Looking at the realtor’s glossy advertisement, the house seemed to be brimming with potential. It sat on a quiet, tree lined street and was close to good schools for the kids we hoped to have one day. The floorplan was versatile and the large backyard had a panoramic view. But it was the price that initially drew us in. The numbers on the advertisement were far lower than any we’d seen in the area. It seemed too good to be true.
Touring the property with a realtor, my husband and I soon discovered the reason for the low price: the house had a cracked foundation. A large gash in the concrete slab was widening incrementally over time. The garage was shifting in the opposite direction from the house and would eventually pull away from it altogether. Assuring us that it was an “easy fix,” the realtor claimed the money we were saving with the low price would more than cover the repair job. With a bit more research, we learned that contractors hadn’t been able to determine the extent of the problem. They didn’t know if the house would have to be lifted so the deteriorating foundation could be replaced, or if the crack could simply be shored up. This meant estimates of the cost and the time it would take to fix it were rough guesses at best.
The more we thought about it, the less enthused we became. Buying a home on a faulty foundation just seemed like a bad idea. Wary of all the unknowns, we decided to pass on the opportunity and to keep looking. At that point, we learned that when something seems “too good to be true,” it probably is.
I’ve thought a lot about that house and what a metaphor it’s been for my adult life. With each decision my husband and I have made, our goal has been to build a solid foundation in both the physical and spiritual worlds. One of my favorite Psalms written by David captures this idea well: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God, he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” (Psalm 62:5-8, NIV)
I’ve returned to this Psalm again and again over the years. I’ve clung to its truth during times of sorrow and stress, especially when family members or close friends have had serious health issues. It’s also my “go to” Psalm when I’m feeling threatened and unsettled by unwanted change or overwhelming circumstances.
Over the last few posts I’ve been exploring different prayers from Scripture to see what we can learn from them. Psalm 62, however, is more of a pep talk than an actual prayer. It gives the key ingredients we can focus on when hard situations throw us off kilter. It reminds us where our attention needs to be so we won’t be shaken to the core. In a nutshell, it builds a framework to remind us how to engage God when we’re feeling off balance.
-Find Rest in Him: So often when we’re on unsteady ground we feel emotionally and spiritually depleted. We’re tempted to seek solace in things that lack substance and that ultimately leave us feeling unfulfilled. What’s your default when you’re off balance or running on empty? Stop and think about it for a minute. Do you anesthetize in front of a TV screen? Get lost in a good book? Scroll through social media? Look for an escape through a fun activity? Pour yourself a stiff drink? Eat an entire pan of brownies? Flip mindlessly through a magazine? Go on a shopping spree? Distract yourself with work and productivity? These things aren’t bad when practiced in moderation, but they’re distractions that only soothe you in the moment. None of them will sustain you with the deep rest and reassurance your soul craves. Before going to your usual default for comfort, spend some time with the Lord and ask Him for the grounding and rejuvenation you need.
-Remain Steady on the Solid Rock: The allure of wealth, power, financial security, education, social status, material possessions, health, and relationships makes them seem like reasonable foundations for our lives. With fingers crossed, we hope they’ll keep us steady and secure. And when they fail us, we’re shattered. Conversely, when we build the foundation of our lives on the Lord, He provides a rock solid steadiness that is firm no matter what storms blow through our lives. He provides a refuge and a resting place that withstands chaotic and uncertain times. When you’re feeling unsteady because something you hold dear is threatened, take heart remembering that your feet are firmly planted on the Solid Rock.
-Find Your Hope in Him: We often look for hope in things of the world–the promise of a happy home, a healthy body, a robust financial portfolio, a fulfilling career, or a significant relationship. Our hope rests in circumstances going according to plan as the future unfolds. These desires aren’t bad or wrong, but we’re treating temporary things like they’re of eternal significance. When we take refuge in the Lord, however, we find hope that is secure despite unpredictable circumstances. This hope encompasses something far beyond even the best things our broken world has to offer. That’s what Jesus explained as He concluded the Sermon on the Mount:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” (Matthew 7:24-27, NIV)
The next time you’re feeling unsteady or overwhelmed, use David’s words in Psalm 62 to regain your footing. Ask the Lord to help you find rest in Him. Thank Him for being your solid rock and firm foundation. Celebrate that your hope and security are grounded in Him and aren’t dependent on anything else. Even if your circumstances don’t change immediately, your perspective will
David’s words invite us to be defiant in the face of distress, choosing instead to focus on what we know is true about God. “Build My Life” is a song that captures this audacious hope. Prayers that center on God’s character remind us to rest secure on our solid foundation, no matter what. Listen to this version by Pat Barrett and make it your prayer today.