Stopping the Spiral with Silence

Shooting across the boat’s wake, my waterski accelerated faster than expected. Instead of slowing down to turn around the buoy on the slalom course, I found myself catapulting headfirst into the water. Resurfacing, I swam toward the boat, feeling a bit shaken by the crash. Over the days that followed, I felt “off” but couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was wrong. Lights and sounds seemed magnified and jarring. Multi-step tasks felt confusing and difficult. I was easily irritated and upset by things that normally didn’t bother me. Looking up my symptoms online I finally realized the truth: I had a concussion.

After a visit to the doctor, I cut back on my responsibilities and limited my time in places with lots of stimuli. Going to the grocery store was too much for me. I stopped listening to music and ceased multitasking. I had to monitor time spent watching TV or working on the computer or I’d become agitated and overwhelmed. I spent significant time daily lying down in a quiet, darkened room letting my brain rest and heal. 

Because I’d ignored the warning signs from my body during the first few days after my fall, I hadn’t given my brain quiet time to rest and recover. Bombarding it with constant inputs early on slowed the healing process, causing much of my life to be put on hold for two months.

I thought of that strange season as I considered the second weapon to fight negative spirals in our minds. In case you missed last week’s post, I’ve been working through Jennie Allen’s Get Out of Your Head: A Study in Philippians. The book identifies the primary enemies of our minds and the weapons God gives us to fight them. It’s been powerful using these tools to stop my downward spirals and toxic thoughts before they go too far. 

My last post covered the first enemy of our minds: self-importance. We learned that humility is the weapon God gives us to fight against it. The second enemy of our minds highlighted in the book is noise. Not surprisingly, the weapon to fight against it is silence. Take a moment and consider all of the inputs you receive on a given day: texts, e-mails, phone calls, social media posts, podcasts, TV, radio, news, magazines, and books. I haven’t even mentioned face-to-face conversations, meetings in person or on Zoom, interactions with cashiers, fellow customers, or restaurant servers. And what about the junk mail, phone messages, bills, and solicitations you process daily? Just writing the list makes me feel overwhelmed. No doubt, the number of inputs entering our minds on any given day is staggering. There’s a lot of noise bouncing around in our brains.

Most of us have grown so accustomed to the constant barrage of information demanding our attention, we don’t realize how deeply we’re being affected by it. Jennie Allen explains, “Recognizing our spirals and naming them is the first step in interrupting them. That’s why the enemy wants to fill our lives and our heads and hearts with noise. Because silence with God is the beginning of every victory. Stillness, solitude in the presence of God, is the basis of our strategy for interrupting all kinds of problematic thought patterns…In silence we get to rewrite that pattern while taking back the power He has given us.”

I think all of us could benefit from being more cognizant of the number of inputs we receive daily. We need time to step away from the noise and give our minds and souls a rest. One of my favorite verses reinforces this idea, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, NIV ’84)

We consume and process an endless supply of information. And these constant inputs make us weary and often leave us feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, and anxious. But when we take time to draw near to the Lord, we allow Him to silence the noise in our heads that distracts us from Him. Letting Him quiet our spirits gives our minds rest and reminds us of His sovereignty over all things.

In fact, God spoke directly to His people about this very thing through the prophet Isaiah. He chastised them for rejecting His wisdom: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isaiah, 30:15, NIV ’84) This passage explains that the path to salvation and strength is paved with repentance, rest, quietness, and trust. It also highlights how people often choose to ignore this truth. Sounds a lot like our culture today.

Jennie Allen suggests, “When you’re stuck in a downward spiral of discontent and distraction, get quiet. What truth will you shift your thoughts toward, in order to combat the lie that anything else can satisfy you like spending time with God?”

I love how David’s words highlight the first two weapons we’ve considered: 

“Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (Psalm 131:1-2, NLT) Humility and quiet stop negative spirals and lead us to peace and contentment.

Fight the constant noise in your life by pulling away for a few moments with the Lord. Monitor your inputs to stop the negative spirals that threaten to pull you downward. Let God realign your thoughts with the truth of His Word as you spend quiet time with Him. 

For some tips on good Scriptures to read as you spend quiet time with God, check out my recent post “Rise to Rest” by clicking here.

