Seven Histories

So far in our study of Revelation, we’ve covered seven letters of warning and encouragement to seven churches, seven seals opened for followers of the Lamb, and seven trumpets heralding the beginning of God’s judgement of earth dwellers. Now, it’s time to buckle your seatbelts, put your tray table in its upright and locked position, and get ready for some turbulence as we do a flyover of John’s description of seven histories in Revelation 12:1-15:5.

Jen Wilkin explains “the term history is used by commentators to mean ‘narrative’ or ‘description’ versus something that happened in the past. The seven histories form a chronology (or timeline) of events that have happened, are happening, and will happen.” (p. 84) Symbols and imagery with multiple interpretations fill these histories, so we’ll try to stick with what’s clear from the text.

The First History (Revelation 12:1-17):

In John’s vision, “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.” (12:1, CSB) The pregnant woman, on the brink of giving birth, cried out with labor pains as a fiery red dragon with seven heads, ten horns and seven crowns “Stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth it might devour her child.” (12:4b, CSB) She gives birth to a son “who is going to rule all nations with an iron rod.” (12:5b, CSB) This vision includes past and future realities. “The twelve stars refer to the twelve tribes of Israel. So the woman in Revelation 12 is Israel… While it is true that Mary gave birth to Jesus, it is also true that Jesus, the son of David from the tribe of Judah, came from Israel. In a sense, Israel gave birth—or brought forth—Christ Jesus.”*

In the vision, John sees the dragon thrown out of heaven and identified as “the devil and Satan, the one who deceives the whole world.” (12:9b, CSB) With the enemy let loose on earth, a voice from heaven warns “Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you with great fury, because he knows his time is short.” (12:12b, CSB) Here we’re reminded and reassured that the enemy’s days are numbered, and that God has already secured the victory. We live in the tension of being saved and set apart by the blood of Christ, but still impacted by sin and harassed by the enemy, as John describes: “So the dragon was furious with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep the commands of God and hold firmly to the testimony about Jesus.” (12:17, CSB)

The Second History (Revelation 12:18- 13:10):

John’s vision continues by describing a beast with ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns coming up out of the sea and “on its heads were blasphemous names.”(13:11b, CSB) Jen Wilkin’s guide to symbols tells us horns symbolize power, victory and strength; heads symbolize authority; crowns symbolize rule and sovereignty (p. 211). As the description of this beast continues, it becomes clear it is the Antichrist who is given authority by the dragon, Satan, and worshipped by the whole earth. For three and a half years the beast is “permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. It was also given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation.” (13:7, CSB) The beast has a fatal wound on its head that has been healed and the whole earth is amazed by this and worships the beast. Only those “in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered” refrain from worshipping the beast. (13:8b, CSB) John ends by admonishing followers of Jesus: “This calls for endurance and faithfulness from the saints.” (13:10b)

The Third History (Revelation 13:11-18):

John’s vision continues with “another beast coming up out of the earth: it had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast on its behalf and compels the earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.”(13:11-12) The addition of the second beast completes the “unholy trinity” that includes the dragon and the first beast. Notice the ways the three imitate the Holy Trinity: the dragon poses as the Father, giving authority and power to the other two; the first beast imitates the Son—it has a fatal wound that is healed and is worshipped by people; the second beast copies the Holy Spirit by performing signs and wonders and pointing people to worship the first beast. (Even writing this comparison makes my stomach churn.) The second beast “makes everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of its name…is 666.” (13:16, 17, 18b) Jen Wilkin’s number chart helps us to understand this as the number of man—it represents rebellion and the unholy trinity of the dragon and the two beasts. (p. 210)

You’ve probably heard about the mark of the beast before but may not have realized it’s just another place the enemy imitates and cheapens the things of God. The mark copies the Lord’s instructions in Deuteronomy 6:4-8 where He tells the Israelites to bind His commandments on their foreheads and hands. Pastor Matt Chandler explains, “It’s about ideology and action, when we’re talking about the mark of the beast, we’re talking about internal character made manifest in behavior.” He then quotes GK Beale who says, “The forehead represents ideological commitment and the hand the practical outworking of that commitment.” We show whose mark we bear by what we think and how we behave.

Remember, in Revelation 7 we learned servants of God already have a seal of ownership and protection on their foreheads from the Holy Spirit? The mark of the beast isn’t given in love, but to assert domination through controlling the economy. It isn’t received with gratitude, but out of fear of not being able to buy or sell goods. The mark of the beast is just another cheap imitation from God’s original design and a tool for the enemy to deceive people. Fear of temporary discomfort leads earth dwellers to take a mark that has eternal implications: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is poured full strength into the cup of his anger…There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or anyone who receives the mark of its name.” (14:9b, 10a, 11b)

The Fourth History (Revelation 14:1-5):

John’s vision shifts to a more encouraging focus in his fourth history where he sees “the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.” (14:1) Despite the persecution, destruction, and chaos caused by the enemy, Jesus is still the one with ultimate authority. He stands victorious with those He has redeemed.

The Fifth History (Revelation 14:6-13):

Next, John describes three angels who call out to the inhabitants of earth. The first urges people to “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgement has come.” (14:7b) The second declares that “Babylon the Great has fallen,” indicating that the corrosive effects of sin and worldliness are coming to an end. The third angel differentiates between those who have received the mark of the beast and those who have the seal of God. Those who have worshipped the beast will be doomed to eternity “tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb…There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image or anyone who receives the mark of its name.” (14:10b) Those who endure, keep God’s commands, and their faith in Jesus will “rest from their labors, since their works follow them.” (14:13b) Those who remain true to the Lord will have endured hardship for a season but will enjoy the fruit of their faithfulness for eternity.

The Sixth History (Revelation 14:14-20):

John’s vision continues as he witnesses “one like the Son of Man” seated on a cloud wearing a golden crown and holding a sharp sickle. An angel urges Him to use His sickle and reap the harvest of the earth. This scene provides echoes of Jesus’ own words describing His return: “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” (Matthew 24:30-31, NIV)

A second angel calls for a second reaping of unrepentant souls that will be thrown “into the great winepress of God’s wrath.” (14:19b) (This vision of the “grapes of wrath” inspired lyrics in Julia Ward Howe’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic”  and John Steinbeck’s title for the novel The Grapes of Wrath.)

