Take Time to Reflect

Logging onto my Facebook page, my emotions caught me by surprise as an old picture I’d posted appeared on the screen. Written above it was a heading saying, “Three years ago on this day…”Most of the time those memory prompts bring a smile to my face, but sometimes they make me sad. Last year on this day if I’d posted a picture on Facebook, it would have been one of me crumpled on the pavement after a bike crash. Or it could have been one of me sitting in the emergency room later the same day hearing from a doctor that I’d broken my elbow and wrist. (Thankfully, no one took photos to post of those two glorious events).

Although my memory of last May is not a happy one, it evokes tremendous thankfulness in me. First and foremost, I revel in the fact that I’m not in pain or hampered by having my right arm in a sling.  As I made my kids’ lunches today, I thought back to last year and remembered how little I could do on those first days after my crash. I felt weak and helpless and had no choice but to let others step in to support me with even the simplest tasks. I’m thankful not to be in that position now.

Yet with a year’s worth of perspective, I am also grateful for the ways God used that difficult time to teach me. Days before my crash, I had begun a new volunteer position as coordinator for a large women’s Bible study at church. I was adjusting to working with a team after several years serving in a solo role blogging for the ministry.  As coordinator, I knew I had to depend my team, but putting that into practice didn’t come easily to me.

Looking back, I see that God used my injury last year to prepare me for my new role leading the team. I think He wanted to remind me of the importance of the Body of Christ that is manifested through followers of Jesus:

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.  For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, NIV)

During the time I was recovering from my injury, God used many people to help me. They didn’t always do the things the way I did but I learned to appreciate the differences instead of being frustrated by them.  This prepared me to serve on a team with a variety of women who had a multitude of gifts and perspectives. I learned to trust them and to give them room to use their gifts and to follow God’s leading in their specific roles. Many times they thought of things that enhanced our ministry that had never crossed my mind.  Everyone would have missed out on what they had to offer if I had stifled their gifts or tried to do everything on my own.

During my recovery, I also discovered that trying to behave like a superhero is not a good idea. I learned to let people help me and to share my burdens instead of muscling through things on my own strength. I began to accept my weaknesses and to trust God to provide others that would compensate for them: That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10, NIV)

During this past year serving as coordinator I’ve realized that I have to trust God and let others help me. When I’m confronted with a problem or challenge, I recognize my limitations and seek wisdom from Him and insight from those serving alongside me.

I’ve also learned the value of trying “softer.” When I’m tempted to push through something difficult and force a solution, I’ve learned to step back and pause. Sometimes the wisest thing to do is nothing– to rest and wait for God’s timing instead of trying to force things on my time table. Pulling back creates space for rest, rejuvenation, and perspective.

We live in a culture that prizes self-sufficiency.  The value we place on individualism causes us to forsake community and to try and do it all on our own. Self-sufficiency often leads to pride and a false sense that we don’t need others or God. We gain an unrealistic view of ourselves and a lack trust for others. Sometimes, it takes a difficult circumstance to remind us that we need each other.

So what strikes you from my reflections?

  • Is there a past painful experience in your life that God wants to use to teach you?
  • Do you recognize the different gifts God gives to others?
  • Do you celebrate opportunities to see the ways the Body of Christ works as a whole?
  • Do you hold so tightly to individualism and self-sufficiency that you’re missing out on being in community?
  • Do you have weaknesses or hardships in your life right now that could be springboards for growth?

Summer provides a good opportunity to take a break from life’s hectic pace and to reflect on the places God is trying to teach you that you’ve been too busy to see. Why not take some time to be still and consider what God is doing in your life? Use Hillary Scott’s song “Still” to inspire you. And if you’d like to read more about what I learned last year, go to the “Archives” field on the right side of this page and select May 2016 and June 2016 from the drop down menu. The posts about this incident are entitled:

  • “When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong”
  • “The Myth of Self-Sufficiency”
  • “Productive Pain”
  • “Making Room for Margin”
  • “With Every Broken Bone, I Lived”

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” (Psalm 46:10, NIV)