Looking Back, Looking Ahead

One of the first things we learn when driving a car is how to keep our eyes on the road ahead while glancing in the rearview mirror regularly to see what’s behind us. This makes good sense with operating a vehicle, but also with navigating our lives. Turning the page on my Advent devotional, I found a set of questions designed to reflect on the past twelve months and to prepare for the year ahead. The exercise didn’t take me long and brought some clarity to what I’ve experienced this year. So, before we charge into 2021, let’s take some time to do this together. I’ll share some of my answers if you promise to write your own at home too. (Maybe you can write one of your answers in the comments too, if you’re feeling generous.)

1) How did I see God at work in 2020?

As the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world, the Lord used it to slow me down and to help me see the noise and distractions that hinder my connection with Him. He’s teaching me to be more engaged in the present instead of always anticipating what’s next. I also saw God use the end of my mom’s life to develop more authentic relationships with my extended family members. Now, how did you see God at work in 2020? Take a minute to write your answer before you keep reading.

2) What has God taught me about His character?

He is trustworthy and always at work behind the scenes. When I’m feeling anxious or afraid, I’m learning to pray, “I trust you Jesus” and to lay my concerns before Him. Now, what has God taught you about His character this year? 

3) What has God taught me about myself?

My drive for efficiency and productivity often causes me to push past my emotions. Through the loss of my mom, I’m learning to acknowledge my feelings and to be honest about them with others. The Lord showed me that avoiding emotions causes them to leak out in ways that can be hurtful to others and harmful to me. So, what has God taught you about yourself this year? Take some time with this and be honest.

4) What was an unexpected joy this past year? 

My younger son launched to college and my husband and I became empty nesters. Although I braced myself for this significant life transition, it was actually much sweeter and more enjoyable than anticipated. With our kids thriving on their own, it freed us to enjoy our marriage and home in new ways. What was an unexpected joy for you this year?

5) What was an unexpected sorrow? 

Last year at this time I didn’t know my mom would be leaving us so soon. Her cancer diagnosis in July and passing in October were a lot to process in a short time. How about you? Was there an unexpected sorrow in your year?

6) What is one thing you’re grateful for in 2020? 

This year I’m grateful for the hope I have in Christ. Sitting with my mom at the moment she passed away made this more real to me than ever before. Looking beyond the obvious hardships of this year, what is one thing you can find to be grateful for in 2021?

7) What is one thing you’re proud of in 2020? 

I’m most proud of writing a new Bible study called Extraordinary Prayer: Using God’s Word to Expand Your Prayer Life. I’m grateful for the time and inspiration the Lord gave me to write it. What are you proud of this year?

8) What was the most challenging part of your year? 

For me, it was navigating care for my mom– first with COVID restrictions and then once she was diagnosed with cancer. Taking her to appointments, setting up hospice care, and acting as the point person for all things related to her was intense and draining. Additionally, I was the one communicating with medical workers, family, and friends. All the events around my mom were by far the most challenging experience of my year (and maybe of my life).  What was the most challenging part of your year?

9) What was the highlight of your year? 

For me, it was going to a deeper level in my marriage. Some of this came through sharing pure fun together—a beach vacation before COVID, lazy summer days waterskiing, hikes and bike rides. But much of it also came from sharing painful moments together, like sending our boys to college and realizing we are no longer in the active parenting phase.  Saying goodbye to my mom, shedding many tears, and sharing many prayers together also deepened our marriage. What was the highlight of your year?

10) What’s your prayer for 2021? 

Mine is that the Lord will use me to influence and impact others. I want to spread His kingdom for His glory and the good of other people. I pray He’ll use the Extraordinary Prayer Bible study to draw many hearts into a closer, deeper relationship with Him. I pray that God will continue to use me, develop my gifts, help me to steward my resources, and guide me in whatever 2021 holds.  What’s your prayer for 2021?

In Psalm 77: 11 & 12, the psalmist writes, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” Remembering the Lord’s faithfulness to us bolsters our trust in Him and spurs us on to continue seeking Him. Take some time to reflect on the past year and to prepare yourself for what’s next. You’ll be glad you did.

If you’re excited to share how God has worked, consider posting a comment so that others can celebrate with you.

*Questions for this post were inspired by the Advent 2020 devotional guide produced by shereadstruth.com.