Don’t Float Adrift

Sitting in the driver’s seat, I waited as my husband backed the boat into the water. It was our first time out that spring and although a slight chill hung in the air, the brilliant sunshine heralded the approach of summer. Already envisioning the day of watersports that awaited, I turned the key in the ignition. I expected to hear the engine roar to life. Instead, I was met with silence. It didn’t take long to realize that the battery was dead. Before I had time to react, a light breeze pushed the boat away from shore and I found myself in a predicament: I had a dead engine and no paddle. 

My elation about the start of waterski season abruptly turned to panic. I’ve been remembering that unsettling feeling of floating aimlessly as I anticipate the end of my weekly Bible study. As much as I’m ready for a break in my busy schedule, I’ll miss the steadiness and predictability of meeting with others for study, prayer, encouragement, and fellowship. 

There’s something about having a workbook to complete and a group to meet with that helps me to stay grounded and in God’s Word regularly. If you’re like me, you may feel cast adrift when summer comes and you don’t have a set schedule or a group to hold you accountable.

Circling back to my story: on the day I was floating with a dead battery, my quick-thinking husband enlisted the help of another boat whose driver threw me a line and towed me to the dock. After hooking up the battery to a charger, the day was redeemed. So, if you’re feeling a bit forlorn about Bible study ending, think of this post as a line I’m throwing to lead you to a plan for recharging spiritually. There’s no reason for you to be floating adrift all summer.

Recently I’ve been energized by a shift in my routine that I’d love to share. My times with the Lord have been rich and have brought meaning and personal application from His Word without the need for a Bible study workbook. I’ve written this post to share what I’ve experienced so that it can be a resource you’ll revisit multiple times. I hope it equips you to study Scripture and find it accessible on your own. Maybe you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll want to keep doing it, whether you’re in a group study or not.

Start by committing to carve out a regular time to connect with God. Making it a daily goal will ensure it becomes a part of your schedule instead of a disruption to it. Ask Him to give you the time and desire for this—it’s a prayer He loves to answer. James 4:8 tells us, “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”

Make a Plan: First, decide what you want to study. You may want to choose a book of the Bible to read through (probably best to start with the New Testament).  A few shorter books with great themes are James, Philippians, Ephesians and Colossians. Reading through the Psalms is also an excellent option. You might consider alternating what you read each day, going back and forth between the New Testament and Psalms. Studying Psalms will tell you a lot about God’s character and will often put words to things you may be feeling. The New Testament books will remind you of what it means to be a follower of Jesus and will show you how to continue growing in your faith. Another option is to read through the different chapters suggested at the end of this post. 

Prepare & Invite: Before opening your Bible, take a moment to be still and prepare your heart to read God’s Word. Clear your mind and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Ask Him to give you a humble and responsive heart that will be transformed by Him. (If you’re like me, you’ll be tempted to skip over the preparations to get to the part where you’re actually“doing” something, but don’t fall for it!)

Read/ Observe: Slowly read the portion of Scripture you’ve chosen two or three times. Observe the basic facts. What did it mean to the people of the day when it was written? (If you have a study Bible you’ll find the introduction at the beginning of the book you’ve chosen and the notes at the bottom of the pages to be very helpful for providing this context). 

  • What does it tell you about God? (His attributes, desires, promises, commands)
  • What do you learn about mankind or yourself? (Does something in your life need re-alignment with God?)

Meditate: Focus on the parts that speak to you directly. If the chapter is lengthy, break it up into chunks to be read over several days. You can pick just one portion to read and then continue with the rest on subsequent days. Answer any of the following that apply:

  • What has connected to my heart or mind?
  • What is the passage really saying? How can I say it in my own words?
  • What can I adore God for because of this? What sins can I confess? What can I thank Him for? What petitions does it lead me to make for myself or others?
  • Why is God showing me this today?
  • How does God want me to respond?
  • What is one verse that stands out to me or that sums up the main point of this section?

Respond in Prayer: Talk to God about what He’s shown you through this text. Ask Him to reveal what He wants you to do. Wrestle with anything that challenges you or seems too daunting to apply to your life. Confess anything that convicts you. Ask for help to apply what you’ve learned.

A Few Practical Suggestions: The most effective way to do this exercise is to use a journal to write your answers. Copy down the Scripture passage or key phrases from it. Underline things that stand out to you.  Then, spend time meditating on the passage and responding to it by writing your thoughts. Use the questions above to prompt dialogue with God. Remember, the point isn’t to check this off your “to do” list for the day, but to spend time enjoying the presence of God and letting Him speak to you through His Word and through the quiet moments you’re spending with Him.

If you have a friend or two from Bible study, consider inviting them to make a commitment to have daily quiet times over the summer too. You can meet periodically to share what you’re learning. In between times, you can text, call, or e-mail to encourage one another with what you’re experiencing as you draw near to God.

Having a consistent quiet time will be something that will enable you to continue growing for a lifetime no matter what season you’re in.  In fact, the freedom and flexibility of summer is a perfect opportunity to try something new and different that will allow you to continue moving forward in your walk with God instead of floating adrift.. 

Listen to Jamie Kimmett’s song “Prize Worth Fighting For” and let it motivate you to spend time with the Lord consistently this summer.

My “All Star” list of some favorite New Testament Scriptures to meditate on in your quiet time:

  • Matthew 5, 6 & 7 (The Sermon on the Mount)                     
  • Mark 4             
  • Luke 12
  • John 15
  • Acts 2 & 17
  • Romans 8 & 12                                                                                                                       
  • 1 Corinthians 13
  • 2 Corinthians 4
  • Galatians 5
  • Ephesians 2 & 6
  • Philippians 3 & 4
  • Colossians 1 & 3
  • 2 Timothy 1 & 2
  • Hebrews 12
  • 1 Peter 1
  • 2 Peter 1
  • 1 John 4

*Inpsired by “What is a Quiet Time?” by Redeemer West Side Prayer Ministry. Oct. 2014. To read the full article, click here.

One thought on “Don’t Float Adrift”

  1. This was really helpful as it’s just how I was feeling this morning – what next in my Quiet Time? It also made me recall your book list from last year so I went on your blog archives and found it! Thanks!

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