When Plans Reroute

I didn’t see it coming. With one swift move on the game board, my son thwarted my carefully constructed plans. We’d been playing the game Ticket to Ride and I had been quietly building my railway empire laying my black trains on tracks spanning from east to west. With each turn, I’d been amassing the cards I needed to connect cities between New York and Seattle. The route was obvious and the rail lines I needed had remained unclaimed for many rounds of play. It was a good sign that no one had drawn cards that would impede my progress. However, in one move, my son’s blue game pieces blocked my westward path in Helena, Montana.  

Despite my disappointment, I studied the game board carefully and discovered an alternate course I hadn’t considered. It was less direct and forced me to veer south to Salt Lake City, but would still enable me to link New York and Seattle on my fictional railway line. After a few more rounds of play, I successfully reached my destination, although the route looked much different than I’d planned.

Playing that game has been an illustration of my life in the past year. Time and time again I’ve anticipated plans moving in one direction only to have them rerouted. Family members have had illnesses and injuries that have caused major shifts in our routines and schedules, cars have broken down and created significant inconveniences, and ministry commitments have had unexpected and abrupt changes that have required continual flexibility.

While none of these life derailments has been catastrophic, each of them has had the potential to cause major discouragement and bitterness in me. Through a negative lens, I could tell you about many situations from the past year that have caused frustrations layered upon inconveniences compounded by heartbreak. However, choosing a negative focus would only  encourage me to have a sour attitude or to wallow in self-pity.

Think about it. Any time something doesn’t go according to our plans and we react negatively,  it’s because we think we’re being ripped off. We believe we deserve to get what we want. Really, this is veiled entitlement—the assumption that everything should go the way we prefer. And when our expectations aren’t met, we feel indignant, disillusioned, angry or bitter. The resulting behaviors are rudeness, impatience, self-absorption, and harsh treatment of others.

Most of us like control and when life goes according to plans, we assume we have it. But what if that control we thought we had was only an illusion? What if we learned to loosen our grasp on the need for control and to trust God when our plans get rerouted? What if we saw roadblocks as an inevitable part of life instead of an anomaly?

Like my train route on the game board, there are times when we are so singularly focused on getting from Point A to Point B that we can’t imagine any other way for something to work out. Yet when we’re open, flexible and willing to accept unexpected changes and interruptions, we leave room for God to teach us a few things along the way. This is how we grow.

Scripture emphasizes this idea: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21, NIV) So when things don’t go according to plan, maybe instead of getting frazzled and upset, we’d be better off asking God to show us His purpose. Surely there is something we can learn from each rerouted journey we face.

Better still, we might consider including God in our plans and asking for His guidance and involvement from the start:

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”  (James 4:13-15, NIV)

God reveals His will through His Word. When we’re continually studying it, applying it to our lives, and pursuing a relationship with Him, we can find peace knowing our plans align with His.  Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean things will always go smoothly. Life is messy. People are complicated. Things change. We can rail against this and throw a tantrum or learn to accept it and let God refine us through it. And when our plans do get rerouted, instead of getting upset, our first inclination can be to rest in the knowledge that God is still in control.

If you’re in a season of “rerouting,” be encouraged by Micah Tyler’s song “Even Then.”