The Seventh History (Revelation 15:1-8):

This has been a lot of material to absorb but stay with me, we’re landing the plane soon. Next, John says, “Then I saw another great and awe-inspiring sign in heaven: seven angels with the seven last plagues; for with them God’s wrath will be completed.” (15:1) Those faithful to God stand on a sea of glass mixed with fire singing “the song of God’s servant Moses and the song of the Lamb.” (15:3) Seven angels come out of the heavenly temple and receive seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God. John’s vision repeats a similar scene from Exodus 40:35 where Moses cannot enter the tabernacle because it’s filled with the glory of the Lord. “Then the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.” (15:8) Glass mixed with fire reminds us of the refining fires of our faith that Peter describes in a passage that has encouraged me when I’ve felt alone or ostracized because of my faith: In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:6-7, NIV)

Final Thoughts

John urges us to keep what we’ve heard from Revelation. I’m struck by the contrast between those who follow the crowd by worshipping the beast and receiving his mark and those who remain righteous and set apart. It’s a clear reminder that going with the flow for the sake of temporary comfort and convenience isn’t worth eternal suffering. Believers have been set apart but will experience trials before the end when God makes all things right. For now, we need patient endurance that doesn’t focus on short term hardships but long-term faithfulness resulting in great joy when we spend eternity with our almighty, just, and incomprehensible God.


Jen Wilkin, Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom, Lifeway Press, 2024.

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Matt Chandler, “Revelation: Earthly Battle- Week 7” sermon, The Village Church, March 22, 2021. Available on YouTube by clicking here.

Seven Trumpets

We’re heading into some intense chapters of Revelation in the next few posts, but don’t lose heart. Remember that this book is meant to encourage believers and reveal God’s perfect love and perfect justice.

John’s vision continues in Revelation 8:2-11:19 where he describes an angel approaching the golden altar and offering the prayers of the saints who have been slaughtered for their faith. The angel takes an incense burner filled with fire and hurls it to earth. This prompts seven angels to blow trumpets one at a time, beginning the next phase of God’s wrath by unleashing a recapitulation of several Egyptian plagues described in Exodus 7-12. Pastor Mason King explains the seven trumpets as a window into the mercy of God toward those who have yet to repent and believe in Jesus.

Judgement rains down with an increased impact and intensity on all three domains of creation: the heavens, the waters, and the earth. While the first four seal judgements from Revelation 6 affect one-quarter of the created domains, the first four trumpet judgements of Revelation 8 affect one-third. The Lord’s justice requires atonement for sins and avenging of martyred saints, but He demonstrates mercy by giving the unrepentant additional time to humble themselves and turn to Him before the final judgement.

With the first trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood burn up one third of the earth. As the second angel blows his trumpet, “something like a great mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the sea,” turning a third of the sea to blood, killing a third of the creatures, and destroying a third of the ships. (8:8b CSB) The third angel blows his trumpet and a great star called Wormwood falls from heaven onto one-third of fresh waters causing them to become bitter and deadly. You may recognize Wormwood as the name of the junior demon in C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters who is tasked with corrupting and distracting his Christian “patient.” Perhaps bitter waters symbolize the pervasive spread of bitterness toward God among hard-hearted people on earth. Maybe this explains why “The rest of the people, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent.” (Revelation 9:20a, CSB)

The blowing of the fourth trumpet affects the heavenly realm, causing one-third of the sun, moon, and stars to darken and a third of day and night to be without light. This brings to mind the short and frigid days of a place like Alaska in the dead of winter. For anyone who craves natural light, this would be brutal.

Next, an eagle cries aloud “Woe! Woe! Woe to those who live on the earth, because of the remaining trumpet blasts that the three angels are about to sound.” (Revelation 8:13b, CSB) What follows is an unsettling description: “The fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. The key for the shaft to the abyss was given to him. He opened the shaft to the abyss, and smoke came up out of the shaft like smoke from a great furnace so that the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft. Then locusts came out of the smoke on to the earth.” (Revelation 9:1-3a, CSB) Led by the destroying angel of the abyss, called Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek, the locusts represent demonic power and suffering being loosed on humanity.* They are held back from harming all vegetation but given permission to inflict pain on people who do not have God’s seal on their foreheads. The Lord limits Apollyon’s power to five months and forbids him from killing anyone. Again, this is God’s mercy—preventing physical death so more people have time to repent and be saved from eternal separation from Him.

The sixth trumpet unleashes more destruction: “A third of the human race was killed by these three plagues—by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur that came from their mouths.” (Revelation 9:18, CSB) Sadly, “The rest of the people, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands to stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see, hear, or walk.” (Revelation 9:20, CSB) Although believers are sealed and saved, we still need to heed God’s conviction of sin. We may not worship statues, but what about material things or wealth? Could greed be a form of worshiping gold and silver? Could our fixation on beautiful homes, cars, or possessions be a form of worshiping idols of wood, metal, and stone? We must be willing to let the Lord reveal sin and quick to confess and repent.

The list of practices the unrepentant refuse to relinquish continues: “And they did not repent of their murders, their sorceries, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.” (Revelation 9:21, CSB) While it’s easy to point the finger in blame or judgement, where might we be actively disobeying God or passively accepting worldly practices and attitudes that lead to sin? Do we consider vulnerable people and children whose dignity is stolen while making inexpensive products we consume? Let’s stop and ask ourselves where we, as a followers of Jesus, might be complicit with collective sin. As God convicts us, let’s consider how we can stand up for those being exploited. (See below for some practical ideas.)

Revelation 10 and 11 pause from the trumpet judgements as John describes a mighty angel with a rainbow over his head giving him a little scroll to eat. The angel says, “Take and eat it; it will be bitter in your stomach, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.” (Revelation 10:9b, CSB) Jen Wilkin asserts that God’s justice is both bitter and sweet. He does not delight in putting the wicked to death but must bring justice to the souls of faithful martyrs.

