Looking Back at 2021, Looking Ahead at 2022

We’re turning the page on the calendar and kicking off a new year. Before diving into 2022, let’s take some time to look back and look ahead. For starters, what stands out from the past year? What shaped your character, faith, and worldview? Where did you see God at work? How did you grow? Looking ahead, where will you focus your time and energy in the coming year? To get you started, I’ll share my answers below. 

What stands out as you look back on the past year?

Seeing Extraordinary Prayer come to fruition and watching God use it in the lives of many people has been a noteworthy part of 2021. I learned so much through writing, teaching, and discussing the study. God led me to an amazing group of women who agreed to teach some of the sessions. Our times meeting and praying together were highlights of the year for me. Also, with the ongoing challenge of COVID restrictions, I am amazed 150 women were able to meet weekly to hear powerful teaching and to engage in rich discussions about the study. I loved hearing about other groups who were meeting on their own to study it. Most importantly, I’m grateful for how God used it to transform people’s prayer lives and to draw them closer to Him.

I’ve only surfed a handful of times, but watching the Lord pull this study together felt like paddling hard and then catching a wave and taking a thrilling ride. Writing a book has been a lifelong dream for me, and I’ve loved seeing how God has used it. Now, what stands out as you look back on the last year in your life?

What shaped your character, faith, and worldview?

I try to be intentional about what shapes me. Just like the food we consume affects our physical health, the inputs we allow into our brains affect our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Social media feeds, news articles, podcasts, shows, movies, and books all impact us powerfully. Here are few that have shaped me in positive ways in the last year:

Podcasts: This Cultural Moment with John Mark Comer & Mark Sayers has helped me to understand trends and issues in our culture, how they are affecting people and the Church, and how I, as a follower of Jesus, am called to respond. These pastors are godly, biblical, smart, and well-read. I’ve learned so much from listening to their conversations about following Jesus in a post-Christian world. Click here to learn more.

Made for This with Jennie Allen has helped me to apply Scripture to my daily life. Jennie’s teaching and interviews explore and expand on important aspects of how to be a healthy, wise, and biblically literate follower of Jesus. Click here to learn more.

Books: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer has caused me to consider how and where to invest my time and focus. It’s helped me understand how technology has shaped us and shortened our attention spans. This book has inspired me to be more intentional and thoughtful about incorporating spiritual disciplines like silence, solitude, Sabbath rest, and simplicity into my life consistently.

Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge has motivated me to care for my body and my mind so that they are durable for the long haul. I’m looking at exercising, nurturing friendships, eating healthy, and challenging my mind as vital for my well-being. Maintaining my own health frees me to serve and bless others with fewer limitations.

Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry is one of many books I read this year that helped me to explore a polarizing and sensitive topic. Hill’s autobiographical perspective is filled with grace and biblical truth.

Now, consider what shaped your character and worldview this year. Did your inputs draw you closer to God? What will you add or eliminate for 2022?

Where did you see God at work? How did you grow personally or spiritually?

It has been a year of emotional highs and lows for me. I’ve written a lot about God working through Extraordinary Prayer. I’ve written a little about how He comforted me in grief over losing my mom and selling our family home of 45 years. I haven’t mentioned how those painful events triggered some old challenges. The Lord has been at work healing my heart and helping me to re-route some unhealthy thought patterns as I’ve spent time with a Christian therapist. God continues to help me recognize roadblocks that I’ve been unable or unwilling to confront. He’s helping me grow in understanding myself and how I relate to others. It’s been hard work, but so worth it. Now, where did you see God at work and how did you grow this year?

Where will you focus your energy in 2022?

Looking ahead at 2022, I am inspired to make prayer and presence a bigger priority. I want to pray consistently for renewal among believers so that they long for God’s presence, kingdom, and righteousness more than anything else. I also want to pray for the hearts of people who have been deceived by the enemy and have believed lies about the Lord. Corporate renewal begins with personal renewal, so I’d like to be more focused on God’s presence in my life. I’m considering trying a new spiritual discipline like fasting to help my prayers be more targeted and intentional. I’m also hoping to continue sharing Extraordinary Prayer with others so they can grow deeper with the Lord. How about you? Where will you focus your time and energy in 2022?

Whether you’re heading into the new year feeling hopeful or discouraged, let “Come What May” by We Are Messengers remind you of God’s nearness. Don’t miss the beautiful reassurance it includes from Psalm 23. Then, take some time with these questions and let the Lord guide you as you chart your course for 2022. Happy New Year!