No Partiality

Continuing to break new ground in the early church, the Holy Spirit reveals the next stage of God’s unfolding plan in Acts 10.  This chapter pivots from Saul back to Peter, who has an unusual meeting with a Roman Centurion named Cornelius that heralds a significant shift in the early Church. When the Jewish apostle and the God-fearing Gentile meet face to face, there’s no doubt it’s been divinely ordained. Recognizing God’s hand at work, Peter explains what the Lord has shown him: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.” (Acts 10:34b-35, NIV)

Luke’s narrative continues, “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God.” (Acts 10:44-46, NIV)

“With one simple act, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter shows that in the kingdom of God there is no favoritism—the gospel is for everyone.”1 While we may see this story as a significant turning point in our Church history, it also has relevant application for believers today. Jesus’ brother James writes: “If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.” (James 2:8-9, NIV)

The call to love our neighbors as ourselves appears nine times in Scripture. However, there are moments when we opt out of this command and rationalize our choice to do so. While we may not like admitting it, none of us is without blind spots and unconscious biases. Rather than denying this, we can honor the Lord by asking Him to show us attitudes that dishonor Him and discount others. 

If we’re honest, there are certain people we avoid because of behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles that we dislike, disagree with, or find distasteful. Beyond obvious differences in race, socioeconomic status, or education, we also make more subtle judgements about others.

It’s natural for people to be drawn to those who are similar and to keep their distance from individuals who cause them to feel awkward, threatened, or uncomfortable. But when partiality shows up in those who follow Jesus, we must admit it and invite the Spirit’s guidance on making healthy changes. While it differs from person to person, here are a few examples that come to mind:

-People who hold different political views. That person who proudly supports a candidate, party, or issue that makes your blood boil is still worthy of God’s love. Jesus’ original twelve disciples included two who were polar opposites politically: “Jesus chose Simon the Zealot, a man who likely desired to forcibly remove the Roman government, and He also chose Matthew, a tax collector working for the Roman government. Both Simon and Matthew, though natural enemies, were part of the Twelve.”2 Two men with opposite political stances put aside their differences through a shared love of Jesus. Like them, we must keep our strong opinions in check and love people regardless of their political affiliations.

-People contending with issues that you don’t understand or haven’t experienced. Maybe it’s the parent of a child with a severe disability. Perhaps it’s a parent with a child struggling with sexual identity or gender dysphoria. Maybe it’s someone with an addiction or mental illness. Often people who are anxious, depressed, or in distress don’t have the energy for good social skills. Sometimes we find it easier to avoid those who have struggles that make us uncomfortable rather than listening, showing kindness, and seeking understanding. 

-People who seem shallow or disinterested in spiritual life. Perhaps there’s someone in your circle of acquaintances who prioritizes fun and socializing above all else. Maybe it’s a person who is always the life of the party or seems to lack depth of character. They hide their hurts and needs behind a broad smile, a boisterous laugh, and deflecting humor. When we judge and dismiss them, we’re keeping the Lord from using us to show them His love. 

-People who have made choices we don’t understand. Maybe it’s someone who leaves a spouse. Rather than reaching out to offer support, we hold back with subtle disapproval. Without knowing the story, we’ve already decided they are doing wrong. Instead of showing compassion or seeking understanding, our avoidance compounds feelings of loneliness or rejection they’re already experiencing; we alienate them from the supportive community of faith they need most.

When we’re quick to judge and draw conclusions based on what we see on the outside of another person, we’re displaying partiality. Maybe, like me, you fear that showing support communicates approval of sins. Perhaps you think withholding affection and warmth equates with maintaining high moral standards. Doing this means missing the opportunity to show God’s love when a person is struggling and feeling alone.

Although not everything described above equates with sin, most of us find certain sins more acceptable than others. But it’s important to remember that God sees all sin as worthy of death (Romans 6:23). We magnify other’s shortcomings and forget that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, NIV). This makes us prideful, condescending, and judgmental, overlooking Scripture’s assertion that “mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13b, NIV) We must humbly remember “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NIV) So, we’d be wise to take off the judge’s robes and leave that job to the Lord (Luke 6:37). God’s kindness leads to repentance (Romans 2:4) so, our passion should be to share His kindness without partiality. He doesn’t show favoritism, so let’s pray for eyes to see those we may be discounting that the Lord is calling us to love.