Next, John receives a rod to measure God’s temple interior and to count those who worship there. He’s instructed to exclude the outside courtyard because it will be “given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.” (Revelation 11:2b, CSB) During this same three-and-a-half-year period, two witnesses reminiscent of Moses and Elijah will continue to prophesy, to display supernatural abilities, and to bear testimony to God’s power. Like Christ, they’re killed by people who they offend but resurrect three days later. They ascend to heaven while a violent earthquake causes a tenth of the city to fall and seven thousand people to die. Those fortunate enough to survive give glory to the God of heaven.

Revelation 11 closes with the seventh trumpet blast and the twenty-four elders falling facedown before the throne of God in worship proclaiming, “We give you thanks, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. The nations were angry, but your wrath has come. The time has come for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to your servants the prophets, to the saints, and to those who fear your name, both small and great, and the time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth.” (Revelation 11:17-18, CSB) God’s temple in heaven opens and the ark of the covenant appears with lightning, thunder, earthquakes, and hail.

These chapters remind us that God is still sovereign, even as our culture rejects Him and moves further and further away from all that is right, good, and true. As His followers, let’s continue to pray that He will build His kingdom and dominion on earth through us. Let’s stand apart by actively repenting of sin and sharing our hope in Christ with others. Let’s pray that those who are bitter or unrepentant will experience God’s love through us and choose to follow Him now and into eternity.

Want to learn more about people being exploited and how you can fight for them?

Check out the incredible work being done to protect vulnerable people all over the world by International Justice Mission by clicking here.

Learn how New Day for Children is helping child survivors of human trafficking in the U.S. by clicking here.

Read Beneath the Seams, a social impact novel by Peyton Roberts, and learn about people being exploited to produce inexpensive “fast fashion.” Click here for more information.

*Pastor Mason King sermon “Seven Trumpets,” The Village Church, March 8, 2021

Jen Wilkin, Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom, Lifeway Press, 2024.

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Life in the Kingdom

If you’ve ever watched a show and taken a break between seasons, you know the value of the recap after the opening credits that says, “Previously on…”

Since we’ve had some time off, let’s do a quick review of where we left off in From Beginning to Forever by Elizabeth Woodson. Here are the highlights of Session 4 “A Divided Kingdom”: Joshua leads the Israelites into the promised land; judges rule over Israel until the people demand a king. Saul becomes the first king but loses God’s favor when he disobeys Him. David becomes the next king and, although he commits some major sins, he shows repentance and seeks God’s heart. Solomon succeeds David as king and is wise and wealthy, but unfaithful to the Lord by marrying Gentile women and worshipping their false gods. Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, becomes king and the kingdom splits in two—Israel to the north and Judah to the south. Disobedience to God causes both nations to be taken captive and exiled at different times—the northern kingdom of Israel in Assyria and the southern kingdom of Judah in Babylon. After exile, those from the southern kingdom return and rebuild the temple and walls of Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah. The Jewish people continue to struggle with disobedience and worship false gods in the years that follow. (Phew–we just covered a lot of ground!)

This week, we circle back to the same time period to examine the wisdom literature of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs and all of the major and minor prophets in the Old Testament. These twenty-two books teach us what it means to live as people of God “during the in-between moments of joy, sorrow, anger, and celebration.” (Woodson, 98) With so much rich content in Elizabeth Woodson’s book, let’s pull out some key points that prompt personal reflection, soul searching, and prayer.

Job: Living in obedience to God doesn’t mean we avoid pain and suffering. The wisdom offered in the book of Job focuses on how we respond to hardship.  “Job’s story taught Israel, and also teaches us, that righteousness and suffering are not contradictory but two sides of the same coin.” (Woodson, 100) Often in our culture today, we see pain, hardships, challenges, and trials as “bad” because we’ve been taught to prize comfort and ease. But through Job and others in Scripture, we see pain and hardship are tools God uses for ultimate good.

Our reflex is to avoid pain or to numb ourselves in the midst of it. But, what if, instead of turning away, we leaned into it? What if we asked God what He wanted us to learn from it or how He wanted to reveal Himself through it? What if, instead of being angry or offended when we go through trials, we counted them as joy, just as James encourages us to do: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4, NIV)

Psalms: The 150 songs written by a variety of authors including David and Moses “don’t rush past emotion but give space for our gamut of emotions to be felt and expressed before the Lord…Whether the psalmist was expressing bitter sorrow or exuberant joy, he was ultimately leading the reader to worship the Lord. The life of flourishing is one fully engaged in the worship of God, even during the hardest seasons.” (Woodson, 101)

Is worshiping God the first response you have in difficult times of life? Do you believe true flourishing comes from obeying the Lord? If so, how has your life shown this to be true?

Proverbs: The thirty-one chapters of Proverbs show us “how to live God’s way in God’s world…[but they are] principles, not promises.” (Woodson, 103) Proverbs sets up contrasting ways to live—the way of wisdom or the way of folly. It shows that “Only by following Him can we be formed into the kind of people who experience true flourishing in His kingdom.” (Woodson, 104) If we want the blessing and benefit of living within God’s kingdom, our focus needs to be on aligning with His will, not expecting Him to do things our way.

What practices have you incorporated into your daily rhythms that keep you walking the path of wisdom and aligning with God’s will? When you veer into folly, what safeguards do you have in place to bring you back into the way of wisdom?

Ecclesiastes: This book’s author, Solomon, had all that life could give any one person—wealth, power, relationships, and wisdom. Yet, he “realized that ultimate meaning was not found in possessions, intellect, or experiences but in God.” (Woodson, 105)

Where are you prone to seek ultimate meaning in life other than God? What distracts you most from spiritual pursuits? How might the frustration, disappointment, resentment, fear, or hurt that you experience be an indicator that you’re seeking fulfillment in something other than the Lord?

Song of Songs: This series of love poems reveals a flourishing, vibrant relationship between a husband and wife. Elsewhere in Scripture we see that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. Intimacy, mutual submission, and willingness to serve one another reveal love on many levels.

How has our culture cheapened the sacredness of marriage and sexual flourishing? How are you tempted to buy into the “low view” of marriage as a legal contract instead of a holy covenant?

