample opportunities for Christians to feel marginalized because of their faith. As followers of Jesus, it’s challenging to navigate a society that doesn’t esteem or respect our beliefs. That’s why I love Daniel’s example in Scripture–he shows us how to follow God faithfully in a secular culture without becoming smug or self-righteous.
As a Jewish exile living in Babylon, Daniel chose to live differently from the dominant customs and mindset. Although he assimilated into Babylonian culture in many ways, he remained steadfast in his devotion to the Lord. He served four different kings who ruled in Babylon over about 60 years, but he never compromised his faith.

One example of this is in the Book of Daniel chapter 6, when Daniel’s rivals concocted an edict that required all people of Babylon to pray only to King Darius for thirty days. They hoped to use Daniel’s faith in God and his consistency in prayer against him. Undeterred, “when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel 6:10, NIV)
Pastor Alistair Begg explains, “When it came to his praying, Daniel was facing direct intimidation — and he refused to bow before it. The edict the king made was not aimed at the public good, but at the exaltation of his name above God’s. Daniel drew the line at giving the impression that he was in agreement with the edict and that his allegiance to God came second to his obedience to the king. And so he continued to pray, as before.”1
In spite of his faithfulness to the Lord and consistency in prayer, Daniel also had the humility to admit his shortcomings. Rather than pointing the finger at others, he confessed the sins of his nation to the Lord and included himself in the culpability:
“I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: ‘Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land…Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.’” (Daniel 9:4-6 & 19, NIV)
The Enduring Word Bible Commentary makes some insightful observations about Daniel’s prayer. Following each quote from it, I’ve included some questions to ponder that will help us to be faithful to God while remaining honest and humble about our blindspots and sins.
1. “As Daniel confessed Israel’s sin he prayed as if he were as bad as the rest of Israel. This was a confession of we, not they. In this sense, they prayers never really reach God; genuine we prayers see self correctly and see our fellow saints with compassion.”2
- Where am I tempted to point the finger at others and overlook my own sin?
- When do I judge others instead of praying they’ll be convicted of their sins by the Holy Spirit?
2. “Instead of complaining, Daniel confessed. During times of great revival among God’s people, the Holy Spirit always brings a deep conviction and awareness of sin. When that is responded to rightly, confession is appropriately made. J. Edwin Orr gives a good principle to govern confession: ‘If you sin secretly, confess secretly, admitting publicly that you need the victory but keeping details to yourself. If you sin openly confess openly to remove stumbling blocks from those whom you have hindered. If you have sinned spiritually (prayerlessness, lovelessness, and unbelief as well as their offspring, criticism, etc.) then confess to the church that you have been a hindrance.’”2
- Do I want to see revival among God’s people, even if it means confronting my own sin?
- Am I open to the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin in my life?
- Have I considered how my sin may create a stumbling block for others, especially those closest to me?
3. “Daniel prayed as a patriot – but a patriot more of the Kingdom of God than the Kingdom of Israel. We should pray with similar patriotism for the Kingdom of God. ‘Let it never be said that the Church of God has no feeling of patriotism for the Holy City, for the Heavenly Land and for her glorious King enthroned above. To us, Christian patriotism means love to the Church of God.’ (Spurgeon)”2
- Is my first allegiance to the Kingdom of God or to a lesser kingdom?
4. “Daniel’s prayer was consumed with the glory of God, not primarily with the benefit of man. His purpose in prayer was to see God’s work accomplished and His cause glorified.”2
- Is the goal of my prayers to see God’s work accomplished and His cause glorified?
5. “Even before the time of the New Testament, Daniel prayed on firm New Testament ground. His confidence wasn’t in his goodness, but in God’s goodness. This is what it means to pray in the name of Jesus. Those aren’t words we tack on to the end of a prayer, but they should express the fact we are praying in merits and righteousness of Jesus, not our own. Daniel was not great because he prayed. He was great because his prayer was the necessary expression of great trust and dependence on God.”2
- Are my prayers an expression of my trust and dependence on God?
- Do I humbly acknowledge that I can only approach God because of Christ’s righteousness?
These aren’t easy questions to answer, but they will help us to continue progressing toward spiritual maturity. Daniel’s character was shaped by his faithfulness to God, his commitment to prayer, and his humility. Let Pat Barrett’s song “Build My Life” inspire you to follow his example. Click here to listen.
1. Alistair Begg, “Where We Draw the Line: How to Live (and Die) in Babylon” Click here for the full article.
2. David Guzik, Enduring Word Commentary. Click here for the full article.