Hearing the lock click in the door, I sat up in bed and squinted as light from the hallway streamed into the hotel room. Two women stepped inside, rolling their suitcases behind them. “Hi, I’m Marybeth,” I said as their silhouettes tiptoed past my bed. Surprised to find me still awake, they introduced themselves. It was an awkward albeit memorable way to meet someone for the first time. The whole day had been filled with making new friends as I’d traveled from California to Texas with a group of women from church. We had arrived in stages to attend IF:Lead in Dallas– a conference for women. Some in our group knew each other, but many were meeting for the first time. The common link between us was a shared love for Jesus.
Although the conference lasted only two days, it was loaded with inspiring worship, solid teaching, and impactful testimonies. Our group had a ball together and formed fast friendships. All of us had the same desire to share the incredible experience we’d had with others.
We returned to the Bay Area inspired and ready to begin planning IF:Danville, which would be modeled after IF:Gathering – a larger scale event happening in Dallas in the spring. In case you aren’t familiar with it, IF:Gathering was founded by author and speaker Jennie Allen. It is not only an event, but a ministry impacting people world-wide. Their goal is to put resources in the hands of women in the church to empower them to change lives.
The group that had attended IF:Lead got busy planning a local gathering. Over time, other friends jumped into the mix to help with organizing different aspects of IF:Danville. Each time we met to plan and pray, enthusiasm for the event gained momentum.
In February, we watched a simulcast of IF:Gathering in Texas and prayerfully chose the talks that would most resonate with our local women. Soon, the programming details fell into place. To make the video teachings more relevant, we asked women in our community to share their personal experiences with Jesus. We thought interviewing them would help others see how personal faith impacts daily life in relatable and practical ways.
The number of hours lovingly poured into preparations for this event was staggering. All of us couldn’t wait to see how God would inspire those who attended the event in mid-March. Although we were aware there was an unusual virus spreading rapidly around the world, we never dreamed it would impact our plans. It wasn’t until the final days leading up to IF:Danville that the threat of COVID-19 became personal.
I’ll never forget walking into the chapel the morning of March 11 for our final prayer time. The giddy excitement of the previous meetings had been replaced by a somber tone. With a heavy heart, our Women’s Ministries pastor shared the news that our event needed to be postponed indefinitely. County health officials had just announced gatherings over 50 people had to be suspended. Church services, Bible studies, youth groups, and mission trips were all being put on hold.
After hearing the news and shedding a few tears, we prayed together on our knees in the chapel. Despite our deep disappointment, we told God we trusted Him. We believed He’d show us what to do. At a time when people needed hope, we had it ready to share– it was just a matter of figuring out how to do it.
Over time, the Lord revealed a plan. With a bit of creativity and the blessing of technology, we were able to re-format the event to be shown online. So, I’m thrilled to announce this Thursday evening, May 14, will kick off the first of a three week series we’re calling IF:Danville at Home. Now we have the capacity to reach far more than the 400 women we’d planned to welcome to our church on March 13 & 14.
This week you’ll have the opportunity to hear inspiring stories about how Jesus walked with a teenage girl and a seasoned grandmother through some heartbreaking medical issues. We’ll discover how God used those hard situations to grow their faith deeper. Both will inspire you with their vision for loving others and being intentional about the legacy they’re leaving behind. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear a powerful teaching from Jada Edwards of IF:Gathering.
The IF:Danville team has spurred on my faith over the past few months and I’m thrilled that they can do the same for you. I hope you’ll join me virtually to be inspired through the interviews and teaching this Thursday at 8pm and on May 21 & 28. And I pray they’ll point you toward the hope found only in Jesus. Be sure to invite a friend who could use some encouragement right now too. For more information, click on the link below.