Strangers Here- 1 Peter 1:13-25

Walking onto the high school campus that first day, I’d never felt more out of place. There was nothing I could do to blend in with the crowd or appear as if I belonged.  The color of my skin simply wouldn’t allow for it.

Although I’d been studying at a large university just ten miles away, the section of the city where I would be student teaching was a world apart.  I had no frame of reference to connect with the kids and I was profoundly aware of my status as an outsider. Although we lived in the same city, our cultures, past times, clothing, food, slang terms, and world views were completely different.

I knew my students were wary of me, but also a little curious. The chance to interact with someone from my background didn’t happen for them very often. And I knew that if I wanted to become a good teacher, I had to figure out how we could connect.

Over the course of my semester student teaching, I struggled to balance the tension of being an outsider while trying to engage with the kids in my classes.  Not all of them responded to my efforts, but by the end of the year, I had given them all I had to offer. I’d learned about myself and had grown as a teacher in the process.  I think those who gave me a chance learned a few things too.

I thought about that experience recently as I read the section of First Peter where Christians are admonished to live as strangers in the world.  Each translation of 1 Peter 1:17 says it a little differently, but the combination of several of them gives a complete picture:

Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.”  (NIV, italics added for emphasis)

And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile.”  (ESV, italics added for emphasis)

And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as ‘temporary residents.’” (NLT, italics added for emphasis)

Living as an outsider, a foreigner, an exile, or a temporary resident should not be a new concept to anyone who follows Jesus.  If we’re serious about being set apart for God, we won’t blend in with those who embrace worldly perspectives. Our focus on living biblically will inform our worldview, actions, choices and attitudes. We’ll hold loosely to this world because we know better things are yet to come.

Striking the delicate balance of remaining an outsider while finding connecting points with non-believers is key. Just like I had to find common ground with my students to earn their trust and respect, we must do the same to share the hope of Jesus with others.  As we seek ways to be culturally relevant, we must also be careful to live “in reverent fear,” recognizing that our love for God means not participating in behaviors that would dishonor Him.  It can be a tricky balance at times.  Peter gives clear instructions on this:

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.” (1 Peter 1:13-14, NIV)

Here’s what strikes me in this passage:

-We need to remain clear thinking in all situations.  No matter what people or circumstances we encounter, we should view them through the lens of God’s grace. Our hope is in Him, not in being liked or accepted by others. When dealing with non-believers, we should strive to be a greater influence on them than they are on us.

-We need to remain obedient to God, regardless of what others choose.  If we are in situations where people are embracing sin, we need to remember we no longer live “in ignorance” as they do.  When we have the chance to shed light on sinful perspectives and behaviors that people aren’t aware of, we need to speak up with gentleness and respect. The enemy uses many methods to lie to those in our culture.  We need to pray, asking God to give us words of wisdom and grace to share with those who are being misled because they don’t know any better.

-We need to remain holy and set apart in our actions and attitudes, but not in our proximity to non-believers.  Living in a closed-off Christian bubble and looking down on the world around us is not the point of this verse. We are strangers here for a season, so that we can share Christ with the fallen world that desperately needs His saving grace.

Living as a stranger makes some of us weary. For others, it causes us to feel like we’re missing out.  If you identify with either of these things, click on the link and be encouraged by “Strangers Here” by Tenth Avenue North.


Strangers Here- Women of the Word Part 6


How did Rahab feel standing on the plains of Canaan looking at the charred remains of Jericho? Her home had been reduced to rubble and all of her friends and neighbors were now dead. They’d trusted the thick walls of stone to protect them rather than submitting to the living God that led the Israelites. For six days the people of Jericho watched with a mix of fear and curiosity as the Israelites marched around the city’s perimeter carrying the Ark of the Covenant. They’d heard the stories about this mighty God, but Rahab alone had chosen to believe and follow Him.

Trusting the God of the Israelites had made Rahab a stranger in her own city. But when the walls came down on the seventh day of the Israelites’ marching, she faced a new challenge as a stranger in their camp. From an earthly perspective, she was an outsider in both places. In Jericho her faith in God kept her apart. With the Israelites, her status as a foreigner and a prostitute probably didn’t win her many friends.

The Bible doesn’t tell us the story of how Rahab integrated into their community. Beyond what’s recorded in Joshua, chapters 2 and 6, we have little information about her.  We don’t know how she and Salmon met or when they decided to marry. In fact, it’s not until we read the New Testament that we learn they had a child. Matthew 1:5 tells us that Salmon and Rahab were the parents of Boaz and the great great grandparents of King David. The genealogy continues through the centuries until it ends triumphantly at Jesus, the Messiah.

Still, Rahab had no idea she would end up in the family line of a great king and the Savior of the world. So why did she risk it all? Why did she abandon the people of her city? Why was she willing to accept its destruction? Why did she want to live among the ones who had obliterated all that she knew and loved?

The answer is simple, really. Rahab’s eyes weren’t on her earthly surroundings–they were on God. She told the Israelite spies: “The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” (Joshua 2:11b, NIV) She knew it was futile to fight against Him or to try and preserve her city and way of life. She held those things lightly in comparison with knowing and following the living God.

Long before the words of the New Testament were inspired, she exemplified the call for all believers to live as strangers in the world. We are simply travelers passing through this life on our way to something better. The apostle Peter urges believers saying: “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.” (1 Peter 1:13-15, NIV 1984 edition)

Peter reminds us to fix our eyes on Jesus and to be holy or “set apart.” Living this way means not placing our hope in worldly things like financial security, physical health, or even significant relationships and meaningful endeavors. The good things we experience in this life are blessings from God, but not our ultimate hope. Followers of Jesus know these things lack lasting value compared to the hope we have through Him. We hold them loosely, knowing they are only a small taste of the true joy, security and peace that await us.

Peter continues writing in this passage: “Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” (1 Peter 1:17-19, NIV 1984 edition)

Rahab lived as a stranger in reverent fear. She saw God’s power and let her awe of Him guide her choices. She knew what He had to offer was better than anything else. Her example inspires and humbles me. And it makes me wonder. Am I living a life set apart for God? Do I see myself as a stranger here? Do I hold loosely to worldly comforts and pleasures, or do I put my hope and security in them? Am I attaching myself too tightly to material possessions? Am I investing my time in things that are eternal or wasting it on frivolous activities with no lasting value? Am I like the people of Jericho, fortifying my earthly protections when I should be surrendering to the One True God?

Rahab became a stranger in her city when she chose to accept a God no one else acknowledged. And she was an outsider in the Israelite camp because she was a Canaanite. But she was never a stranger to God. He knew her, loved her and had a plan for her. He redeemed her life and then placed her in a family line that would ultimately produce the Redeemer of the whole world.

It couldn’t have been easy for Rahab. There were probably days when living for God meant being lonely.  Maybe she thought she would never belong anywhere. I think we can relate with her difficulties. There are days when it’s hard to be set apart. It doesn’t always feel good to live as a stranger in our world. It can be painful, lonely and uncomfortable. But God promises this is all temporary—which is why our hope is in Him, both for this life and the one to come.

Maybe you recognize the symbol in the photo at the top of this post. The “N-O-T-W” on my family’s bulletin board is a simple reminder that we are “Not of This World” –we were made for something more. The song “Strangers Here” by Tenth Avenue North also offers a great perspective on the joys and challenges of living set apart. Click on the link below and be encouraged:

Continue reading “Strangers Here- Women of the Word Part 6”