The Prophets: The seventeen books of prophecy that make up the last chunk of the Old Testament were written by “covenant enforcers” to urge the Israelites to “obey the covenant, reminding them of the blessings that would come from obedience and the curses from disobedience…They spoke of consequences but also gave Israel encouragement, reminding the people of the hope of their promised King.” (Woodson, 107) Prophets warned the people to return to God when they strayed before they were exiled, encouraged them to trust God and not lose hope during exile, and urged them to stay on track once they returned to Judah. In every season of Israel’s history, the prophets admonished the people not to engage in social injustice or idol worship. “God showed His patience through the message of the prophets, giving the Israelites a long time to repent and return to living as His people in obedience to the covenant. But He was also faithful, upholding the promises of judgement He made to Israel, even as far back as Moses.” (Woodson, 110)

In our culture, we are often quick to reject words of conviction or correction and react to the concept of God’s judgement by feeling offended (It’s not that different from the Israelites’ reaction to the prophets). We live in a period when truth is relative and based solely on feelings and opinions. But our choices to ignore God’s Word impact us and others. As my pastor likes to say, “sin splashes.” If we’re following Jesus, we need to be open and responsive to conviction. Rather than hiding our sin or making excuses, we need to follow the example of David and see confession and repentance as an opportunity to restore a right relationship with the Lord: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24, NIV) We need the wisdom and discernment to stand firm in a culture that tells us right and wrong are based on personal preference.

Do you float with the current of popular culture without considering where it differs from God’s ways? Do you know where you’re vulnerable to sin? Are you open to conviction and willing to be held accountable?

With so many questions in this post, one or two might have poked at you and made you uncomfortable. Consider stopping to pray and admit your feelings of conviction to God. Invite Him to speak to you and ask for His help to obey Him where you’ve veered off course. His mercies are new every morning and He’s always ready to hear your heart and help you realign with His.

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Elizabeth Woodson, From Beginning to Forever: A Study of the Grand Narrative of Scripture, Lifeway Press, 2022.

Three Aspects of Walking Worthy

Although the words in Paul’s letter to believers in Ephesus were penned two thousand years ago, they contain rich relevance for us today. Filled with wisdom on a wide array of specific topics, he shows us how to walk in a manner that’s worthy of our calling as God’s beloved children (Ephesians 4:1). As one commentary explains, “Christian living requires certain and specific actions. The Christian faith is not a passive religion; it is an aggressive pursuit of the productive and beneficial.”

Ephesians 5 touches on specific actions that have a profound impact on our pursuit of Jesus. Let’s look at three topics from this important book that show us how to walk worthy of our calling.

Sexual Purity: “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people.” (Ephesians 5:1-3 NLT)

Continuing one of his themes from chapter 4, Paul reminds believers here that we’re meant to live differently from the world in regard to sexual practices. We’ve thrown off our old selves and have been made new in the attitudes of our minds. Our hearts are no longer hardened or ignorant about sin. (4:18-24). In Christ, our habits, behaviors, and attitudes about sexual activity set us apart from the world because we have a “new nature” (4:24). Rather than taking our cues from popular culture, personal feelings, physical urges, or worldly influences, we seek the wisdom of the Bible as our guide. 

Of course, with the steady influence of the world, it’s still easy for believers to fall into misguided views on this topic. When we avoid hard truth in Scripture and float with the current of popular culture, we’re bound to make compromises when it comes to sex. Rather than being deceived or confused by current practices, let’s stand solidly on the wisdom of God’s Word that has remained unchanging for thousands of years. We need to open our Bibles and allow God’s truth to buff away the callouses of the world that desensitize us to sensuality and lust. Let’s stop normalizing habits of mind and body that ultimately damage our souls and our relationships. 

This is a sensitive topic that may make you uncomfortable. Will you invite the Lord to speak into your life around your views and practices regarding sex? 

Speech and Language: “Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God.” (Ephesians 5:4, NLT) As with sexual practices, Paul continues his discussion from Ephesians 4. He explains language believers should avoid: Foul, abusive, obscene, foolish, coarse. He also lays out what language they should use instead: Good, helpful, encouraging, thankful (4:25-32).

Foul language has become pervasive in our culture. We’ve been desensitized by hearing it used frequently in media and by public figures. Because humans are prone to social contagion, we unconsciously mirror what we see and hear. The prevalence of swear words and harsh language used in casual conversation has become commonplace, even among followers of Jesus. Choosing to be intentional about preventing obscene and foul language from polluting our vocabularies sets us apart from the world. Being deliberate about speaking words of encouragement, kindness, and gratitude differentiates us and shows we’re walking in a manner worthy of our calling as followers of Jesus.

Have you allowed the world to influence the way you talk? Consider spending time with the Lord and inviting Him to search your heart and show you any behaviors, tendencies, or vocabulary that you need to confess. Let His cleansing mercy free you to walk unfettered by sin and to live worthy of your calling. 

Drinking Alcohol in Excess: “Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:17-18, NLT)

Paul compares two different elements that have the power to control a person’s mind and behavior: alcohol and the Holy Spirit. The effects have vastly different results. One commentary explains, “Getting drunk leads to a loss of self-control; being filled with the Spirit leads to more self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). We cannot be controlled by both alcoholic spirits and the Holy Spirit at the same time. When we choose to ingest mind-altering substances, we are effectively choosing to give ourselves over to the control of something other than the Holy Spirit.”2  

Some believers avoid alcohol altogether while others drink in moderation. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, the Bible is clear that getting drunk isn’t harmless fun—it dishonors God, causes us to lose our inhibitions, and often leads to further sin. In a culture that celebrates and focuses on alcohol consumption, we need to be thoughtful as believers about how we handle this challenging topic. Let’s walk worthy of our calling, following the wisdom of Scripture: “Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 CSB)

How might you be acting thoughtlessly when it comes to alcohol? Do you drink to numb negative emotions? Is alcohol your source of courage or relaxation? Is it the main ingredient required to have fun? What are you modeling for your kids or grandkids? Will you pray and invite God to speak into your views and habits around drinking and let Him renew your mind wherever you’ve gotten off track? (Romans 12:1-2)

Paul addresses many hard topics in Ephesians 4 & 5. While some of his words may cause conviction or discomfort, his purpose is to show us how to mature in our faith and avoid hindrances to our growth (Hebrews 12:1-2). His wisdom is for our good and God’s glory. “So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.” (Ephesians 5:15-17, NLT) 

If one of these topics brought the discomfort of conviction, don’t miss the opportunity to seek the Lord in prayer. Lean into your loving Heavenly Father, be honest with Him and confess where you’re struggling. He’s there to forgive you and guide you onto a better path that will bless you and honor Him.