Jennie Allen, Get Out of Your Head: A Study in Philippians, Thomas Nelson Press, 2020, 62-63, 64

Weaving God’s Truth into Your Day

In her closing comments of Discerning the Voice of God, Priscilla Shirer urges us not to compartmentalize our faith, but to let it be woven throughout our daily lives. She says, “What you’ve read in your quiet time or heard from your pastor at church the previous Sunday is not disconnected from the happenings of a regular morning, afternoon, or evening. If you’ll consider Him throughout the day, even when it’s a busy one, He’ll weave it all together so you can know His will and ways—as long as you’re actively listening.” (p. 194)
One of the best ways I’ve found to keep God’s truth in the forefront of my mind throughout the day is by listening to Christian music. Priscilla comments, “As the worship music speaks of His attributes, I ponder the lyrics and allow them to lead me into personal worship. The music envelops me. I am both overwhelmed and encouraged by an awareness of His presence.”  (p. 184-285) And in the Psalms, David mentions music many times, including this prayer, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7 NIV)
For me, lyrics I hear continually shape my perspective and impact how I see myself and others. They help me to maintain a vertical focus on God and to let His ways inform my attitudes, actions, and choices instead of defaulting to my sinful human nature.
Looking back, I see that Christian music began steadily influencing me during a season when I ached with loneliness and longed to be loved and known. It was during my first year away at college. I’d chosen a huge, secular university filled with people who had diverse ideas and life choices. As much as I enjoyed being a student at the school, I felt like a tiny guppy swimming in a vast ocean. I longed to connect with true friends who shared my love for God and who would journey with me through the challenges college held. But finding and making like-minded friends took time—especially in the beehive of activity at a major university. To soothe my aching heart, I started playing an old cassette tape I’d brought from home. It was one of the few Christian albums I owned. Each night, I’d find solace from Amy Grant singing:
“In a little while we’ll be with the Father, can’t you see Him smile? 
In a little while we’ll be home forever, in a while
We’re just here to learn to love Him, we’ll be home in just a little while
Days like these are just a test of our will, will we walk or will we fall?
Well, I can almost see the top of the hill, and I believe it’s worth it all.”
I would drift off to sleep with those words of comfort filling my mind. Throughout the day, I found reassurance remembering them—especially when I faced difficult circumstances or felt tempted to wallow in loneliness.
Since that time, the options for good, Christian music have expanded considerably. And, not surprisingly, I associate many songs with different seasons in my life when I needed hope, encouragement, or direction. 

When our niece lost her battle cancer at the tender age of two, songs like “Your Love is Life to Me” by FFH and “Every Minute That I Breathe” by Jana Alyra helped me to trust God and to recognize that hope in Him stretches into eternity. Life on earth is only a shadow of what’s to come. And when my dad went home to heaven a few years later, it was Amy Grant’s rendition of “This Is My Father’s World” that soothed me with the reminder of God’s sovereignty:
“This is my Father’s world/ Oh, let me never forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong/ God is the ruler yet
This is my Father’s world/ Why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is king, let the heavens ring/ God reigns, let the earth be glad.”
It was Francesca Battistelli’s song “This Is the Stuff” that helped me to keep my perspective when our simple home remodel went sideways and became a source of painful, but necessary, spiritual refinement. And Matt Maher’s “Hold Us Together” prompted me to thank God for the people who rallied to support my family during that difficult season.
Christian music hasn’t just buoyed me in hard times, but has broadened my understanding of Scriptural truth and showed me how to apply it in my daily life. Rend Collective’s “Build Your Kingdom Here” deepened my understanding of the part of the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” I’d never fully understood that God meant for me to participate in bringing more of His kingdom to earth before hearing that song. Similarly, Jason Gray’s song “With Every Act of Love” inspired me with tangible examples of how my actions could further God’s kingdom every day. Josh Wilson’s song “Pushing Back the Dark” instilled me with the courage to shine the light of God’s love in secular environments. It also inspired me to accept the invitation to lead a Bible study for women exploring faith.
Listening to Christian music isn’t a replacement for reading Scripture or praying, but a way to reinforce God’s truth as we go about our days. Song lyrics playing in our minds can give us hope, encouragement, perspective, and words for our prayers. They help us to keep the right focus in a world filled with distraction and discouragement. 
In the book of Zephaniah, we’re reminded, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, NIV ‘84) Do you let God rejoice over you with singing regularly? You’ll find it much easier to include Him in your day when you do.
I often include a song at the end of my blog posts– now you know why. If you’ve never taken the time to listen to one before, then today is your day! I’ve posted my current favorite: “Build My Life” sung by Pat Barrett. The lyrics have become a regular prayer for me. Why not let them do the same for you?
Priscilla Shirer, Discerning the Voice of God, Lifeway Press, 2018.