  • 1. Acts Part One: The Gospel Goes Out, The Village Church, 2019, 92.
  • 2.

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Bold and Gentle

Weaving through the crowd on my way to class was always an adventure in college. As I walked through the heart of campus, people milling on the main pathway peppered passersby with a barrage of requests. They called out asking us to sign petitions, offering tickets to movie screenings, and handing out pamphlets espousing political agendas. Some of them were annoying or aggressive, others were intriguing. But there was one person that always made my heart hammer with anger and embarrassment when he visited campus. He would stand on a stairway to the side of the walkway holding a hand-made sign that read: “Sinners: Repent or burn in hell!” As if that wasn’t jarring enough, he would shout harsh judgements at us based on Bible verses taken out of context. There was never a trace of love in his words.

Sometimes students would stop and engage in animated conversations with him; often they escalated into shouting matches. For me, as a follower of Jesus trying to be a light on my dark campus, this man’s presence was devastating. I feared people who knew I was a believer would lump me in the same bucket with him and that any chance of sharing the gospel would be ruined. His boldness and passion to share his faith lacked the balance of love and grace.

I thought of the importance of that symmetry when I read Priscilla Shirer’s words this week: “BE UNASHAMED—public and bold in your allegiance to Him.”Being bold, public, and unashamed doesn’t imply that we have license to be rude or aggressive as we show allegiance to Jesus. Peter explains: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” (1 Peter 3:15-16, NIV italics added) We need to engage others with respect no matter how strongly we disagree with their stances, especially in matters of faith. If we bait others or lash out with hurtful words, it’s unlikely they’ll be open to hearing anything we say. How we treat people matters as much as the words we say.

Imagine throwing a rubber ball against a wall. The harder you throw it, the more forcefully it bounces back at you. The same is true with our words. When our passionate feelings lead us to speak with anger, judgement, or harshness, it’s likely that’s what we’ll get in return. In the book of Romans, Paul tells us that God’s kindness is intended to lead to repentance (Romans 2:4). When we’re bold with our kindness to others, it’s more likely to soften the tone of their responses to us. It might even open the door for more genuine conversations about our faith.

In another one of his letters Paul says, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (Colossians 4:5-6, NIV) We need to think carefully before we speak, text, or post comments about sensitive topics. “Our words should impact our conversations for the better as we bring a different ‘flavor’ to our interactions, build others up, and share as well as defend the gospel.”2 The world already has an atmosphere that’s divisive and contentious. It doesn’t need harsh words from Christians making things worse. It’s important to consider others’ perspectives and not to stoke bitterness or animosity on purpose. Sarcasm and insensitive humor often alienate and marginalize. So, let’s demonstrate allegiance to Christ in a manner that is empathetic and filled with grace. 

Strong opinions and feelings often stem from personal experiences. If someone riles you with a viewpoint that you know opposes Scripture, take a deep breath and pray instead of reacting immediately. Anger and harshness often cover pain and hurt. Instead of responding with indignation, take the wisdom of James to heart: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” (James 1:19-20, NIV) 

Our world gravitates toward quick reactions and sharp retorts, but meaningful conversations that explore differing viewpoints rarely occur in this environment. It takes love, patience, and perseverance to show allegiance to Jesus in a way that will draw others to Him. 

If we want to be bold, we need to start by cultivating our relationship with the Holy Spirit “until His presence overflows in our actions, attitudes, and ambitions. His fruit and His gifts become outworked through our lives…His fire is what we need if we expect to live up to our calling and experience the freedom of serving others with selfless joy and real power.”3

What do others experience when they interact with you? What tone do you project as you speak, text, or post online? How do you treat people as you go about your day? Click here and listen to “Relate” by For King and Country and let it inspire you to be bold with your love but gentle and empathetic as you encounter those who think differently.

  1. Priscilla Shirer, Elijah, Lifeway Press, 2020, 175   
  2., “Why are we told to ‘let your words be seasoned with salt’ (Colossians 4:6)?”
  3. Priscilla Shirer, Elijah, Lifeway Press, 2020, 183

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