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Inspired by Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes and Melissa Kruger, Lifeway Press, 2024

  • 1. Klyne Snodgrass, The NIV Application Commentary: Ephesians, Zondervan, 1996 as quoted in Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Perry, Holmes and Kruger, 133.
  • 2. Got Questions Website

Grieving the Spirit

Isn’t there something magical about a campfire under the stars? Wood crackles and pops as flames dance on a cool, dark night. The light draws people to gather and enjoy the warmth. It creates a sense of connectedness among those who savor the glow together—especially on a chilly evening. 

For the past few years I’ve enjoyed participating in this nightly ritual on our church’s annual mission to Mexico. One year the temperatures were especially cold, so gathering around the campfire was even more enticing. At the end of each evening, the only way to encourage the students to return to their tents was to douse the flames. As buckets of water poured out, steam hissed, rising with plumes of smoke from the quenched fire. Once the water extinguished the flames, everyone scattered to seek warmth zipped inside tents and nestled in sleeping bags.

This image brings to mind the Holy Spirit, often characterized as fire in the pages of Scripture. Acts 2 provides the most obvious example of this: “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1-4, NIV)

Although we no longer see actual flames on our heads, followers of Jesus still have the fire of the Holy Spirit living within us. And just like a campfire, we can stoke the flame of the Spirit, or squelch it. That’s why Paul includes such specific and clear instructions in Ephesians 4 for how to walk worthy of our calling. He says: “And don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit. You were sealed by him for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30, CSB) Paul makes a similar statement in another one of his letters: “Do not quench the Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19, NIV)

These statements astound me– as frail humans, we have the capacity to sadden or squelch God’s Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. When we walk aligned with the world, the flesh, and the devil instead of in a manner worthy of our calling, we make Him sorrowful, distressed, and heavy-hearted. Author and pastor Megan Fate Marshman explains “Grief is the recognition that something is not as it should be.” It is an “appropriate response to things being out of alignment with God’s plan.”1

Ephesians is a book about unity—first between God and humans, then between Jews and Gentiles—all made possible through Christ’s sacrifice. So, we grieve the Spirit when we choose to break that unity with God and others by sinning. This is why Paul lays out many specific instructions for walking worthy of our calling. 

So, how do we do we avoid grieving or quenching the Spirit? “Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” (Ephesians 4:31-32, CSB)

Honoring or grieving the Lord has everything to do with how we live—our mindsets, the choices we make, and the way we treat others. That’s why Paul covers so many topics in Ephesians 4 including our sexual practices, our choice to be truthful and trustworthy, and how we speak to one another. The passage above shows that bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander, and contempt have no place in the lives of authentic followers of Jesus. Instead, we’re called to be kind, tender hearted, and forgiving.  We’re urged to reject evil and embrace good. 

While I could list many examples and scenarios to illustrate these principles, I think your time would be more wisely spent inviting the Lord to search your heart to make this personal. Consider re-reading Ephesians 4 slowly and asking Him to show you if there are ways you’re grieving or quenching His Spirit. Give God permission to reveal any attitudes or perspectives you’ve adopted from the world that dishonor Him. Let Him shine a light on your behavior toward others that grieves His heart. 

As the Lord brings specific sins to mind, confess them to Him and cancel permission for the enemy to use them as an access point in your life any longer. Command any darkness or evil to leave and invite the Holy Spirit to come and expand His presence in your life.2

 There’s no way to succeed in walking worthy of Christ by trying harder on our own; we were never meant to do that. Thankfully, with the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts through faith, we have unlimited access to all the help we need. 

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  • 1. Megan Fate Marshman, Relaxed: Walking with the One Who Is Not Worried about a Thing, Zondervan, 2024.
  • 2. Inspired by Tim Hughes’ sermon, “Are You Hungry?” Park Hill Church Podcast, August 6, 2023. Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Inspired by Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes and Melissa Kruger, Lifeway Press, 2024

Walking Worthy

My prayers often include two requests of the Lord: “Show me what You want me to know and show me what You want me to do.” Ephesians often gives answers to both questions. As I’ve been studying it, I keep coming back to chapter four. It includes so much practical wisdom for how God calls us to live. 

In this chapter, Paul shifts from explaining doctrine about God and our standing with Him to describing what it looks like to practice our faith in daily living. Once we understand the grace we’ve received at Christ’s expense, it causes us to live with gratitude for the One who paid it all. Paul starts by saying: Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope at your calling.”(Ephesians 4:1-4, CSB) 

Paul’s instructions here aren’t meant to be a list of do’s and don’ts for followers of Jesus. They aren’t rules that keep us in God’s good graces, but heart postures that show our love for Him. Not only do they reveal our desire to live in a way that honors Him but they illuminate God’s character to others who we encounter. Let’s break down Paul’s wisdom in the first half of chapter 4 and explore how we can apply it.

Walk Worthy of Your Calling:  With lives rooted in Christ, we’re meant to bear fruit that reveals the presence of the Holy Spirit. We don’t react in the flesh and let our emotions get the best of us. Instead, we let God’s Word guide us to wise responses that honor Him. When we’re tempted to think another person is the problem, we stop first and examine ourselves. We seek to respond in a way that’s worthy of our calling in Christ so we can reveal His presence in our lives. 

Always be Humble and Gentle: Being humble means setting aside pride and not viewing ourselves as superior to others. As followers of Christ, we never forget we are sinners saved only by grace. Because we’ve received God’s forgiveness, we’re aware of our pitiful state without Him. Remembering this keeps us from becoming self-righteous and condescending. Humility causes us to be gentle—mild, moderate, and kind rather than harsh or severe in our demeanor and actions. Humility and gentleness stand in opposition to the brash, arrogant, and combative ways the world tells us to react.

Be Patient, Bear with One Another in Love: As followers of Jesus, we’re called to remain calm and understanding when faced with frustrating behavior in others. Instead of focusing on their faults, we stop and remember how much God loves us despite our shortcomings. This makes us more apt to be patient with challenging people. Additionally, choosing to love keeps us from letting frustration magnify the faults of others. Patience allows us to remain calm, empathetic, and loving instead of short-tempered and harsh.

