Small Beginnings

Tearing out the sheet of binder paper, I wrote a bullet-pointed list of discussion questions based on a Bible passage I’d been studying. Each week I’d take my hand-written questions and photocopy them in my sorority’s study lounge, known as “The Pit” because of its location in the basement of our house. Climbing the steps to the expansive living room, I’d sit on the floor near the fireplace glancing regularly at my watch, waiting to see if anyone would come.

Inviting girls in my house to join a Bible study had been a stunning leap of faith for me as a sophomore in college. Before God had emboldened me, I’d always been someone that craved approval and validation from others. I liked fitting in, not creating a stir. This venture launched me way past the limits of my comfort zone. Not everyone cheered on my efforts. As you might imagine, Bible study veered beyond the typical activities for girls at my secular university. Some weeks ten of my sorority sisters would show up, others no one would come. 

I didn’t know that God was preparing me for many other opportunities to write, lead, teach, mentor, and serve. Looking back, I see how the Lord used that time to equip and prepare me to walk alongside others growing in faith. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of pouring into a variety of women at different seasons in my life. Usually it’s only a few, but over time this has added up to a lot of lives.

That’s what I thought of when I read this passage: “Do not despise these small beginnings for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10a, NLT)

So often when God prompts us to act, we expect big, splashy results immediately. When we don’t get them, we become discouraged and want to quit. Or, we get distracted and lose our focus, as the Jews re-building the temple did in the book of Haggai.

Jennifer Rothschild encourages us saying, “You may feel small, insignificant, thinking who you are or where you are is unimportant compared to the seemingly big significance of others’ lives and situations. But no one and nothing is really small and insignificant. The big impact of small things can be overlooked if we aren’t careful… God does know your name. He doesn’t overlook you just because somebody has a bigger problem, a bigger project, or a bigger personality. No matter how big the world is and no matter how small you may feel, God has called you to take courage and finish the work He has called you to…Let His voice be louder than the outside voice of opposition and that nagging inner voice that tries to convince you that you are too small for your call.”

Recently, I returned from IF:Gathering—a conference attended by thousands of women in person and online all over the world. Sitting in the audience with 4000 other women, I watched as one gifted speaker after another took the stage. Their teaching energized me and spurred on my faith. But, if I’m honest, there were moments that I also felt a little angsty and cynical. I’m not proud to admit that I slipped into comparison mode a few times. As soon as I did this, joy drained out of me. Listening to accomplished speakers with multiple published books and thousands of followers made my own efforts to impact others for Jesus seem small by comparison.  For a few moments I bounced between envy and self-doubt, until the Holy Spirit reminded me of truth. 

I couldn’t stay in a negative mindset for long when I remembered the good things God has done in and through me. The fact that friends had accepted my invitation to spend time and money flying 1500 miles to attend IF:Gathering was cause for celebration. My “small beginning” with my traveling companions started almost 9 years ago when I invited them to join a Bible study to explore the Christian faith. Seeing how much they’ve grown is a testament to the way God uses small beginnings to bring big results. But this takes time; typically we don’t get the instant gratification we crave when it comes to matters of faith.

I wonder if you can relate to my feelings. Are you ever tempted to dismiss or discount a work of the Lord in your life? Do you ever feel like the part you play isn’t big or important enough? Some small beginnings lead to big things that are large in size—like Jennie Allen’s vision to start IF:Gathering. But other small beginnings lead to things that are big in value—like journeying alongside a few people consistently and helping them to grow spiritually over time. Taking the step of faith to respond to God’s prompting matters more than the size of what He’s calling you to do.

Is there something you’ve begun that’s stalling right now? Do you need to re-engage with that small group Bible study you’ve stopped attending? Or, is it time to reach out again to that neighbor you’ve been meaning to invite for coffee? Do you sense God stirring in you to mentor someone? Or is it time to ask a more mature believer to mentor you? What about starting that Bible study with your neighbors that you’ve been talking about for years? Or is it time to say “yes” to that invitation into leadership that seems like a big stretch for you?

Let this song we sang at IF:Gathering inspire you. Click here to listen to “God of Revival” by Phil Wickham.

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  1. Jennifer Rothschild, Take Courage: A Study of Haggai, Lifeway Press 2020, 60-61.