Christmas Can’t Be Stolen

The high-pitched sound was impossible to ignore. Perplexed, I picked up my phone to silence it and saw an alert flashing on my screen. My heart sank reading the news–our county was being required to shelter in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. It’s feeling like March 2020 all over again, but this time we’re in the Christmas season. The virus continues to make us hold our plans loosely and to find new ways to connect with others and do our jobs. As the list of restrictions and limitations grows longer, it’s starting to feel like we could re-name Dr. Seuss’ classic book How the Pandemic Stole Christmas. The situation feels frustrating and out of our control. However, we still have a choice in how we respond.

That’s what came to mind as I read Kelly Minter’s commentary on the story of Joseph. The false accusations that landed him in prison probably left him feeling frustrated and out of control too. But in Genesis 41, we read about a stunning reversal as Joseph is set free from prison and placed second in command over all of Egypt. Thanks to his interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams and his wise stewardship during seven years of plenty, the Egyptians remain well-fed and prosperous as famine ravages the land. 

In Genesis 42 we see the famine also affects surrounding nations when Joseph’s brothers arrive from Canaan in hopes of buying grain. They appear before Joseph to make their request and he recognizes them immediately. The brothers, however, have no idea it’s him. In describing Joseph’s initial encounter with his brothers, Kelly Minter observes: “Even though [the brothers] had been living in the promised land of Canaan, their hearts don’t appear to have softened much, despite them having access to the God of their fathers. On the other hand, though Joseph had been living outside the land, he’d been dwelling in the presence of God.” (p. 84) Kelly emphasizes here that what matters most is how we respond to our circumstances and engage with God through them.

She continues, “You may be waiting for a difficult circumstance to change, but with Jesus in that place with you, the greater miracle is that you can be changed…Our physical location doesn’t determine our redemption story; He is our redemption story. So although some circumstances remain unchanging, our God remains too. The gift of Himself is the fulfillment of the promise. As we dwell in His presence, we experience life change whether we’re in Egypt [where we don’t want to be] or Canaan [where we do want to be.] Forgiveness, hope, redemption, and reconciliation can and will occur because He is with us. Circumstances do not achieve this. He does.” (p. 84-85)

So, what does this have to do with sheltering in place in 2020? Everything. So much of what we value and rely on has been stripped away from us. Favorite traditions and gatherings with friends and family probably won’t happen this year. Many people are isolated, depressed, anxious, and struggling financially. But here’s one thing that no shelter in place order can take away: God’s presence. This is at the heart of the Christmas season, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means ‘God with us’).” (Matthew 1:23, italics added.)

If you’re struggling to feel God’s presence during this seemingly unending season of difficulty, let the Lord’s words be an invitation to you this Christmas: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV) Use the extra time at home to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. In the absence of the usual stress and bustle of the Christmas season, embrace the opportunity to focus on the real meaning of all our celebrating.

The Grinch failed to steal joy from the residents of Whoville; COVID can’t steal it from us this Christmas either. Yes, it’s going to look a bit different this year. But what matters most remains as true today as it did in Bethlehem long ago: God became flesh and dwelt among us. He’s with us and that’s a hope we can cling to regardless of our circumstances.

Let Matthew West’s song “The Hope of Christmas” lead you to the heart of this season. 

Kelly Minter, Finding God Faithful: A Study of the Life of Joseph, Lifeway Press 2019.

Artwork courtesy of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss, Random House, 1957.