God’s Names Reveal His Character

Brilliant gold, orange, and pink clouds accentuated by the black silhouette of trees in the dawn's early light brought me reassurance that God holds all things together.
Some nights I toss and turn, my mind churning on the many things that are heavy on my heart. In those quiet moments, I lay my concerns before God, hoping to offload them onto Him so I can get a few more hours of precious sleep. It seems there have been a lot of burdens to entrust to Him lately. Some days I write feverishly in my prayer journal about the many people and situations where I long to see God bring help, change, and healing. I pore over passages of Scripture searching for words of hope and encouragement to guide me. 
But sometimes, God doesn’t reveal Himself to me through the pages of Scripture. Instead, He gives me an experience to show me His majesty. Recently I had a sleepless, angst-filled night. When I finally shuffled out of my bedroom bleary-eyed and groggy, I noticed an unusual glow coming through the front window. Glancing outside, I saw our car in the driveway reflecting hues of gold, pink, and orange in the early morning light. I stepped outside for a better look and caught my breath as I admired God’s handiwork splashed across the sky. Within a few minutes, the brilliant colors faded back into the muted greys of the winter morning. Interestingly, this same thing happened again later in the week after another sleepless night. Again, the vibrant colors only appeared for a few minutes before fading away, but both times I was there to see them and to be encouraged by God’s presence. I immediately thought of a verse that has reassured me frequently in the past year: “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:16-17, NIV)

Remembering His character and drawing near to Him put my worries into perspective and brought me peace. The color-drenched sunrise was a visual reminder of the Lord’s infinite power. I knew that the same God who created breathtaking artwork in the sky would be sovereign in my life and would tenderly care for me and the many concerns that swirled in my mind. There was no doubt that He would hold all things together.
So frequently we come before God with a list of fears, needs, and concerns. And while He does invite us to give our burdens to Him and to cast our anxieties before Him, He also longs for us to come near to Him just because we love Him. Priscilla Shirer advises, “Don’t bypass the relationship because you’d rather have answers to your questions. God wants to speak to you because he wants you to know Him. Knowing His direction is just a byproduct. He wants to reveal truth about Himself to you because this knowledge will lay the firm path toward fulfilling His purpose for your life.” (p. 107)

Throughout the Old Testament, God appeared to different people and reassured them with exactly what they needed. And when He did this, the people he encountered would label Him with specific names. Each one revealed a different aspect of His character. I’ve included several of them below. 
-Elhohim means 
Creator and is first found in the creation story in Genesis 1:1
-El Shaddai means 
The All-Sufficient One and is first found in the story of Abraham in Genesis 17:1-8
-El Elyon means 
The Most High (Sovereign) and is found in the story of Abraham and Melchizidek in Genesis 14:18-20
-Adonai means 
Lord or Master and is found in in the story of Abraham in Genesis 15:2
-El Olam means 
The Everlasting God and is found in the story of the Treaty at Beersheba in Genesis 21:33
-El Roi 
means The God Who Sees and is found in the story of Hagar in Genesis 16
-Yahweh means 
LORD or The Self Existent One (also translated later as Jehovah) and is found in the story of Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3:13-15
-Jehovah Tsidkenu means 
The Lord is Our Righteousness and is found in prophetic remarks about Judah and Israel found in Jeremiah 23:6
-Jehovah Jireh means 
The Lord Will Provide and is found in the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22:14
-Jehovah Raah means 
The Lord my Shepherd and is found in the words of David in Psalm 23:1
-Jehovah Shalom means 
The Lord Send Peace and is found in the story of Gideon in Judges 6:24
-Johovah Rapha means 
The Lord Who Heals and is found in Moses’ instructions to the Israelites from the Lord in Exodus 15:26
-Jehoval Shammah means 
The Lord is There and is found in the vision of the temple and city rebuilt in Ezekiel 48:35
-Jehovah Nissi means 
The Lord is My Banner and is found in the story of the Israelites defeating the Amalekites in Exodus 17:15 while Moses held his arms high with the help of Aaron and Hur
-Johovah Sabaoth means 
The Lord of Hosts and is found in the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:3-11 and the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:42-47
-Johovah Mekoddishkem means 
The Lord Who Sanctifies and is found in the discussion of observing the Sabbath in Exodus 31:12-18
-Qanna means 
Jealous God and is used to describe God’s desire to have the unrivaled affection of His people in Zechariah 1:14
Which aspect of God’s character do you need to focus on right now? Maybe it feels like you’re lacking in some way and you need to know He’s the All Sufficient One. Or perhaps you’ve been overlooked or forgotten and need reassurance that He is the God Who Sees. Maybe you’re struggling to trust God through financial challenges and need a reminder that The Lord Will Provide. It could be that you or someone you love needs physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing and you need to lean into The Lord Who Heals. Whichever name and character quality resonates with you right now, draw near to God and let Him comfort and encourage you.
On those mornings when I witnessed amazing sunrises, a song came to mind that seemed perfectly suited for those moments. Click on the link below to enjoy, “Nobody Loves Me Like You” by Chris Tomlin.