Keep United in the Spirit, Bound Together with Peace: Through the bond of the Holy Spirit, believers seek to stay united with one another. Because we have peace with God through Christ, we’re equipped to seek peace with one another. This reflects Jesus’ heart for us: “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” (John 17:20-21, NLT) God’s intention is for the unity of Christ-followers to prompt others to believe in Jesus. Striving for peace and unity with one another reveals Christ to a cynical world. 

Pursue Spiritual Maturity: Paul continues by explaining that God provides evangelists, apostles, pastors and teachers to equip believers “for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness.” (Ephesians 4:12b-13, CSB) We aren’t meant to stay stagnant but to keep walking forward in our faith; we continue pressing on to know God more intimately and to serve Him more faithfully. As we do this, we grow deeper in our love for Him and our understanding of His goodness. This means we will “no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit.” (Ephesians 4:14, CSB) 

When we walk worthy of Christ, we reflect God’s deep love for us. Paul urges us to embrace the beauty and unity that come from following this wisdom: “But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ. From him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part.”(Ephesians 4:15-16, CSB)

What is one area addressed in Paul’s instructions that might be worth examining in your life so that you can continue walking forward in your calling? Is it asking the Lord to increase your humility and gentleness? Praying for more patience to bear with others in love? Pursuing peace and unity with fellow believers with whom you differ? Growing in spiritual wisdom and maturity so you’re not tossed around by different perspectives and worldviews? Using your gifts to bless and build the body of believers? Consider prayerfully re-reading Ephesians 4 and inviting the Lord to show you one area He wants to transform in you.

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Inspired by Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes and Melissa Kruger, Lifeway Press, 2024.

Believe You Belong

When was the last time you read a children’s book? What I love best about a well-written story for kids is the way it taps into relatable truth for all ages. With silly rhymes and whimsical illustrations, one of the all-time greats at doing this is Theodor Geisel, more widely known as Dr. Seuss. Using fantastical creatures in imaginary settings, this beloved author plays on our heartstrings and gently pricks our consciences as he highlights different aspects of human nature.

You’re probably familiar with his most popular books like How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Cat in the Hat, but one of my favorites is a lesser known one called The Sneetches and Other Stories. The title story describes creatures called Sneetches who spend their time roaming on beaches. There are two kinds of Sneetches: Star-Belly and Plain-Belly. Star-Belly Sneetches think they are superior to Plain-Belly Sneetches and the story opens by describing the division between them:

“When the Star-Belly Sneetches had frankfurter roasts 
Or picnics or parties or marshmallow roasts,
They never invited the Plain-Belly Sneetches,
They left them out cold, in the dark on of the beaches.”

Maybe you can identify with the Plain-Belly Sneetches. You know how it feels to be an outsider or an outcast. Overlooked. Inconsequential. Perhaps, like me, you’re having flashbacks to seventh grade or freshman year in high school. Or maybe there are still times you struggle feeling like you don’t fit in (which I can also relate to, by the way).

That’s one of the many reasons I’m excited to dive into the book of Ephesians this fall. In six power-packed chapters the Apostle Paul urges us to understand how putting our faith in Jesus opens the door for us to be adopted into the household of God. Being grafted into a holy and eternal family regardless of our background means our identity and value aren’t based on our pedigree, but on the unmerited favor of God expressed through Christ: “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.” (Ephesians 1:7-8, NIV) When we grasp the deep significance of God’s grace, we can live like we’re loved, regardless of our place in the world.

The first three chapters of Ephesians describe who we were apart from Jesus and who we’ve become through Him. Chapter 1 explains how God chose us and marked us with the Holy Spirit. Chapter 2 reminds us who we were in the absence of Christ: “excluded, foreigners, without hope, without God, far away, separated from God, alienated, strangers, outsiders.” Contrasting this grim reality Paul then describes the identity of those who have accepted Christ: “fellow citizens, members of God’s family, reconciled to God, having access to the Father, a holy dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (These lists include words from several translations.) Only Jesus’ death and resurrection make this dramatic change possible. Ephesians 3 takes us further by describing the abundant spiritual inheritance we have as members of God’s family, the blessings we receive through Christ, and the vastness of God’s love for us.

While Paul’s opening chapters solidify our new identity in Christ, the second half of Ephesians shifts to show us how to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling” we’ve received. (Ephesians 4:1b, ESV) With practical and specific wisdom, he explains the importance of recognizing our spiritual gifts and using them to continue maturing in our faith. He illustrates the significance of believers joining together so they can reveal Christ to the world. Paul gives instructions for how to “live as children of light,” (Ephesians 5:8b, NIV), how to relate to others, and how to carry out our responsibilities as believers.

Paul’s letter ends by reminding us of the spiritual armor available to all believers. He charges us to “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (Ephesians 6:10, NIV) He urges us to recognize our true adversary is not other people, but the devil and “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12d, NIV)

Discovering who we are in Christ changes how we see ourselves and relate to others. Look at how a new identity changes the Plain-Belly Sneetches after they ride through a “star on” machine:

“Then they yelled at the ones who had stars from the start,
‘We’re exactly like you! You can’t tell us apart.
We’re all just the same, now, you snooty old smarties!
And now we can go to your frankfurter parties.”

While they’re a bit more brash than we’re called to be, the Plain Bellies’ new identity boosts their confidence and gives them a sense of belonging. Attending frankfurter parties may not be the pinnacle of joy and belonging for you, but understanding your unconditional acceptance into the family of God should change everything. Feeling like an “insider” or an “outsider” in the earthly realm becomes inconsequential in the light of God’s great love for us.  

I can’t wait to unpack this life-altering truth with you in upcoming posts. (I’ll be working through Ephesians using a study guide written by Jackie Hill Perry, Melissa Kruger and Jasmine Holmes. Click here if you’d like to order a copy.)

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Dr. Seuss, The Sneetches and Other Stories, Random House, 1961. Click here to read “The Sneetches” by Dr. Seuss

Strengthened with God’s Power

Recently I returned from a mission trip in Mexico. The week away from the normal comforts of home was both exhausting and inspiring. Our group adapted to riding on bumpy local buses to and from our worksites, doing manual labor without power tools, camping in tents, bathing with solar showers, and even using port-a-potties with a rather pungent aroma. But there was one comfort of home that most people couldn’t do without: cell phones. While they were used mostly for taking photos and communicating with family back home, they appeared to be the one convenience that was indispensable.

