My mom was the first person to explain the impact knowing Jesus could have on daily life. At the tender age of six, I was starting first grade at a new school in a new town. Each morning a lump would form in my throat and I’d fight back tears when it was time to leave for school. I dreaded being away from the comfort and security of my mom’s presence. My tearful departures didn’t let up until one day when she leaned down to hug me and said, “Even though I can’t be there with you, Jesus can. Just remember that He’s there holding your hand, no matter what.” Her words were such a comfort to me that my tears stopped flowing. Every day after that I’d plead, “Tell me again, mom. Tell me about Jesus holding my hand.” The angst I’d felt at the start of each day was gone.
My mom’s reassurance of Jesus’ presence was a small but significant way that she spread God’s kingdom on earth. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10) I think my mom knew that this prayer is about more than Jesus’ second coming in the future; it’s also about inviting Him into the present. Her reassurance didn’t change my circumstances, but it transformed my world. The knowledge that Jesus was right beside me gave me a sense of peace and security I hadn’t had before. My new perspective sustained me through the difficulty of our move and many other challenges in the years that followed.
God has empowered all believers to change the atmosphere on earth in this present time. Christine Caine explains, “Jesus didn’t save us to build a Christian subculture. He didn’t save us to hide from the world, avoid the world, ignore the world, fear the world, condemn the world, or judge the world. He sent us in to the world to love the world He created and loves so tenderly and fiercely… So to understand the kingdom of God we need to remember that a kingdom reflects the character of its king.” (p. 170 & 171)
Caine also explains “Through Jesus, God’s rule has already entered into our here and now, but it is not yet fully realized, as the fullness of His kingdom will not come until Jesus returns. As a result, we’re living in a period of ‘already and not yet.’” She then asks a penetrating question, “How are we to live in this time?” (p. 173)
Let me humbly offer a few suggestions for answering her question:
-Make Room for the Kingdom of God in Your Personal/ Daily Life: Commit to spending time in God’s Word and prayer daily. Be intentional about creating space in your schedule to be quiet before the Lord. If you think you’re too busy, ask God to show you what distractions you can eliminate that will free you up to draw near to Him consistently. (If you want tips for how to structure that time, see my blog “Rise to Rest.”)
-Make room for the Kingdom of God in Your Relationships: Your faith is personal, but that doesn’t mean it should stay private. Share with your family and friends about what you’re reading and learning in Scripture. Give them opportunities to ask questions. Cultivate spiritual dialogue in your close relationships so that it’s natural to talk about your faith, pray together, listen to Christian music, or offer encouragement based on biblical wisdom. (And be patient if they need time to warm up to this.)
-Spread the Kingdom of God in Your Community and Beyond: Ask the Lord to expand His kingdom through you and then be open to His prompting. Say “yes” to opportunities that allow you to rub shoulders consistently with others who haven’t heard the gospel. Purpose to flavor your surroundings with God’s love, wisdom, and grace. The efforts you make in your personal life, relationships, and community will expand the Lord’s Kingdom on Earth. You’ll be giving others a taste of His love and reflecting the character of your Heavenly Father. Author and theologian N.T. Wright explains:
“You are…accomplishing something that will become in due course part of God’s new world. Every act of love, gratitude and kindness; every work of art or music inspired by the love of God and delight in the beauty of his creation…every act of care and nurture, of comfort and support, for one’s fellow human beings…and of course every prayer, all Spirit-led teaching, every deed that spreads the gospel, builds up the church, embraces and embodies holiness rather than corruption, and makes the name of Jesus honored in the world—all of this will find its way, through the resurrecting power of God, into the new creation that God will one day make…what we do in Christ and by the Spirit in the present is not wasted. It will last all the way into God’s new world.”
My mom spread God’s kingdom on earth not just by sharing Jesus with me, but by discipling and mentoring many others over the years. In the past few months I’ve seen the evidence of her impact as cards and letters from many people have poured in. What a privilege it was to sit at her bedside reading them to her as she prepared to meet Jesus face to face. Looking back, I see she spent her life expanding His kingdom one person at a time. And I rejoice knowing that she’s experiencing the Lord’s kingdom in its fullness now that she’s home in heaven.
Christine Caine says, “We have been saved not only from something but for something: the work of the kingdom here on earth, the mission of the church.” (p.173) Will you commit to praying consistently for the Lord to use you to further His kingdom? Invest in your personal relationship with Him and then let it ripple out from there.
Rend Collective’s song “Build Your Kingdom Here” is one of my favorites. Listen and make it your prayer today.
As a bonus, I’m also including Natalie Grant’s song “Face to Face.” It captures my story describing walking hand in hand with Jesus until we see Him face to face.
Christine Caine, 20/20. Seen Chosen. Sent. Lifeway Press 2019.
N.T. Wright Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church, HarperOne, 2008, page 208.