Names of God lists compiled from LORD, Teach Me to Pray and LORD, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur.
Discerning the Voice of God by Prisilla Shirer, Lifeway Press, 2017

Connecting the Dots: 1 Peter 3:5-7

I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge, but I almost did when I saw this week’s topic in my Bible study. I won’t lie to you, it’s not easy material to swallow and it’s certainly not embraced by mainstream culture today.  Nonetheless, God’s Word contains eternal truth that transcends the many opinions about marriage that have come and gone over the centuries. Here’s what it says:

“This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God and accepted the authority of their husbands. For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, and called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do.

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” (1 Peter 3:5-7, NLT)

Whew! Those are some hard words to read in current times! And right in the middle of the passage, Peter throws in an example from the Old Testament without much explanation. Reviewing the stories of Sarah and Abraham with Peter’s teaching in mind is an eye-opening experience. Rather than being examples of those who did everything “right,” their lives show us the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good

We meet Abram and Sarai in Genesis 12 when the LORD calls Abram to leave his father’s household, his people, and his country to go to a new land. (Later in Genesis 17 God changed their names to “Abraham” and “Sarah.”) God promised Abram He would make him into a great nation and would bless all the people of the earth through him. Following God’s invitation, Abram packed up his possessions at the age of 75 and left home to travel to a new land with his wife, Sarai, and their nephew, Lot. Imagine Sarai leaving the only home she’d ever known at age 65. Scripture doesn’t tell us how she felt, only that she went. Abram trusted God and submitted to His will and Sarai followed his lead. She trusted her husband and yielded to him. And this is where their story really begins.

The Good and The Bad

The story continues with Abram and Sarai traveling to Egypt to escape a famine. As they approached the border, Abram said to his wife, “Look, you are a very beautiful woman. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife. Let’s kill him; then we can have her!’ So please tell them you are my sister. Then they will spare my life and treat me well because of their interest in you.” (Genesis 12:11-13, NLT) Despite being put in a precarious position, Sarai submitted to Abram’s plan. And as Abram predicted, Pharaoh took Sarai into his palace. Here we see the opposite of what Peter tells husbands to do. Abram behaved dishonorably toward his wife, yet she still yielded to his plan.

The good news is that God was looking out for her in a way her husband wasn’t. “The LORD sent terrible plagues upon Pharaoh and his household because of Sarai, Abram’s wife.” (Genesis 12:17, NLT)  Even though his plan dishonored her, Sarai submitted to her husband. And God stepped in to protect her.

Ironically, a very similar situation occurred later when a different king admired Sarah’s beauty and took her into his harem after Abraham said she was his sister. In Genesis 20 God protected Sarah by revealing Abraham’s deception and preventing King Abimelech from touching her. Once again, she submitted to her husband despite his dishonorable plan. And once again, God came to the rescue.

The Ugly

Sarai is probably best known for her worst mistake. After waiting ten years to conceive the child promised by God, she finally decided to give up and take matters into her own hands: “So Sarai said to Abram, ‘The Lord has prevented me from having children. Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can have children through her.’ And Abram agreed with Sarai’s proposal.” (Genesis 16:2, NLT) As much as we want to criticize her for this decision, we’d be hypocrites if we did. How many times do we, as women, decide make things happen OUR way? We love to tell our husbands how to implement our plans, don’t we?  Sarai’s choice not only portrays a lack of submission to her husband, it reveals a lack of trust in God. And with his passive response and willingness to go along with her plan, Abram relinquished his leadership and authority. The results, as you may remember, were disastrous. Ishmael, the child born to Hagar, became a constant source of grief to Sarai. His birth brought animosity into their household that would last for every future generation. And all because Sarah assumed authority where she shouldn’t have. Ouch!

A Good God

Finally, twenty-four years after His original promise, the LORD appeared to speak with Abraham and told him he would have a son by Sarah less than a year later. Eavesdropping nearby, Sarah laughed to herself quietly saying, “How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master—my husband—is also so old?” (Genesis 18:12, NLT) Perhaps referring to him as her “master” here shows she’d learned a lesson from exerting authority over him with the whole Hagar-Ishmael incident.

Scripture goes on to tell us, “The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would.” (Genesis 21:1-2, NLT) So at ages 90 and 100, God fulfilled the promise He made when He first called Abram and Sarai to leave home when they were 65 and 75.

Connecting the Dots

Remember those “dot to dot” pictures we did as kids?  You’d take a page full of tiny black, numbered dots and would draw lines to connect them in numerical order.  At the end, a picture would take shape.  For me, reading the stories of Sarah and Abraham is a little like that. When I read Peter’s words about marital submission, they rub me the wrong way because I’m viewing them from a secular worldview, not a biblical one. However, when I consider examples from Scripture, those dots start to be connected into a clear picture. God designed His creation to function with order.  First and foremost, we submit to Him. Peter explains that we also submit to others such as government authorities and employers, as well as our spouses.  And like a dot to dot picture with the lines connected out of numerical sequence, when we disregard the order of authority God has established, life becomes much messier and more complicated. It’s still a hard passage to embrace, but I trust God more than I trust the constantly changing worldviews that influence each generation and distort ultimate truth.

*Inspired by the Bible study 1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ by Jen Wilkin (Lifeway 2016)