My first year on the trip, I was fortunate enough to be on a worksite with a foreman who had a truck and a phone charger. I never had to jockey for position at a power strip in camp during the few hours the generators were running. I remember scurrying to his truck one evening to plug in my phone. When I returned later, I was disappointed to discover that it hadn’t charged at all. A quick investigation revealed that the cord had been unplugged to make room for a different type of charger. I just hadn’t noticed in my haste. No matter how long my phone remained plugged into that cord, it was worthless without a power source.

And what is true for our all-important technology is even more essential in our spiritual lives. We simply can’t function well when we’re not consistently connected with our power source, God. Jesus describes this in John 15: ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, NIV) Maybe the twenty-first century version would sound like this: “I am the power source, you are the device. If you remain plugged into me, you will have the everything you need to fulfill my purposes; apart from me you can do nothing of spiritual significance.”

Paul writes a prayer about this very idea in the book of Colossians: “We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.” (Colossians 1:9b-12, NIV, italics added)

The prayers offered in this passage show the value and necessity of staying plugged into God. As we do that, we receive wisdom and understanding from the Spirit so that we bear fruit and grow, continually strengthened with His power so that we have endurance, patience, and joy.

As summer approaches, most of us look forward to a break from our regular routines. We anticipate the ease of a relaxing vacation at the beach, hiking mountain trails, or experiencing new cultures traveling abroad. Leisurely days with family, reading a book, or finally tackling projects on our to-do lists sound inviting after the rigors of the year.

What is unfortunate, however, is that for many of us a break from gathering for a large-group Bible study also equates with a break from our spiritual lives altogether. This is like hoping the charge on your phone will last throughout the summer without bothering to plug it in. It won’t.

So before you kick up your feet and revel in the newly opened spaces in your schedule, why not plan how you’ll stay connected to your power source during the break from your usual Bible study? Need some suggestions? Well, I’m glad you asked. Read all the way to the bottom before clicking on any of the links for more info. (Clicking on colored and underlined words will link you to more information about the specific titles or websites suggested below.)

  1. Choose a new devotional to read daily. Read and study the Scriptures referenced in it. Take the time to absorb and apply what it says.  Here are several I’d recommend:

2. Choose a book of the Bible and keep a journal. ESV Illuminated Scripture Journals work well for this. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, 1,2 & 3 John would all be great options. After each chapter, stop and answer these four questions:

  • What does this teach me about God
  • What does this teach me about myself?
  • What do I need to do as a result of reading this passage?
  • What character qualities do I see in God displayed in this passage? (Questions adapted from Finding I Am by Lysa TerKeurst)

3. Choose a Bible study to go through or finish a Bible study workbook that you didn’t complete during the year. Invite a few friends to do it with you and schedule times when you can meet during the summer to discuss what you’re learning. Text or e-mail each other in between meetings so you can spur each other on.  Here are several I’d recommend:

4. Read a book to gain deeper insight and biblical perspective from a trusted Christian author.  Here are a few I’d recommend:

5. Listen to podcasts filled with biblical truth, wisdom, and inspiration. Here are a few I’d recommend:

6. Subscribe to an online study or devotional from one of your favorite Christian authors. You can start by subscribing to this blog if you don’t already. I’ll be posting throughout the summer. Log onto my website, look at the right side of the screen and you’ll see the heading “Subscribe to Blog Via E-mail.” Fill in your e-mail address and click the “subscribe” button. Be sure to confirm your subscription the first time you receive an e-mail from my website. 

Whatever ideas you decide to try, make it a priority to continue engaging your faith. My prayer is that you’ll stay plugged into Jesus and Scripture during the summer months with the same consistency that you charge your electronic devices. Happy summer!

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Making Holy Week Personal

Let’s push the pause button on talking about When You Pray as we prepare our hearts for Easter. As one of the most significant times of the year for Christians, Holy Week marks the final days of Jesus’ pre-resurrection life on earth. As we observe each unique event, Jesus’ actions provide some powerful examples for us to follow. Let’s examine three of them and see how we’re called to respond.

Maundy Thursday- The Call to Serve Others

The gospels tell us that Jesus gathered with his disciples in an upper room of a home in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover meal. You may remember that this special dinner commemorated God’s faithfulness to the Jews as they fled from Egypt under Moses’ leadership (see Exodus 12 if you need reminder). Ironically, the disciples had no idea Jesus was about to serve as their ultimate Passover lamb the next day when he would be crucified.

Scripture tells us that as the disciples enjoyed the meal, Jesus got up, removed his outer clothing, wrapped a towel around his waist and began washing his disciples’ feet one at a time. Despite the fact that he was their teacher and the most revered person at the table, he humbled himself, taking on the role of a servant.

When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. ‘Do you understand what I have done for you?’ he asked them. You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.’” (John 13:12-17, NIV)

Jesus’ directions to his disciples were simple, but not easy: they were called to live as humble servants, putting the needs of others ahead of their own. Those following him today are called to the same thing. We do this as an act of love and obedience to God, whether others appreciate it or not. Jesus promised that we would be blessed by living this way.

Good Friday- The Call to Sacrifice Our Agendas

A few hours after the Passover meal and before he was arrested, Jesus pleaded with God as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He dreaded the fate that awaited him:

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will’…He went away a second time and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done’…So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.” (Matthew 26:39, 42, 44, NIV)

The “cup” Jesus referred to here was a symbol the deep sorrow and suffering he would experience as his Father’s faced turned away from him while he bore the penalty for the sins of the entire human race.  Despite knowing the physical, emotional and spiritual pain that awaited him, Jesus surrendered to God’s plan of redemption, put aside his own will and submitted to death on the cross to save the world from sin.*

Like Jesus, we’re called to sacrifice our agendas for a greater good. Then [Jesus] said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.’” (Luke 9:23, NIV)

Each time we choose to put aside our will and submit to God’s, we are fulfilling the call to deny ourselves. Doing this requires that we are intentional about praying and asking God to give us strength and guidance for the daily choices we make, both small and large.

Easter Sunday- The Call to Share the Good News

 On the third day after his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the grave, conquering death forever more. He appeared to his amazed followers and told them to share the good news of his resurrection and his message of salvation with the rest of the world.

 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’ After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” (John 20:19-22, NIV)

Just as God sent Jesus to the world to free it from sin, Jesus sent his disciples back into the world to share this tremendous news with others.

Our Response

 It’s not easy to follow Jesus’ example. Serving others, sacrificing our personal agendas and sharing the good news aren’t things we can do consistently on our own strength. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or inadequate, don’t forget the fact that Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit and promised us peace. Through the Spirit, we have everything we need to walk as Jesus did. Start today by praying and asking the Spirit to equip you with exactly what you need. Once you realize he is the key to fulfilling these calls, you’ll never try to do it without him again.

*Comments about the cup in the section on Good Friday were adapted from the Zondervan NIV Study Bible, 2008 updated edition, page 1512.

*This post was originally published in March of 2016 entitled “Inspired by Holy Week.”

Your Kingdom Come

Almost every morning I start the day reading the Bible and praying. Typically, I end my time by asking the Lord to use me to bless others, to build His kingdom, and to bring Him glory. Some days it’s obvious when He’s answering this prayer, but it isn’t always convenient or comfortable. 

In the first chapter of the Bible study When You Praycontributing author Kelly Minter says, “Whether we pray to be noticed or don’t pray so we aren’t noticed, both have to do with fear of people instead of reverence for God.”She then asks us to consider settings where we might avoid prayer out of concern for what others think.

A recent memory came to mind when God answered my morning prayer with an unexpected prompting. It was one of those times when my heart started pounding because I knew what He wanted me to do, but I didn’t want to do it. I was enjoying a fun morning playing Pickle Ball with a large group of women. Some I knew well, but many were new to me. Some were followers of Jesus, others weren’t. I’d joined the group hoping to meet people and have opportunities to show God’s love, but hadn’t envisioned Him leading me to be quite so bold.

On this particular day, a woman I barely knew arrived late and sat waiting to play as others chatted around her. Although typically soft-spoken, she seemed more subdued than usual. As the group began to disperse she remained planted in her spot; even when another friend and I were the only ones left, she seemed in no rush to leave. Without a fourth person to play a game, we laid our paddles aside. But instead of saying goodbye, we asked if she was okay and then sat in the shade listening as she opened up about frustrations and struggles that were overwhelming her. 

Brushing away the tears from her cheeks, she apologized for being emotional and picked up her paddle to leave. Although she’d come to play Pickle Ball, it seemed clear what she really needed was support and encouragement. My heartbeat quickened as the Holy Spirit reminded me of my prayer that morning. After a few minutes of mental grappling, I couldn’t ignore the pounding of my heart any longer. The prompting of the Holy Spirit overrode my fear and, having no idea how she’d react, I heard myself saying, “This might sound weird, but can we pray for you before you leave?” To my surprise, she agreed without hesitation. Eying my friend who sat listening with me, I took another risk and asked, “Do you mind if we lay our hands on you?” Nodding yes, she bowed her head as we scooted in closer to rest our palms on her shoulders.

I don’t remember exactly what I prayed, but my fear about what she would think vanished. I asked God for His intervention with her specific circumstances, but I remember praying more that she would feel His peace, love, comfort, and presence.  After saying “amen” we chatted for a few more minutes with no trace of awkwardness or discomfort between us.  She thanked us and moved on with the day seeming lighter than she’d come.

A few weeks went by before I saw her again and had the chance to ask how she was doing. Between games I sought her out. With the background noise of women chatting and the ball popping against paddles, we stood on the sidelines as she recounted how each issue had resolved. Pausing mid-sentence, she interrupted herself and said, “Wow, now that I think about it, I guess your prayers were answered.” 

I had asked God to use me that morning and He teed up an opportunity. Imagine what my new friend and I would’ve missed if I’d ignored the Spirit’s prompting instead of risking to pray for her. I wish I could say I’m always that bold, but I’d be lying. However each time I’ve responded to the Spirit’s gentle but insistent nudging, my faith has grown and someone else has been blessed in the process.

The Disciples’ Prayer (also known as the Lord’s Prayer) taught by Jesus starts with “Our Father in heaven, your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9b-10, CSB) I used to think the phrase “your kingdom come” was all about the future when Christ returns. I didn’t understand that every follower of Jesus has the opportunity to bring God’s kingdom to earth every day. Theologian Dallas Willard explains, “The kingdom of God is the range of his effective will: That is, it is the domain where what he prefers is actually what happens.”2

So, when we obey the promptings of the Spirit we’re carrying out His will–we’re bringing a little bit more of His kingdom to earth at that very moment. Shining His light into the darkness, we’re taking back territory from the enemy. That’s one of the many powerful ways prayer works.

I’ve been learning how to pray and practicing it for all of my adult life. Scripture gives us the keys to unlock understanding God’s will so that we can pray with boldness and confidence. When we’re aligned with His Spirit, we have access to His unlimited power. Tapping into that power requires us to try engaging God in new ways, stepping out of our comfort zones, and trusting Him. Prayer isn’t so much about asking the Lord to do what we want as it is about opening an ongoing dialogue with Him. As we draw near to Him and align our hearts with His, He speaks to us in a variety of ways. It may be through the Bible, circumstances, other people, His creation, silence, or song lyrics, to name a few. (You can learn more about this by reading How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig.)

Over the next few months we’ll delve into the deep wisdom of six teachers who will help us unpack prayers in the Bible that can transform the way we engage with God. During this season, consider choosing one practice to add to your daily rhythm that will expand your experience with prayer. Here are few ideas:

  • Commit to practicing the prayer prompts in When You Pray instead of skipping over them to save time or mental energy.
  • Start your day with a few minutes of silence and becoming attuned to God’s presence. Invite Him to speak to you throughout your day.
  • Start and/or end your day with a time of meditation on God’s Word and quiet prayer. If you’re not sure what to do, try using an app like Lectio 365 (created by Pete Greig– the author mentioned above).

I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store to grow us deeper in our walks with Him.

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  1. Kelly Minter, When You Pray, Lifeway Press 2023, 18.
  2. Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy, Harper Collins-Books, 399.